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Iran power of proxy warfare


Mar 3, 2009
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Background and Iran-Iraq War

During Iran-Iraq war 200,000 - 600,000 Iranian died, 40,000+ became prisoners. Iranian spent 19.5 billion dollars during war. There were some other social issues like widows of dead, where they were encouraged to marry brothers of their dead husbands.
Iran-Iraq conflict remembered through the lives of widows.
Iran Begins To Acknowledge Its Forgotten Women Of War

After this incident, people in-charge of Iranian security apparatus decided to fight Iran wars out side Irans borders by creating proxies in other countries. These proxies not only fight Iran wars but also further its foreign agendas in host countries.

Iran’s Regional Armed Network​


Iran’s Regional Armed Network

Pakistani shias - Liwa Zainebiyoun

Cancer dude, proxy cancer
Fighting in ME all day long but can't cross Kashmir to help Thier blood and same sect too (zabiyun)
Afgani Shias - Liwa Fatemiyoun

Yemeni Shias - Houthi's/Ansar Allah

Lebanon - Hezbollah

Management of expenses.
Now the question is how Iranian regime manages expenses of its proxies? We know that they have oil, we also know about smuggling

but there is 3rd source too, but for that you have to understand believes of 12wer shias, a shia sub sect.

Twelver Shia or the Ithnā'ashariyyah' is the largest branch of Shia Islam comprising about 85% of all Shia Muslims, and the term Shia Muslim often refers to the Twelvers by default. The term Twelver is derived from the doctrine of believing in twelve divinely ordained leaders, known as The Twelve Imams and their belief that the last Imam, Imam al-Mahdi, lives in occultation and will reappear as The promised Mahdi (المهدي المنتظر).. Twelver Shia are also known as Imami or Ja'fari, originated from the name of the 6th Imam, Ja'far al-Sadiq, who elaborated the Twelver jurisprudence.

Twelvers constitute the majority of the population in Iran (90%), Azerbaijan (85%),Bahrain (70%), Iraq (65%), Lebanon (65% of Muslims).

Core believes of 12wers.
  • Salat(Prayer)
  • Sawm (Fasting)
  • Zakat
  • Khums ("Fifth" of one's savings) – tax.
  • Hajj(Pilgrimage)
  • Jihād
  • Commanding what is just.
  • Forbidding what is evil.
  • Tawalla – loving the Ahl al-Bayt and their followers.
  • Tabarra – dissociating oneself from the enemies of the Ahlu l-Bayt
Khums of every shia goes to Iran. Ajmi ( Non Arab) shias send khums to Iran where as Arab shias send Khums to Iraq. Few days ago FIA caught money trafficking network

FIA Commercial Banking Circle Karachi conducts an IBO at four different places in Karachi. 13 arrested for hawala and illegal activities. The detainees are said to belong to foreign intelligence agency. Among those arrested were employees of the Swiss Exchange Company.

18,000 US dollars, 22.3 million Pakistani rupees and other foreign currency were recovered from the accused. Highly sensitive and illegal documents were also recovered from the possession of the accused.

According to sources, the arrested persons were also involved in sending aid and remittances to their Pakistani networks at the behest of the Foreign Intelligence Agency. They also used to provided sensitive information from Pakistan to foreign agencies and their supported hostile elements. The group has been active in Pakistan for the past seven years.

Further investigation is undergoing.


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Iranian proxies is a bit exaggerated and including their influence..

Example Iran is sidelined in Iraq where most ppl assume otherwise but Iran is willing to operate under other characters taking charge example like in Iraq where the gov't has strong relations with Gulf and iran was not happy with recent election in Iraq accusing UAE of meddling in the Iraq elections..

Iraq army runs iraq not katib militias but iran is playing stragetic patience here but unsatisfied if they try to go for controll they will get themselves ousted including katib as the iraqi gov't is to strong for their militia hence forced to play second fiddle to a western-gulf backed gov't...

Syria is also another where they should have never gotten involved as everything has fallen into 3 other foreign actors and iran was happy to play 3rd fiddle in one part of 3 defacto states in syria..

In Yemen situation is not good due to humantarian crisis and they are looking for this to end probably due to location wise because it was never gonna yield anything. Just slow pain for the militias and sort of like made them the new PKK kurds of arabia accidentally..

