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Iran to export one million tons of oil products to Afghanistan annually

Sher Malang

Aug 3, 2010
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TEHRAN, Dec. 26 (Xinhua) -- Iran signed an agreement with Afghanistan to export one million tons of Iranian oil products annually to the country, the local satellite Press TV reported Monday.

According to the contract, Iran will export products including gasoil (diesel fuel), jet fuel and gasoline to Afghanistan, said the report.

The agreement was signed Monday by visiting Afghanistan's Minister of Commerce and Industry Anwar-ul-Haq Ahadi and managing director of the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company Alireza Zeighami.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the signing ceremony, Zeighami said that 60 to 70 percent of the export will be in the form of gasoil.

The price of Iran's oil products will be determined according to international rates, he added.

"We already exported gasoil to Afghanistan, but export of gasoline and jet fuel will start next year," Zeighami was quoted as saying.

Source: Iran to export one million tons of oil products to Afghanistan annually: report - People's Daily Online

---------- Post added at 09:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:29 AM ----------

China gets approval for Afghanistan oil exploration bid

China has gained potential access to millions of barrels of oil after it won approval for oil exploration and extraction in Afghanistan.

The country's cabinet approved a deal to allow China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) to develop oil blocks in the Amu Darya Basin.

The basin is estimated to hold around 87 million barrels of oil.

The deal comes as China is looking to expand its oil resources in wake of a growing domestic demand.

"The Afghan cabinet has ordered mines minister Wahidullah Shahrani to sign an oil exploration contract for Amu Darya with China National Petroleum Corporation," Afghanistan president's office said in a statement.

'Taking a punt'

The state-owned CNPC will carry out the oil exploration and extraction with a local partner, the Watan Group.

While there has been a lot of talk about the potential of natural resources in Afghanistan, analysts said that it was too early to predict the profitability of the venture.

"To a certain extent they are taking a punt," Tony Regan of Tri-Zen, a Singapore-based consultancy, told the BBC.

Mr Regan explained that CNPC will have to spend a considerable amount of money to explore the basin before it can actually find out about the amount of oil that may exist there.

"It is about five to ten years before they can get a feel of what is under the ground and start commercially producing it," he added.

Growing investments
The approval is a major win for China as it has been looking to invest in resource-rich Afghanistan.

However, analysts said that resources is not the only sector that China is looking to invest in.

"The deal is a way of getting a foot inside the door," said Charles Chaw of China Knowledge Consulting.

The ongoing war in Afghanistan has seen its infrastructure and economy being damaged.

Analysts said that as peace returns to the country, it will require a lot of rebuilding activity in order to trigger economic growth in coming years, something that China is keen to tap into.

"China is looking towards a much bigger scale of investment," said Mr Chaw.

"This could involve projects in infrastructure, including high-speed rail in times to come," he added.

Source: BBC News - China gets approval for Afghanistan oil exploration bid
what happened of thecinternational embargo on.Iran.which barrs cointries from trading with iran?
Pakistan iran gas pipeline was forbidden due to this.
what happened of thecinternational embargo on.Iran.which barrs cointries from trading with iran?
Pakistan iran gas pipeline was forbidden due to this.

I don't think those embargo will impact Iran's neighbors.
what happened of thecinternational embargo on.Iran.which barrs cointries from trading with iran?
Pakistan iran gas pipeline was forbidden due to this.
there are no "international embargos" on Iran. There are however 4 rounds of UN Security Council sanctions that have to do with arms and nuclear related issues. There are also US and European led sanctions and this bars Iran from exporting to these countries. Also, the US regularly lobbies and even forces different trading partners of Iran to stop trading with Iran. Sometimes they say that if you buy or sell to Iran, you will not be able to do business in the US.

Anyhow, Asian countries, for the most part, trade with Iran without caring about the santions. Arab countris, surprise surprise, a lot of times do bow down to American pressures (UAE for example). There are no sanctions that bar Afghanistan from trading with Iran.
there are no "international embargos" on Iran. There are however 4 rounds of UN Security Council sanctions that have to do with arms and nuclear related issues. There are also US and European led sanctions and this bars Iran from exporting to these countries. Also, the US regularly lobbies and even forces different trading partners of Iran to stop trading with Iran. Sometimes they say that if you buy or sell to Iran, you will not be able to do business in the US.

Anyhow, Asian countries, for the most part, trade with Iran without caring about the santions. Arab countris, surprise surprise, a lot of times do bow down to American pressures (UAE for example). There are no sanctions that bar Afghanistan from trading with Iran.

The move by Iran to export oil to Afghanistan is an excellent move and makes very sound economic sense. Iran being an immediate neighbor of Afghanistan has a major stake in seeing Afghanistan as a stable economy on a growth curve. And the rest of the world (including the USA) will be wise to recognise this. With time, other neighbors of Afghanistan (Iran and CARs included) will have an increasing role in Afghanistan and its economy.
what happened of thecinternational embargo on.Iran.which barrs cointries from trading with iran?
Pakistan iran gas pipeline was forbidden due to this.

Now it will be the USA using "Afghanistan's Needs" to Import Iranian Petroleum Products as Pakistan has put a stop to US-NATO requirements through Pakistan.

Surely you will appreciate that the USA is not going to "Issue and Implement" AN EMBARGO" against its own interests.

BTW : The biggest Organization to suffer will be the Pakistan Army owned "National Logestic Cell"!
Now it will be the USA using "Afghanistan's Needs" to Import Iranian Petroleum Products as Pakistan has put a stop to US-NATO requirements through Pakistan.

Surely you will appreciate that the USA is not going to "Issue and Implement" AN EMBARGO" against its own interests.

BTW : The biggest Organization to suffer will be the Pakistan Army owned "National Logestic Cell"!

Exactly. You nailed it. USA has to adapt to Pakistan's stance, and we will see more adjustments in the days to come. Mullah Umar is off the FBI Most Wanted list too I hear.
BTW : The biggest Organization to suffer will be the Pakistan Army owned "National Logestic Cell"!
You mean to suggest that NATO transit would continue into perpetuity, thereby offering the NLC 'transport business into perpetuity'?

I thought NATO was going to significantly draw-down its troops in 2014 - so basically the NLC would lose the 'transit business in 2014, or now'.

---------- Post added at 11:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 AM ----------

Exactly. You nailed it. USA has to adapt to Pakistan's stance, and we will see more adjustments in the days to come. Mullah Umar is off the FBI Most Wanted list too I hear.

US accommodation of Iran in terms of doing oil and gas business with Iran also stands to benefit Pakistan since US restrictions on entities doing business with Iran would have to be lifted, which allows progress on the IP pipeline, power lines etc.

Mullah Omar being taken off the most wanted list would also be, directly or indirectly, beneficial to Pakistan since Pakistan has been arguing for US engagement with Mullah Omar in order to bring about a negotiated end to the conflict in Afghanistan.

US accommodation of Iran in terms of doing oil and gas business with Iran also stands to benefit Pakistan since US restrictions on entities doing business with Iran would have to be lifted, which allows progress on the IP pipeline, power lines etc.

Mullah Omar being taken off the most wanted list would also be, directly or indirectly, beneficial to Pakistan since Pakistan has been arguing for US engagement with Mullah Omar in order to bring about a negotiated end to the conflict in Afghanistan.

I agree that Pakistan may be well-positioned to gain from these developments.
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