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Iran criticizes Turkey's "secular Islam"

Are you denying?

There were/is Pkk camps in Iran. The militants crossed the borders and killed thousand of Turkish citizens. Do you deny this? 2 months ago you have captured M. Karayilan and you have released him. Still do you deny these are?
what you say is stupid , full of hatred and non sense.
Never heard about PKAK? we attack this group and suffer from attacks from them from Iraq:
PJAK - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
what you say is stupid , full of hatred and non sense.
Never heard about PKAK? we attack this group and suffer from attacks from them from Iraq:
PJAK - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

PJAK is a branch of PKK ... Before PJAK there was only PKK and your country Iran and Iraq, Syria supported and still supporting them. Pkk had cmps in Iran between 1989-1998.

Pkk started to fight against Iran and named PJAK. You have captured current leader of Pkk M.Karayilan and made a deal with him to stop fighting against Iran, abolish PJAK. Than you have released him.

Thats why Turkiye accepted setting NATO radars in Turkiye. You started to play on pkk card again.
PJAK is a branch of PKK ... Before PJAK there was only PKK and your country Irab, Iraq, Syria supported and still supporting them. Pkk had cmps in Iran between 1989-1998.

Pkk started to fight against Iran and named PJAK. You have captured current leader of Pkk M.Karayilan and made a deal with him to stop fighting against Iran, abolish PJAK.

Thats why Turkiye accepted setting NATO radars in Turkiye. You started to play on pkk card again.

Exactly the opposite of it is true. Turkey first declared that it had accepted to host NATO pre-warning Radars then Iran played the PKK card (If Iran ever had captured Karayilan as you claim at all).

Iran has no interests in the PKK because they can do nothing to Turkey's sovereignty. PKK is no big deal if you ask me.
iran doesnt have the right to criticism Turkish policies. we all know turks did much more for islam in 100 years then iranians did in a century the iranian mullah should know that
Exactly the opposite of it is true. Turkey first declared that it had accepted to host NATO pre-warning Radars then Iran played the PKK card (If Iran ever had captured Karayilan as you claim at all).

Iran has no interests in the PKK because they can do nothing to Turkey's sovereignty. PKK is no big deal if you ask me.

Thats good to see you admit that Iran supported/supporting Pkk.

And about radars, what do i say you, it is the truth coz Turkish gov. made decision suddenly after declared M. Karayilan captured by Iran and released.
PJAK is a branch of PKK ... Before PJAK there was only PKK and your country Iran and Iraq, Syria supported and still supporting them. Pkk had cmps in Iran between 1989-1998.

Pkk started to fight against Iran and named PJAK. You have captured current leader of Pkk M.Karayilan and made a deal with him to stop fighting against Iran, abolish PJAK. Than you have released him.

Thats why Turkiye accepted setting NATO radars in Turkiye. You started to play on pkk card again.
What you say is so full of hatred and bullshit.
We were fighting them. And they killed many of us from Iraq frontier support and activity. Because of the strong action we did in the Iraq frontier showing them we can act anywhere to kick their ***, we had the agreement that there is no conflict anymore and we give them opportunity to see their families in Iran. This is not because we are smart that we support this group.

About PKK :
Many political in Europe support them.
In USA as well many political persons say it is the interest of USA to support PJAK.
Israel PM said the same about PKK.
And here some link.. it is not USA but Blackwater providing with weapons (of course we know russians always make business of weapons so easily with everyone) :
Kurdistan Workers' Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Four members of the organization, who handed themselves over to authorities after escaping from camps in northern Iraq, claimed they had seen two U.S. armored vehicles deliver weapons, which was widely reported and further stoked suspicions about U.S. policy in Iraq.[62] US envoy denied these claims.[63] The arms were claimed to be part of Blackwater Worldwide arms smuggling allegations. The probe of organization's weapons and the investigation of Blackwater employees were connected.[64]
@ Husseyin

Keep denying dude...