The same thing in Lebanon it is the Lebanese army that runs the country and Hezbollah takes second fiddle and won't dare to chellenge them..

The only place which has there own territory without being contested or under someone is Gaza strip..

Hence there proxies don't have much influence from a ground reality perspective 2nd or 3rd influence tier is not much..

The influence compared to other state actors who don't go for 2nd or 3rd fiddle under someone example... China in North korea, Pakistan in Afghanistan, Russia in Belarus, Armenia etc etc.. Turkey in North cyprus, Libya, North Syria and Azerbaijan.. America in Iraq, Syria, etc etc these are called direct influence but having a militia beneath the gov't threshold and beneath foreign forces is not beneficial and the gov't can remove them if they get in their way
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Iranian proxies is a bit exaggerated and influences..

Example Iran is sidelined in Iraq where most ppl assume but it has Ka'tib Hezbollah but Iran is willing to operate under other characters taking charge example like in Iraq where the gov't has strong relations with Gulf and iran was not happy with recent election in Iraq accusing UAE of meddling in the Iraq elections..

Iraq army runs iraq not katib militias but irsn is playing stragetic patience here but unsatisfied if they try to go for controll they will get themselves ousted including katib as the iraqi gov't is to strong for their militia...

Syria is also another where should never gotten involved as everything has fallen into 3 other players and iran was happy to play 3rd fiddle in one part of 3 defacto states in syria..

In Yemen situation is not good due to humantarian crisis and they are looking for this to end probably due to location wise because it was never yield anything. Just slow pain for the militias and sort of like made them the new PKK kurds of arabia..

The same thing in Lebanon it is the Lebanese army that runs the country and Hezbollah takes second fiddle..

The only thwy which has there own territory without being contested or under someone is Gaza..

Hence there proxies don't have much influence from a ground perspective 2nd or 3rd influence tier is not much

Your understanding is very limited. I will just explain Yemen and Syria.

According to shia mythology Yemen is place from where Yamani will appear, he is some sort helper to Mehdi, according to their believes.

And Syria is place from where Sufiani will appear. Also Syria was headquarter of Ameer Muaviya R.A. So they are killing 2 birds with stones, 1 Punishing Syrians because their grand fathers were in camp of Ameer Muaviya R.A and also control appearance of Sufiani.

And proxies are always 2nd and 3rd tier influencers.
Your understanding is very limited. I will just explain Yemen and Syria.

According to shia mythology Yemen is place from where Yamani will appear, he is some sort helper to Mehdi, according to their believes.

And Syria is place from where Sufiani will appear. Also Syria was headquarter of Ameer Muaviya R.A. So they are killing 2 birds with stones, 1 Punishing Syrians because their grand fathers were in camp of Ameer Muaviya R.A and also control appearance of Sufiani.

And proxies are always 2nd and 3rd tier influencers.

Syria is foriegn shared 3 separate while these in yemen are getting themselves killed nor can they take these places themselves... All the other things is khurafat..

The stragetic objective was lost one of the reasons they handed over
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Syria is foriegn shared while these in yemen getting themselves killed nor can they take these places themselves... All the other things is khurafat..

when I will get time I will create a separate thread on these khurafat and quote their books. Will tag you in that thread.




Another incident

Bureaucrat caught stealing Kuwaiti delegate’s wallet suspended

Zarrar Haider Khan, joint secretary of the Ministry of Industries and Production and a BS-20 officer of the state bureaucracy's elite Pakistan Administrative Service cadre, has been suspended from service on disciplinary grounds after he was caught stealing.

2nd source

Pakistani jailed in Germany for spying for Iran

A Pakistani man was convicted in Germany Monday of spying for Iran to search out potential attack targets for the Revolutionary Guards.

The defendant, 31-year-old Mustufa Haidar Syed-Naqfi, was sentenced to four years and three months in prison “for working for a foreign intelligence service”, a spokesperson for Berlin’s superior court said.

The court found he spied “against Germany and another NATO member”, France, for the Quds Force, the foreign operations wing of the elite Revolutionary Guards.

Syed-Naqfi compiled dossiers on possible attack targets — a German lawmaker who is the former head of a German-Israeli organisation.—AP

@Foxtrot Alpha @PanzerKiel or anybody who is attached with security apparatus of Pak

Can you please tell me how and when Iranian intelligence recruit these guys? Are they get recruited during their visit to shrines in Iran? Or local Imam bargahs act as node of Iranian intelligence?

