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Iran marks historic US failure in Tabas Desert

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Iran marks historic US failure in Tabas Desert

The Islamic Republic of Iran has marked the 34th anniversary of a failed US military operation on Iranian soil that was launched in an attempt to release former US embassy staff held in Tehran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

On Friday, hundreds of Iranians from the city of Tabas and other neighboring cities gathered at a mosque for an annual commemoration ceremony. A number of Iranian officials, including Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani, were also among the participants.

On April 25, 1980, the United States launched a covert military operation, known as Operation Eagle Claw, in an attempt to airlift the US embassy staff held in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

However, a sandstorm hit and brought down the group of US military aircraft in the Tabas Desert, killing eight American servicemen and resulting in the abortion of the mission. Inspections showed a helicopter crashed into a C-130 Hercules transport plane as five other choppers were stranded in the storm.

The units involved in the operation were from the US Air Force, Army, Navy and Marine Corps.

The Tabas incident occurred during the administration of former US President Jimmy Carter, and many believe it played a major role in Carter’s defeat in the 1980 presidential election in the US.

Iran commemorates the event every year as a symbol of the failure of US plots against the Islamic Republic.

PressTV - Iran marks historic US failure in Tabas Desert
the first and last delta force fail !!!
in iran with no enemy force ! only sands !
that is a big shame for us
False... that staff was taken out of Iran (Tehran) no offense to my Iranian brothers but the story is very true in-fact one must watch a movie called Argo you will love it one of my fav movies.
False... that staff was taken out of Iran (Tehran) no offense to my Iranian brothers but the story is very true in-fact one must watch a movie called Argo you will love it one of my fav movies.

That is a CIA op. This was a military op for different objective.
What about the Qadyanists running with their tails upward to Great Britain, begging for help :lol: :D :rofl: :omghaha: :laugh:

You just got owned. So now you attack my Sect. Not surprised though. As for running to Brits for help no we don't ask aid from Brits unlike your uncle Al Saud who was installed by the British. Al Saud had ''special'' feelings for British spy Humphreys.
You just got owned. So now you attack my Sect. Not surprised though. As for running to Brits for help no we don't ask aid from Brits unlike your uncle Al Saud who was installed by the British. Al Saud had ''special'' feelings for British spy Humphreys.

we don't know if brother Yzd Khalifa supports Al Saud. It is better that these discussions are kept away from getting personal, or from making assumptions
we don't know if brother Yzd Khalifa supports Al Saud. It is better that these discussions are kept away from getting personal, or from making assumptions

I did not mention him and neither did name any country. He started it with attack on my Sect. That is what he always does. He can never reply like a normal human being. I guess being brought up in oppressed society he has to attack others to win arguments since he never learned how to properly engage in a dialogue.
they died in their motherland, defending their motherland and not 7000 mi away in middle of desert.

Well those who died trying to rescue the embassy staff comprised of Americans held hostage. Would you have done the same to try to rescue Iranians being held hostage from a couple of thousand miles away? If not, then the Iranians are cold hearted people.
the first and last delta force fail !!!
in iran with no enemy force ! only sands !
that is a big shame for us

There is nothing for Iran to rejoice in this episode.

First, the failure of this particular mission was due to local weather condition, not due to anything done by Iranians. The fact that Americans were able to penetrate so deep in Iran should be a cause of alarm for Iran.

Second, this event contributed to ouster of "big pussy" Carter and paved way for Reagan's presidency, a presidents whose policy of introducing disruptive technologies broke down Soviet Union, a country which could have became an ally of Iran, by forcing them into bankrupting arm's race; and whose policies put US economy in an upward growth trajectory, a period of growth which lasted for three decades.

they died in their motherland, defending their motherland and not 7000 mi away in middle of desert. bear it deep in your mind we call them Martyrs.

American's died while trying to save their diplomats from Iranian custody. I don't see as to how they can't be called as martyrs.
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