You can fooled only yourself not us. I am talking about Pkk you are talking about PJAK. You have founded and supported Pkk years and years till the gun turned on you as PJAK.

We know that some eu countries and Israel supporting pkk even USA but PKK has camps only in IRAQ, SYRIA and IRAN ...
Thats good to see you admit that Iran supported/supporting Pkk.

And about radars, what do i say you, it is the truth coz Turkish gov. made decision suddenly after declared M. Karayilan captured by Iran and released.

Iran never officially announced that it had captured Karayilan, a Turkish newspaper claimed that. (It was Hurriyet Daily if I'm not mistaken or another Turkish newspaper).

The story of the radars in Turkey is about months before that, Turkey had never rejected to host the radars, it had only said that it wouldn't accept that the name of any country was precisely and explicitly said as a threat but even before that there were rumors that Turkey would finally accept to host the radars and that happened as everybody expected. That's not a big deal though, Iran and Turkey are still friends and the relations between us are good.

And just FYI, PKK has no camps in Iran. Only PJAK has camps in Iran. If you think otherwise, you should come up with documents and proofs. PKK has never been active in Iran ever.
@ Husseyin

Keep denying dude...

You can fooled only yourself not us. I am talking about Pkk you are talking about PJAK. You have founded and supported Pkk years and years till the gun turned to you as PJAK.

We know that some eu countries and Israel supporting pkk even USA but PKK has camps only in IRAQ, SYRIA and IRAN ...
Arian answered you.
We are not supporting the PKK dude. If for you it is convenient to think so i cannot change your mind.

And by the way, yeah they have their base in Iraq but .. you know what?
you never complained to USA or Iraq?
you never wondered why USA let them be there?

you're such a joke
Iran and Turkey are still friends and the relations between us are good.

I agree with you ...

Everything is getting normal between Iran and Turkiye again. As i said you played on pkk card and we played on NATO. Each-sidesaw what do they have.

BTW, we must have good relation.

Here is the proof...

13.10.2011 08:21
AK Party deputy Shamil Tayyar'ın, according to the information contained in the last book of Turkey, the PKK camps in Iran, gave the coordinates and addresses of the neighboring country. However, Iran, Karayilan bargaining table, sat down with

Samil Tayyar AKP Gaziantep deputy, returned to the story of the snake was captured alleged terrorist Murat Karayılan'ın Iran and the PKK camps in this country that did not make public information to date on the "links Ergenekon Kurdish / PKK Deep Secret Codes" explained in his book.
MIT, the coordinates of the PKK terrorist camps and reported addresses Iran management, identification of the PKK started lap Based on intelligence reports describing the Tayyar, the National Security Council of this situation, "When you increase the number of PKK operations have been made in Iran," said the finding came from the agenda.
in touch Tayyar, which will be published next week, "the Kurdish links Ergenekon / Deep PKK's hidden code" in his book on the striking claim that relations between Iran and the PKK, and has included the information. Sözkonunu Karayılan'ın whether the arrest in 2010 through the bargaining table, seated in Iran voicing Tayyar, Turkey's Qandil operation during his last contact with Iranian intelligence Karayılan'ın stored in a secure place in this country, he argued.
Tayyar , for Karayilan, "Capturing and tartaklanması is not in question. Already, Iran, in constant contact with Karayılan'la. Black cohosh, with the knowledge of Iran's intelligence unit constantly in and out of Iran. Finally, last year Urumiyah Hotel, remained, sat on the negotiating table with Iran. This information was reported on Iran by MIT, but could not get answers. Shortly before the last operation in the Kandil Karayılan'ın information that Iran has reached a safe area, "he said. Tayyar, the latest air campaign in Kandil and seriously injured 35 PKK members, with the knowledge of Iran said Urumiye'deki republic's Hospital under treatment received.
entered the NSC report, against the PKK as one of the studies conducted in the state reached a crucial information, "When you growing in Iran, Syria and Iraq declined, the number of PKK. In other words, the PKK shelter of one of three critical that Iran is "open expressions told. This brought up the issue with a report of NSC transmits Tayyar, Turkey Iran's PKK operation starts lap opened said.