How money of khums get transferred to Iran?

What security agencies of Pakistan are doing against it?

Cancer dude, proxy cancer
Fighting in ME all day long but can't cross Kashmir to help Thier blood and same sect too (zabiyun)
Since centuries its like this.

Hashishans assassinated Nizam al Mulk a Saljuki prime minister, but how many crusaders and templars died at their hands?
They really suk at this.. And that is from stragetic stand-point..

They either acceptingly come under foreign actors or hostile governments or they get themselves in big trouble like what happened to their uprisings in KSA and Bahrain who got themselves hammered quickly and hard including these in Yemen who find themselves in tough place..
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Twelvers constitute the majority of the population in Iran (90%), Azerbaijan (85%),Bahrain (70%), Iraq (65%), Lebanon (65% of Muslims).

Core believes of 12wers.
  • Salat(Prayer)
  • Sawm (Fasting)
  • Zakat
  • Khums ("Fifth" of one's savings) – tax.
  • Hajj(Pilgrimage)
  • Jihād
  • Commanding what is just.
  • Forbidding what is evil.
  • Tawalla – loving the Ahl al-Bayt and their followers.
  • Tabarra – dissociating oneself from the enemies of the Ahlu l-Bayt
Khums of every shia goes to Iran. Ajmi ( Non Arab) shias send khums to Iran where as Arab shias send Khums to Iraq. Few days ago FIA caught money trafficking network
First that's not the core belief of every shia
They are
1-Tohid : which means there is only one God
2-عدل(justice) : which mean any thing that God do is just and no injustice originate from God
3-Nobovat : which means believing in our holy prophet and all the prophets that came before him
4-Moad( judgement day) : believing in a day that all deeds and actions are examined and you must answer for what ever you did in your life .
5-Imamat : believing in all 12 imam and that they are successor of holy prophet and caliphs after him

And no khoms of all shia won't come to Iran so don't spread the nonsense .

Cancer dude, proxy cancer
Fighting in ME all day long but can't cross Kashmir to help Thier blood and same sect too (zabiyun)
Oh so you liked them to go and made war with India and gave reason to India to start a full scale war with Pakistan.
First that's not the core belief of every shia
They are
1-Tohid : which means there is only one God
2-عدل(justice) : which mean any thing that God do is just and no injustice originate from God
3-Nobovat : which means believing in our holy prophet and all the prophets that came before him
4-Moad( judgement day) : believing in a day that all deeds and actions are examined and you must answer for what ever you did in your life .
5-Imamat : believing in all 12 imam and that they are successor of holy prophet and caliphs after him

And no khoms of all shia won't come to Iran so don't spread the nonsense .

Oh so you liked them to go and made war with India and gave reason to India to start a full scale war with Pakistan.
Better them Pakistanis fight for Thier blood and brothers in both faith and sect in Kashmir than fight for foreign countries in ME
And no Pakistanis freedom fighters go to Kashmir all the time (atleast historically)
India can't do much they tried to escalate couple times on this issue, but got Thier *** handed to them 2003,2019, and couple other times

So yes this is cancer and they must be taken from Thier homes at night never to be seen again, this is the only solution when you give your services to foreign powers
Butcher these traitors sobs
Background and Iran-Iraq War

During Iran-Iraq war 200,000 - 600,000 Iranian died, 40,000+ became prisoners. Iranian spent 19.5 billion dollars during war. There were some other social issues like widows of dead, where they were encouraged to marry brothers of their dead husbands.
Iran-Iraq conflict remembered through the lives of widows.
Iran Begins To Acknowledge Its Forgotten Women Of War

After this incident, people in-charge of Iranian security apparatus decided to fight Iran wars out side Irans borders by creating proxies in other countries. These proxies not only fight Iran wars but also further its foreign agendas in host countries.

Iran’s Regional Armed Network​


Iran’s Regional Armed Network

Pakistani shias - Liwa Zainebiyoun

No Iran proxy in Pakistan. Otherwise, Hazara massacre in Quetta or shia target killing won't happen and me and lots of my friends who lost loved ones never got justice, and the killer walking free with pride and promised to kill more. Remember Pakistan has 30 percent shia population.
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