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Iran tests own model of Russian S-300 missile


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Iran says tests own model of Russian S-300 missile

Credit: Reuters/Iran's Army

TEHRAN | Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:33am EST

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran has successfully tested its own version of a missile system that Russia declined to supply amid concerns Tehran might be seeking nuclear weapons, a military official was quoted as saying on Thursday.

Russia infuriated Iran in September when it canceled the S-300 missile order after heavy lobbying from the United States and Israel, which said the system could be used to help Iran shield its nuclear facilities from possible future air strikes.

State-run Press TV quoted a commander of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards as saying Tehran had adapted another Russian-made missile system to perform like the more sophisticated S-300.

"We have developed the system by upgrading systems like the S-200 and we have tested it successfully," Brigadier General Mohammad Hassan Mansourian said, according to Press TV's website.

Some Western analysts doubt Iran's ability to replicate the S-300, a precision, mobile, long-range air defense system that can detect, track and destroy ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and low-flying aircraft.

However, some Western officials suspect Iran's development of more sophisticated missiles could serve the goal of attaining a deliverable nuclear weapon.


Russian President Dmitry Medvedev banned delivery of the S-300s in September, saying it would violate expanded U.N. sanctions over Iran's refusal to curb a nuclear programme many countries fear is aimed at making a bomb, a charge it denies.

Medvedev was due to meet Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad later on Thursday at a summit of Caspian Sea states in Azerbaijan where the issue of reopening nuclear talks was likely to be raised.

Iran, which says it is seeking nuclear technology for solely peaceful ends, has agreed in principle to return to talks -- on ice for more than a year -- with Russia, the United States, China, Britain, France and Germany, possibly on December 5.

The venue and agenda of the talks has yet to be set.

Iran has said it is not willing to negotiate away its right to nuclear technology and, speaking at the summit, Ahmadinejad said Iran would not bend to threats or sanctions.

"If they want to achieve positive results they should stop thinking as aggressors," he told a news conference. "They should change the old methods, otherwise the results will be the same. No embargoes can change the Iranian people."

World powers say Iran's right to nuclear technology for civilian ends is not an issue. They say the point of talks would be to get Iran to suspend enrichment in exchange for benefits including access to the means to develop nuclear energy without the proliferation risk of an enrichment programme.

Tehran's refusal to suspend or restrain uranium enrichment -- a process which can produce bomb material if done to a high level -- led to a fourth round of U.N. sanctions in June and tougher bilateral measures after that.

The United States and Israel have said they do not rule out a pre-emptive strike on Iran if diplomacy fails.

Iran is conducting what it calls its biggest ever air defences drill this week to test its ability to deter any such attack. Officials said on Thursday they had successfully tested a new missile system called Mesab which can detect and destroy medium- and low-flying aircraft.

Iran has conventional long-range missile systems including the Shahab 3 and the Sejil which could be used to hit Israel and U.S. bases in the Middle East region.

Iran says tests own model of Russian S-300 missile | Reuters
Iran says tests own model of Russian S-300 missile

Credit: Reuters/Iran's Army

TEHRAN | Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:33am EST

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran has successfully tested its own version of a missile system that Russia declined to supply amid concerns Tehran might be seeking nuclear weapons, a military official was quoted as saying on Thursday.

Russia infuriated Iran in September when it canceled the S-300 missile order after heavy lobbying from the United States and Israel, which said the system could be used to help Iran shield its nuclear facilities from possible future air strikes.

State-run Press TV quoted a commander of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards as saying Tehran had adapted another Russian-made missile system to perform like the more sophisticated S-300.

"We have developed the system by upgrading systems like the S-200 and we have tested it successfully," Brigadier General Mohammad Hassan Mansourian said, according to Press TV's website.

Some Western analysts doubt Iran's ability to replicate the S-300, a precision, mobile, long-range air defense system that can detect, track and destroy ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and low-flying aircraft.

However, some Western officials suspect Iran's development of more sophisticated missiles could serve the goal of attaining a deliverable nuclear weapon.


Russian President Dmitry Medvedev banned delivery of the S-300s in September, saying it would violate expanded U.N. sanctions over Iran's refusal to curb a nuclear programme many countries fear is aimed at making a bomb, a charge it denies.

Medvedev was due to meet Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad later on Thursday at a summit of Caspian Sea states in Azerbaijan where the issue of reopening nuclear talks was likely to be raised.

Iran, which says it is seeking nuclear technology for solely peaceful ends, has agreed in principle to return to talks -- on ice for more than a year -- with Russia, the United States, China, Britain, France and Germany, possibly on December 5.

The venue and agenda of the talks has yet to be set.

Iran has said it is not willing to negotiate away its right to nuclear technology and, speaking at the summit, Ahmadinejad said Iran would not bend to threats or sanctions.

"If they want to achieve positive results they should stop thinking as aggressors," he told a news conference. "They should change the old methods, otherwise the results will be the same. No embargoes can change the Iranian people."

World powers say Iran's right to nuclear technology for civilian ends is not an issue. They say the point of talks would be to get Iran to suspend enrichment in exchange for benefits including access to the means to develop nuclear energy without the proliferation risk of an enrichment programme.

Tehran's refusal to suspend or restrain uranium enrichment -- a process which can produce bomb material if done to a high level -- led to a fourth round of U.N. sanctions in June and tougher bilateral measures after that.

The United States and Israel have said they do not rule out a pre-emptive strike on Iran if diplomacy fails.

Iran is conducting what it calls its biggest ever air defences drill this week to test its ability to deter any such attack. Officials said on Thursday they had successfully tested a new missile system called Mesab which can detect and destroy medium- and low-flying aircraft.

