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Iran, Pakistan on US hit list, says Beg


Dec 20, 2006
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Iran, Pakistan on US hit list, says Beg


By Ashraf Mumtaz

LAHORE, DAWN: Former army chief Gen Mirza Aslam Beg says both Iran and Pakistan are on the “hit list” of the United States, and before attacking the two countries the world’s only super power is trying to isolate them at the international level through diplomatic moves.

Talking to Dawn on Wednesday, he said Iran would be targeted first and Pakistan at a later stage. But to prevent Pakistan from extending any kind of assistance to its neighbour, Washington was trying to keep Islamabad under constant pressure. Repeated allegations that infiltration from Pakistan into Afghanistan was still going on should be seen in that context, the general said.

He said Pakistan and Iran should enhance mutual understanding and cooperation to be able to face the challenge ahead. Also, he said, both countries should approach their respective allies and seek their cooperation to prevent what he called a dangerous situation for the region.

He believed that together the two Islamic countries would be able to counter what was being planned against them.

Gen Beg said the US knew that Iraq did not have nuclear capability and still it attacked Iraq with its superior air and naval power. He said now the US would go for massive strikes on Iran, using all satellite bases it has in the neighbouring countries of the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa.

According to him, the US could also use F-117 Stealth, which can take off from the US bases, hit targets in Iran and go back. He said the US had plans to destroy thousands of targets in the first 24 hours. The former army chief said the US threats to Iran were a precursor to attack.

About the moves to isolate Iran even among the Islamic countries, he said, the visits of US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defence Robert Gates were meant for the same purpose.

They were telling the Arab countries in particular that Iran was misbehaving and must be punished. The Iraqi president’s visit to Syria was also aimed at driving Damascus away from Tehran, and the ongoing secret talks between Israel and Syria were also significant, said Gen Beg.

He said learning a lesson from its experience in other countries, the US would avoid land battles and use the air and naval power and the rapid action force instead.

To bring Pakistan under pressure, he said a senior US official John Negroponte had alleged that Pakistan was still supporting the Taliban and the NATO commander had said that after peace accord between the government and the tribesmen in Waziristan, infiltration into Afghanistan had also gone up manifold.

It was because of these allegations, Gen Beg said, that Pakistan had launched a fresh operation against ‘militants’ killing several people on the very first day.

He said the US had been defeated both in Iraq and Afghanistan. Still, in his opinion, the US would not like to completely pull out from Iraq and Afghanistan like the Soviet Union had done.

They would withdraw from both the countries, but at the same time maintain their strong military presence there for the sake of influence in the Gulf, Central Asia and South Asian region.

For this purpose, he said, the US troops were being redeployed and the number of military bases being reduced around the world. Satellite bases had been activated to facilitate the operations of the rapid action forces, deployed at the satellite bases, he said. He said the US also could go for the option of regime change in Iran, which appeared more probable through military intimidation and coercive diplomacy.

President Ahamadinejad’s weak economic policies, rising inflation, poor showing in the last elections, UN sanctions due to his unbending nuclear policy, anti-American rhetoric and many other factors made him very ‘vulnerable’.

The former army chief said the US ‘unilateralism’ was harmful for the global peace. He said the US was bypassing the United Nations in all its decisions because of which the world body was getting irrelevant. He said the sanctity of the UN should not be violated in any situation.
This seems likely, however, i dont see what is U.S going to do by attacking Pakistan other than remove nuclear weapons, which i think would be a hard task.
This seems likely, however, i dont see what is U.S going to do by attacking Pakistan other than remove nuclear weapons, which i think would be a hard task.

Nothing that a squadron of B-2 & F-117 cant achieve
This seems likely, however, i dont see what is U.S going to do by attacking Pakistan other than remove nuclear weapons, which i think would be a hard task.

Besides removing our nukes US would probably go after Balochistan to prevent China getting stronghold in the region.
General Beg was always a maverick. His speech at the staff college Quetta praising Saddam's policy of defiance back in 1991 cost him his job.

I dont deny that US has the capacity to do what General Beg says. Since the verbal threat by Armitage, I am sure Pak nukes are being kept at different places in disassemble form. These could be put back within a few hours in case of hostilities. All one needs is to have a couple of weapons unharmed and that is enough.

Besides, I dont think there is a real danger of US taking out Pak nukes unless there is serious threat to US interests in this region, which basically means to Israel. Of course, should a hard line anti US party such as MMA comes to power, it would be a different matter altogether.

Gen Beg seems to equate Iran and Pakistan. Iranian Presisdent has openly threatened Israel, so it is a different case altogether.

President Ahamadinejad’s weak economic policies, rising inflation, poor showing in the last elections, UN sanctions due to his unbending nuclear policy, anti-American rhetoric and many other factors made him very ‘vulnerable’

Ahmadenejad has been elected recently with strong support, his economic policies are too new to have much impact and Iran's economy is booming. UN sanctions are very weak and imposed only a few weeks back. I am surprised at this observation by General Sahib.
Besides removing our nukes US would probably go after Balochistan to prevent China getting stronghold in the region.
US could hav done that by just talking to Mushraff, there is no need for them to attack pakistan to do that.
I think its just another figmentation of general's(former) imagination.
Besides removing our nukes US would probably go after Balochistan to prevent China getting stronghold in the region.