Tayyar'ın book "aiding and abetting the PKK, which Turkey insists the organization and staff houses Iran asked for help by reporting. 2010 in Turkey support the PKK in Iran, a large number of providers has more intelligence. According to reports, the latest state of the PKK in Iran as of 2010 are as follows:
- code-named Jaffar Hussein Engizek Urumiye'de around the responsibility of the PKK barınıyor 450-500.
- Ağrı activity to the PKK ' fled to Iran and intensified operations against the group-related Maku / Dambat remains in the top-level PKK'lılarla.
- Maku-Yarmuke Tikme with the mountainous region north of the village has around 20 members of the organization.
- Urumiyah / near the Sino Goder (Günyazı-Kanyolu hamlet 40 km from the village. from the Iran-Iraq border) in the village still has a crowded group of PKK members. Originally settled in the camp after a while on the move crossed the PKK. Organization working to bring the element to generate income, particularly drugs, explosives, weapons and ammunition shipments are doing. This information was reported in Iran in 2010, but has not passed the act.
old sunni-shia rivally.but turkey is a role model for muslim majority country.same thing can't be said for iran.
Here is the other one....

History of the Kurdistan Workers' Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

---------- Post added at 08:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 PM ----------

Moreeee ...........??

Former MP discloses that Iran harbored Öcalan in ‘90s

21 August 2011 / ERCAN YAVUZ, ANKARA
Turkish intelligence services have determined that Iran provided shelter at one time to jailed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Öcalan, while aiding and abetting Kurdish militants who crossed over the Iranian border for supplies and medical care.
According to former Democratic Left Party (DSP) İzmir deputy Recai Birgün, the former chief bodyguard of the late Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit, not only Syria but also Iran harbored Öcalan in the past and provided material support to him and his terror network.

Speaking to Sunday’s Zaman, Birgün stated that in 1994, Turkish intelligence services determined that Öcalan was hiding in Iran. He even disclosed details of how Turkey conducted a failed special operation to extract Öcalan from his hideout in Iran. “When Öcalan was spotted in Iran, Turkey gave the go-ahead for preparations to conduct a secret operation to pick him up” he stated. Birgün went on to say: “I know this from first hand knowledge because I was working in the security detachment in the Turkish Consulate General in Urmia, Iran, at the time.

I even hosted the special team sent by Turkey to Iran in my home. We scouted places where Apo had possibly stayed. We planted some of our operatives in villages and waited for him to appear. However, it turned out that our intelligence was outdated and Öcalan had already escaped. Later on, we learned that several months before the operation, Öcalan had left Iran.”

After serving as chief bodyguard for the late Prime Minister and former DSP leader Ecevit, Recai Birgün was elected as İzmir deputy for the DSP. He worked as a security attaché at the Turkish Consulate General in Urmia where he served as chief bodyguard of Turkish Consul General Muammer Oyan.

(‘We have located the PKK camps in Iran’) Birgün disclosed details of how intelligence services found the special ties between the PKK and Iran.

“When I was in Urmia, Turkey launched its first military incursion into northern Iraq. Iran sought to obtain compensation by claiming its villages were bombed during the incursion. This led to a crisis between the two countries. Subsequently, delegations from the two countries met in Urmia. I was a member of this delegation. The Turkish delegation showed the location of all PKK camps in Iran to the head of the border security unit. They seemed surprised. After they first denied the existence of the PKK camps in Iran, we wanted to visit these places shown in the photos. They were not eager to take us to the camps. We were able to go there just two days later; however, the camps had already been cleaned out by the Iranians and were deserted. The only thing that we could see was the ruins where refugees had lived,” Birgün recalled.

