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Iran to Unveil 8 New Drugs Tomorrow


Dec 8, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran to Unveil 8 New Drugs Tomorrow

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran announced on Monday that it will unveil 8 new types of hi-tech medicines used for treating various kinds of diseases tomorrow.


"Haemophilus influenza vaccine which can be applied for preventing children's meningitis, new-formula Factor 8 for hemophilia patients and Herceptin used for treating breast cancer are among the medicines to be unveiled tomorrow," Iranian Deputy Health Minister for Research and Technology Mostafa Qaneyee told FNA on Monday.

He said that the FSH hormone for treating infertility, PTH hormone for treating the parathyroid gland and bone disorders, PegGcss drug for hematopoiesis after chemotherapy, Etanercept drug for treating swollen joints and Leuprolide drug for treating prostate cancer and in some cases in treating infertility will also be unveiled on Tuesday.

Iran has taken wide strides in science and technology, particularly in medical and medicinal fields, in recent years.

Iranian Health Minister Marziyeh Vahid Dastjerdi announced earlier this month that Iran is now able to synthesize 15 kinds of radiomedicines inside the country, stressing that the achievement was made due to the efforts made by the country's nuclear scientists.

"Due to the efforts made by the Iranian scientists and the nuclear scientists martyred (by the enemies), we have 15 radiomedicines in our country which are vital for providing diagnosis and treatment services to the patients, specially cancerous patients," she said in a ceremony in Tehran at the time.

Also, in January, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a ceremony in Tehran unveiled 6 new types of home-made medicines used for treating various kinds of diseases.

The Iranian president unveiled 2 new types of drugs and 4 types of raw materials for treating osteoporosis, hemophilia and neurological, skin and muscle diseases and breast cancer.

Iranian scientists had also in 2011 managed to produce a new type of anti-cancer drug using the venoms of reptiles like snakes and scorpions.

"After several years of research and studies on a combination of snake and scorpion venoms, the anti-cancer drug was produced in Iran," Abbas Zare', the Director of the Venomous Animals Department of Iran's Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute, told reporters in October.

"This anti-cancer drug has been produced from snake and scorpion venoms after 10 years of research work and has been extracted from the fat (peptide) of such animals," he added.

if you just Unveil hasesh of dara (daary ki charas ) all diseases can be solved from it :lol:
do you post everylittle thing here? like iran completed roadworks or made a railway or something?
Still better than crap you post on this site,like :First Turkish female pilot,or Turkey had the second air force after France,or sending movie links about an Ottoman king from 600 years ago...
Cut the crap Ottoman-Turk and leave here...
Still better than crap ypu post on this site,like :First Turkish female pilot,or Turkey had the second air force after France,or sending movie links about an Ottoman king from 600 years ago...
Cut the crap Ottoman-Turk and leave here...

I didnt know there was a medicine section :rofl: We are on a defence forum and a fighter pilot is part of defence , and wars are part of defence and there is also history section , where is the medicine section?

Actually i dont mind because you guys are making yourself look like jokes.
I didnt know there was a medicine section :rofl: We are on a defence forum and a fighter pilot is part of defence , and wars are part of defence and there is also history section , where is the medicine section?

Actually i dont mind because you guys are making yourself look like jokes.
Oh really?So that 2020 Istanbul olympic thread you posted was also about defense?
You are very good at pretending to be stupid.
Oh really?So that 2020 Istanbul olympic thread you posted was also about defense?
Your stupidity has no end.

Your actually a total joke , i posted that just at the time when there was olympics and there was so many olympic threads , actually you guys carry on , next thread Iran renews roadworks in tehran!
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