Iran has conventional long-range missile systems including the Shahab 3 and the Sejil which could be used to hit Israel and U.S. bases in the Middle East region.

Iran says tests own model of Russian S-300 missile | Reuters

Any credible source ??? Like any video of the test or something.I think Iran is making a mountain out of mole hill.:coffee:
Next we'll have Zimbabwe and Myanmar testing ther own version of S-400. :rofl: Seriously, if it is that simple for Iran to copy the missile, then Iran would't have to order it in the first place.:disagree:
Iran says tests own model of Russian S-300 missile

Credit: Reuters/Iran's Army

TEHRAN | Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:33am EST

TEHRAN (Reuters)
State-run Press TV quoted a commander of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards as saying Tehran had adapted another Russian-made missile system to perform like the more sophisticated S-300.

"We have developed the system by upgrading systems like the S-200 and we have tested it successfully," Brigadier General Mohammad Hassan Mansourian said, according to Press TV's website.

I think these two para are the key to the riddle. The adapted system may be a a sort of partial ToT from Russia? Who knows?

Konstantin Sivkov, the first vice president of the Academy for Geopolitical Sciences, believes that Iran is capable of establishing its own production of state-of-the-art missile systems.

"Their technical performance will be much worse than that of Russian systems, of course. Here is an example. The USA used to ship F-14 Tomcat fighters to Iran. The jets were equipped with air-to-air Phoenix missiles. It was the only country in the world that earned such an honor from the USA. As soon as the shah regime in Iran collapsed and ayatollahs came to power there, the military cooperation between the two countries was suspended. The US realized that its potential enemy possessed the arms that can drastically change the situation in a possible conflict. As a result, the USA did it best to deprive Iran of Tomcat spare parts and other equipment in a hope that the delivered planes and missiles would come out of order one day and Iran would not be able to establish their production afterwards. However, Iran launched its own production of both the spare parts and armament systems for F-14 planes, including Phoenix missiles.

"It brings up an idea that the Islamic Republic will be able to build a complex similar to S-300. They can do it with China's help. China purchased Russian export variants of S-300 and then started making its own versions of the system. However, as experience shows, everything that China copied from Russia was much worse than the originals.

"Let's take one of the most important parameters of the S-300 system - its interference resistance. This problem cannot be solved with mere copying. The data used in the design of S-300 interference resistance capability is a highly important state secret, which no one intends to make public.

"Nevertheless, even if Iran's systems are 20 or 40 percent worse than the Russian ones, they can become a serious obstacle for conducting air raids against the Islamic Republic. Neither the USA, nor Israel will attack the country if they are not certain that everything will happen strictly according to their plans. The Iranian administration can see that American threats to North Korea have been replaced with persuasion and diplomatic approach after North Korea has proved the possession of nuclear arms."
Very interesting. There isn't any news about it in any Iranian news agency. It is just in ruyters. Very interesting. Maybe Iran has tested the S300 without even knowing it.
Russia is grudgingly going along with the isolation policy viz Iran. They themselves have no bones to pick with Iran and would have gladly supplied the S-300 were it not for western pressure. I think what this news item really suggests is that while Russia could not transfer new S-300 systems to Iran since there was no way of accomplishing that "under the radar" (no pun intended!), they have provided the information and piece parts that allow Iran to upgrade their existing S-200 systems to S-300 standards.
Russia is grudgingly going along with the isolation policy viz Iran. They themselves have no bones to pick with Iran and would have gladly supplied the S-300 were it not for western pressure. I think what this news item really suggests is that while Russia could not transfer new S-300 systems to Iran since there was no way of accomplishing that "under the radar" (no pun intended!), they have provided the information and piece parts that allow Iran to upgrade their existing S-200 systems to S-300 standards.

Russian never provide technology of this high tech system to other countries. Iran has concern of Russian obligation fulfillment of delivery, so when Iran had contract for S-300 at same time was working on similar system from 10 years ago
More to do with Saudi and Israeli pressure rather than western why s-300 was blocked to Iran.
Konstantin Sivkov, the first vice president of the Academy for Geopolitical Sciences, believes that Iran is capable of establishing its own production of state-of-the-art missile systems.

"Their technical performance will be much worse than that of Russian systems, of course. Here is an example. The USA used to ship F-14 Tomcat fighters to Iran. The jets were equipped with air-to-air Phoenix missiles. It was the only country in the world that earned such an honor from the USA. As soon as the shah regime in Iran collapsed and ayatollahs came to power there, the military cooperation between the two countries was suspended. The US realized that its potential enemy possessed the arms that can drastically change the situation in a possible conflict. As a result, the USA did it best to deprive Iran of Tomcat spare parts and other equipment in a hope that the delivered planes and missiles would come out of order one day and Iran would not be able to establish their production afterwards. However, Iran launched its own production of both the spare parts and armament systems for F-14 planes, including Phoenix missiles.

"It brings up an idea that the Islamic Republic will be able to build a complex similar to S-300. They can do it with China's help. China purchased Russian export variants of S-300 and then started making its own versions of the system. However, as experience shows, everything that China copied from Russia was much worse than the originals.

"Let's take one of the most important parameters of the S-300 system - its interference resistance. This problem cannot be solved with mere copying. The data used in the design of S-300 interference resistance capability is a highly important state secret, which no one intends to make public.

"Nevertheless, even if Iran's systems are 20 or 40 percent worse than the Russian ones, they can become a serious obstacle for conducting air raids against the Islamic Republic. Neither the USA, nor Israel will attack the country if they are not certain that everything will happen strictly according to their plans. The Iranian administration can see that American threats to North Korea have been replaced with persuasion and diplomatic approach after North Korea has proved the possession of nuclear arms."

How do they know China's system is much worse than the Russian one?:disagree:
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