Birgün added: “At that time, we had already verified through the testimony of captured members of the PKK and its Iranian offshoot, the Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan [PJAK], that there were training camps in Şeridan, Cerme, Humaro, Kelereş, Zağros and Afki. However, Iran also denied the existence of these camps.”

Indicating that all PKK attacks in the Hakkari region had been carried out through Iran, Birgün said: “When we visited the region to investigate Iranian claims, we saw that some villages had been bombed by Turkish warplanes. However, there were PKK camps next to these villages. It was impossible to distinguish the PKK camps from the villages.”

PKK had a hospital and sewing workshop

In 2002, claims surfaced in the Turkish media that the PKK had operated a hospital in Iran and treated its wounded militants there. Birgün, who worked in Urmia, corroborates these claims. “We knew that the PKK purchased a hospital in Urmia. It was not a full-fledged hospital, but it was enough to treat their wounded. The PKK also ran a sewing workshop to provide uniforms for its militants. When we asked Iranians why they were supporting the PKK, they said that it was in retaliation because Turkey was hosting camps for anti-regime supporters. They claimed there were some pro-shah camps in Kayseri. They said, ‘If you close those camps, we will also close PKK camps’.” The weapons of Lebanon’s Hezbollah carried by PKK

Claiming that there were secret agreements between the PKK and Iran, Birgün pointed out that thanks to these agreements the terrorist organization controlled the border trade in the region.

“Iran used to conduct weapons smuggling through Syria and Lebanon using the PKK network. I can safely say that an important portion of Hezbollah weapons in Lebanon had been transported by the PKK,” he said.

Birgün also noted that Turkish intelligence was aware of regular meetings between the PKK and Iranian intelligence operatives. “Everyone knows that Iran has supported the PKK since the establishment of the organization. There is a confidence problem between the two countries. We know that Iran has made some secret agreements with the PKK. While fighting with PJAK in the south, Iran has supported the PKK on Turkey’s border. The PKK had agreed to not conduct attacks within the boundaries of Iran and kept its promise. After having a deal with PJAK in Kandil, the PKK broke its agreement with the Iranian intelligence unit. PKK supporters attacked the Turkish consulate. This was the first PKK attack in Iran, but the Iranians did not raise their voices against this attack,” he explained.

The former parliament member believes the Iranian position has never changed over the years, even though the two countries have cooperated closely in a number of different areas. “In my opinion, Iran’s attitude has never changed. It is continuing to exhibit its hypocritical stance. It denies the existence of the PKK in Iran and condones the organization. The Turkish Consulate General in Urmia can confirm that the same camps still exist today. Despite the photos, they deny everything. But they cannot be persuasive. Iran has always established direct connections with terrorist organizations, and it will continue to interact with them,” he said.

Öcalan and Sakık have confessed support of Iran. During the Imralı trials, Öcalan confessed to the relationship between Iran and the PKK. He also discussed the weapons-smuggling aspect of the PKK-Iran relationship.

Öcalan said the six trucks loaded with weapons that were seized at the Cilvegözü border gate had not been sent for the PKK. These weapons had been sent to Lebanon’s Hezbollah terrorist organization by Iran via Syria. He said that if those weapons had belonged to the PKK, we would have taken them on the Iranian border from Iranian officials.

Turkish intelligence units have determined that in Urmia, a meeting had been held between PKK Executive Council members Osman Öcalan, Duran Kalkan and Hacı Ramazan and Iranian intelligence to set up the relationship between the PKK and Iran. It is known that Cemil Bayık, a PKK leader, has very close ties with Iran and has frequently been to Iran. Thanks to the testimony of apprehended PJAK militants, Turkish intelligence units have accessed very important information, including the locations of some weapon inventories of the PKK.
And MIT says there is a hospital in Urumiye which belong pkk. That hospital is still active.
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