I might be out of line but wouldn't China resisit?:confused:
US could hav done that by just talking to Mushraff, there is no need for them to attack pakistan to do that.

I think its just another figmentation of general's(former) imagination.

Are you saying that Mush would pack up our nukes and handover to Bush if he asked?
I don't think i got that right...:confused:
I might be out of line but wouldn't China resisit?:confused:

Ofcourse China would resist, Pakistan is of great geo-political importance when it comes to Chinese presence in the region.
Despite pressure from Washinton, Beijing recently secured a $18 billion deal to develop new oil and gasfields in Iran.
Both Iran and Pakistan are important to the Chinese.
I might be out of line but wouldn't China resisit?:confused:
In the 80s if I have told some one that US will attack Iraq they would have said I am crazy , same if I would have said that after Russia US will attack Afghanistan people would have said this guy is nuts.

You are absolutely right Janbaz that is also one reason that US will think twice before touching us.
Regarding Retd Gen Baig's statements he is doing a fantastic job doing it, Do you know why?.
Things are getting out of hand every second day US blams PAKISTAN of not doing there job properly at the PAK/AFGAN Border. In such conditions Pakistan cannot rely on anyone and musharaf has started thinking that what if. To counter the question what if USA decides to attack PAkistan in the name of Terrorism than what, he does not want any serving general or any one close to him say this openly. So he lets a retired general do all the talking and bring this topic out in the open, by bringing this question out in the open will predominantly help Pakistan in the long run.
Plus we have another problem we dont need outsiders to come and harm us we have enought Mir Jaffars and Mir Sadiqs in Pakistan who are ready to Harm her.
Good post Sir!

I've been wondering if the US with all her might can be involved at four fronts simultaniously without demaging her economy.
The war in Iraq and Afghanistan have already cost the US taxpayer over $500 billion, new fronts in Iran and Pakistan would cost even more.

Can US pull it off?
Can US pull it off?

No way! The people are already sick and tired and facing Iran and Pakistan will be one heck of a job. Iran could initiate a ground invasion on Iraq and Pakistan might run over Afghanistan. Plus China and Russia won't be too happy with Uncle Sam's ambitions. Besides their economy is already bracing for a recession and it is no where better seen than in Canada as we trade over 80% of goods into the States, Attacking 2 other countires is an unthinkable scenario even for the mighty hyperpower USA.
No way! The people are already sick and tired and facing Iran and Pakistan will be one heck of a job. Iran could initiate a ground invasion on Iraq and Pakistan might run over Afghanistan. Plus China and Russia won't be too happy with Uncle Sam's ambitions. Plus their economy is already bracing for a recession and it is no where better seen than in Canada as we trade over 80% of goods into the States, Attacking 2 other countires is an unthinkable scenario even for the mighty hyperpower USA.

Agreed!! the average Joe Blow ( me) is kinda fed up with this war business. We had a going away dinner for yet another one of our friends last week, and one of our employees buried her son over the weekend..
Good post Sir!

I've been wondering if the US with all her might can be involved at four fronts simultaniously without demaging her economy.
The war in Iraq and Afghanistan have already cost the US taxpayer over $500 billion, new fronts in Iran and Pakistan would cost even more.

Can US pull it off?

Besides the war costs, factories in the US are closing, Ford lost 12.7B where Japan companies made 17B. Since, i'm a Business Management (International) and History major. Alot of investors are turning away from the US and trying to get them back but it's kind of to late now. Their other examples I can give through my research I do for papers, etc. But US willn't be able to handle another war, espically with Pakistan, but mostly Iran with their 12 Million man militia which will employ hit and run tatctis. And alot of people are sick and tired of this war, their some major Anti-war protests going on which aren't even getting as much coverage on America media but go online and you will find tons.
i dont think that usa will ever attack paksitan direct while he is busy in afghanistan and iraq and if he does the third country iran 1st so it will be tight handeling for them for sure but i also see that now or later pakistan is on hit list and iran too if they say they attack paksitan because of bllastic missiles and removing nukes i think it will be a big war 1st we will not just give there will be war second what about india if they are stuck in 3 countries as first i think they have there fellow india to do the job because i have seen usa intrest in india they are offering a lot f-18 and f-16 with tot and nuclear power subs and a lot for what usa plays dirty games as he used pakistan now he will india as now for russia is gone they have new problem coming at fast china it was in our intrest to help usa for russia and as for the same it now goes for indians usa will for sure boost them up india to battle pakistan and china but no worries inshALLAH they will or no enemy of our will take a single part of pakistan
sorry for spellings if wrong

Yeh Pak Watan hai Ghar Apna, Hum is ko Sawarien gaye, Mushkilon mein La-ilaha pukaraien gaye.
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