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Iran to lodge complaint against US over sanctions on petchem firms: MP


Apr 14, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iranian lawmaker Moayyed Hosseini Sadr says Iran will lodge a complaint with international bodies against the US over Washington's latest sanctions imposed on the country’s petrochemical companies.

Hosseini Sadr said Saturday that Washington’s decision has been aimed at reducing the country’s foreign currency revenue.

The US Treasury Department issued a statement on Friday, announcing sanctions against eight Iranian petrochemical companies including Bou Ali Sina, Mobin, Nouri, Pars, Shahid Tondgouyan, Shazand, Tabriz and Imam.

The Iranian lawmaker said these companies are not governmental and have been given to the country’s private sector.

At the beginning of 2012, the US and the European Union imposed new sanctions on Iran’s oil and financial sectors with the goal of preventing other countries from purchasing Iranian oil and conducting transactions with the Central Bank of Iran.

The illegal US-engineered sanctions were imposed based on the unfounded accusation that Iran is pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program.

Iran rejects the allegations, arguing that as a committed signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.


PressTV - Iran to lodge complaint against US over sanctions on petchem firms: MP

and we have something like this .... only two days ago ...


can you see the level of USA hypocrisy !?

complain all you want

you will just have more sanctions shoved up your back sides
You would have far more luck complaining about food or medicine sanctions. Petro companies are legit targets.....and a lack of foreign reserves only show they are working.
You would have far more luck complaining about food or medicine sanctions. Petro companies are legit targets.....and a lack of foreign reserves only show they are working.

legit or not, these guys can't do jack **** about anything, cept comlain... problem is nobody's listening
well , I only wanted to show the level of American hypocrisy .... and these companies were sanction long time ago ( unofficially ) but now they sanction officially ...

and even the lawmaker knew about this but their job is to talk about something like this ...
well , I only wanted to show the level of American hypocrisy .... and these companies were sanction long time ago ( unofficially ) but now they sanction officially ...

and even the lawmaker knew about this but their job is to talk about something like this ...

The only people that care are pakistanis

good luck with the sanctions, more is coming :wave:

This is just the start

Remember Iraq in the 90's?
and that why you u-ran from iran to canada

change your first flag pakistani. At least delete your posts if you want to act as if you're not from Pakistan. This is kind of pathetic.

and I grew up here from childhood
change your first flag pakistani. At least delete your posts if you want to act as if you're not from Pakistan. This is kind of pathetic.

and I grew up here from childhood

good so if your family left Iran to canada let it be its not like you really like the country anyways. your one liner remark are truly a defiance of you hatred towards the current government you would like to see them more modern like the Sha era. But too bad to sad so stop the whimpering and let them be. and saying about my Canadian identity i need not to prove myself eh
good so if your family left Iran to canada let it be its not like you really like the country anyways. your one liner remark are truly a defiance of you hatred towards the current government you would like to see them more modern like the Sha era. But too bad to sad so stop the whimpering and let them be. and saying about my Canadian identity i need not to prove myself eh

You can't even speak English propely. I can't even understand you.

You're an Indian in Canada who can't even speak the official language of the nation and you're lecturing me on... (well I don't know what exactly b/c I can't understand you).
You can't even speak English propely. I can't even understand you.

You're an Indian in Canada who can't even speak the official language of the nation and you're lecturing me on... (well I don't know what exactly b/c I can't understand you).

smoking on that good medicinal buddy. maybe that why you don't understand me. but let me be straight with you if you really want to blabber or rant about Iran get a job in the media i am sick and tired of this BS.

Please keep an eye on this thread, some members are acting irrational.

Also, why is it that whenever I come to the Iranian section, I always feel like I'm not welcome? It's always so hostile here.
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Please keep an eye on this thread, some members are acting irrational.

Also, why is it that whenever I come to the Iranian section, I always feel like I'm not welcome? It's always so hostile here.

There are a few Iranian trolls with multiple IDs, but others are nice. Just try to not push their buttons. ;)
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The only people that care are pakistanis

good luck with the sanctions, more is coming :wave:

This is just the start

Remember Iraq in the 90's?

so , this is your level of nationalism level ... I knew from beginning that I only need to work for some months to show other Iranian member your hypocrisy ...

after all you robber think regular Iranian are bunch of backward people who need to lead by some western suckers like you ....

and well , I only wanted to show American face for some naive Iranian who think westerns are they friend ....

Good by traitor ... change your first flag , you are not belong it ....
so , this is your level of nationalism level ... I knew from beginning that I only need to work for some months to show other Iranian member your hypocrisy ...

after all you robber think regular Iranian are bunch of backward people who need to lead by some western suckers like you ....

and well , I only wanted to show American face for some naive Iranian who think westerns are they friend ....

Good by traitor ... change your first flag , you are not belong it ....

I want for iran what I want for Canada. What I want for Canada is for Canadians to be happy and for the people of this nation to live a happy and fullfilling life. I want people to be respected as human beings and citizens of the world. I want the govt to back off and allow people of this nation to choose their destiny. I want Canada to be a part of the world.

Now replace the word "canada" with Iran.

A nationalist is a person who wants the best for the people of his nation. He/she wishes nothing more than to see every single citizen of the nation he calls home to live a happy and fullfilling life.

You on the other hand wish to see the world burn. You wish for the destruction of foreign nations. You wish death upon other people. You're ready to sacrifice the lives of your countrymen for a selfish cause that only a miniscule amount of Iran's pop'n cares about. Iran is already half destroyed. There's not much left.

So yeah, I am for the sanctions. I do think they are going to get worst and I do think they're going to destroy the little that's left of Iran's economy. You want to know why? Because a demoralized man or woman with a gun to his or her head will not rise up as long as his or her stomach is full. However there will come a point when even the gun to head won't work anymore. At that point you arabs will have nothing to intimidate people with. When Iran's economy is destroyed even more than it's now, which it will be in the coming years as the sanction get even harsher and foreign pressure mounts up, than people will finally stand up for themselves.

This nation called Iran today is only Iran in name. It's actually a shia saudi arabia. There's nothing Iranic about this nation. The people in the streets are trying hard to keep the Iranic traditions alive, but a lot has died in the past 40 years and continues to die as we speak. Today the majority of people are using arabic names b/c the govt was encouraging and even banning the use of certain names. The culture of tolerance we Iranians were known for has been completely wiped out in the past 40 years. We have lost 80K Jewish Iranians, bahais have been rounded up and erased, at least officially, Christians and zoroastrians are a dying pop'n as they can't accept new converts. New ideas are all but discouraged. Our universities have turned into wahabi mosques. Our leaders use more arabic in their daily speech than Parsi. The Iranic culture of Iran is under threat of extinction. We have arabic written on our flag. We're the only nation on earth with a foreign language on its flag!!!! So don't preech about nationalism when you represent a foreign nation, culture and identity.
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