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Iran confiscates Buddha statues


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Iran confiscates Buddha statues in crackdown on 'cultural invasion'

Associated Press in Tehran, guardian.co.uk, Sunday 17 February 2013 08.32 EST

Buddha statues have joined Barbie dolls and characters from The Simpsons as banned items in Iran.

Officials are confiscating the statues from shops in the capital, Tehran, to stop the promotion of Buddhism, according to a report in the independent Arman daily.

The Islamic republic has long fought against items such as Barbie toys to block western influence, but this appears to be the first time authorities have shown an opposition to symbols from the east.

The newspaper quoted Saeed Jaberi Ansari, an official for the protection of Iran's cultural heritage, as calling the Buddha statues symbols of "cultural invasion".

He reportedly said authorities would not permit a specific belief to be promoted through such items. Ansari did not say how many Buddhas had been seized, but said the "cleansing" would continue.

Some Iranians buy Buddha statues to decorate their homes and cars. Most are made in China and come from Iranian free-trade zones in the Gulf.

"As I understand, none of the customers cared about Buddhism, they only bought it for decoration," said Reza Sanaei, a shopkeeper who sells the statues.

A customer, Marjan Arbabi, said she personally did not like the statues. "But my parents have a set of five Buddha statues at their home simply because they think the statues are beautiful," she said.

Under Iran's constitution, Christian and Jewish beliefs as well as Zoroastrianism are recognised alongside Islam, the official religion. The law says that in general the rights of all non-Muslims should be observed.

Some Islamists do not support the production of any statue, as they view it as a way to promote idols. In 2010 several statues depicting prominent Iranians disappeared from Tehran's streets and squares. Their disappearance was blamed on an unnamed group with a strict interpretation of Islam that forbids depiction of the human form in art.

Iran confiscates Buddha statues in crackdown on 'cultural invasion' | World news | guardian.co.uk
How Buddhist statues are promoting religion ? Why not stop Internet and TV that affects people much more than a statue as the former one is attractive and full of new things, good or bad.

If one has complete dedication to his/her faith, no matter what , he/she might ot convert. We ever ruled by Mughals and British but still we are 1 billion Hindus in just one country while 2 billion Muslims in 57 Muslim nations. We have among the highest number of Muslim population. Living side by side for centuries and still co-existing.
Iran confiscates Buddha statues in crackdown on 'cultural invasion'

Some Islamists do not support the production of any statue, as they view it as a way to promote idols. In 2010 several statues depicting prominent Iranians disappeared from Tehran's streets and squares. Their disappearance was blamed on an unnamed group with a strict interpretation of Islam that forbids depiction of the human form in art.

Iran confiscates Buddha statues in crackdown on 'cultural invasion' | World news | guardian.co.uk

this is a lie. statues have been stolen for their price nothing more.
How Buddhist statues are promoting religion ? Why not stop Internet and TV that affects people much more than a statue as the former one is attractive and full of new things, good or bad.

If one has complete dedication to his/her faith, no matter what , he/she might ot convert. We ever ruled by Mughals and British but still we are 1 billion Hindus in just one country while 2 billion Muslims in 57 Muslim nations. We have among the highest number of Muslim population. Living side by side for centuries and still co-existing.

the problem is not Buddhism. these statues used by groups who we call them newborn Mysticism s. some of these people have some serious problems.:hang2:
the problem is not Buddhism. these statues used by groups who we call them newborn Mysticism s. some of these people have some serious issues.:hang2:
newborn Mysticism ? :blink: What type of ?

But these type of people are in every country.
newborn Mysticism ? :blink: What type of ?

But these type of people are in every country.

i know there is. before (about)5 years ago.the issue was same as other countries but suddenly they grew.Believe or not we have about 20 (maybe more) false prophets just in our state :laugh:. some of them just telling people bullshit words but some are very dangerous. they have problems with Society and harm people, some drink blood,eat fly and a guy told me master can(Allowed to) eat his/her own sh!t :bad::bad::bad:.
@Barnabas Watch the documentary on Aghori Sadhus, a particular section of Hindu worshipers. You won't be able to digest the things they do. What you have said here is nothing w.r.t. what they do. Some points.

They live in cremation ground. They have one utensil, a bowl carved out from human skull, they wear nothing but apply ashes of cremated body mixed with water on their skin. They don't visit their family. They eat all type of meat, even Human flesh from the un burnt part of body of the dead they fetch. They may eat their sh!t, animal sh!t, drink alcohol, try Drugs, etc.

They try to diminish the line of Good and Bad according to society and perceived by the general population. And even after doing this, they are most peaceful people.

Its something that people can't understand but its a unique way of approach to God by forgetting everything, leaving every prejudice and social boundaries, praying to God and loving Death just like the love Life.

And we don't stop them. Its their belief system and they are not harming anyone.
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i know there is. before (about)5 years ago.the issue was same as other countries but suddenly they grew.Believe or not we have about 20 (maybe more) false prophets just in our state :laugh:. some of them just telling people bullshit words but some are very dangerous. they have problems with Society and harm people, some drink blood,eat fly and a guy told me master can(Allowed to) eat his/her own sh!t :bad::bad::bad:.

Oh you mean "Cults".

Yeah those Cults are weird as hell.
bad news.but iran may have done this,due to it being an islamic republic.
@Barnabas Watch the documentary on Aghori Sadhus, a particular section of Hindu worshipers. You won't be able to digest the things they do. What you have said here is nothing w.r.t. what they do. Some points.

They live in cremation ground. They have one utensil, a bowl carved out from human skull, they wear nothing but apply ashes of cremated body mixed with water on their skin. They don't visit their family. They eat all type of meat, even Human flesh from the un burnt part of body of the dead they fetch. They may eat their sh!t, animal sh!t, drink alcohol, try Drugs, etc.

They try to diminish the line of Good and Bad according to society and perceived by the general population. And even after doing this, they are most peaceful people.

Its something that people can't understand but its a unique way of approach to God by forgetting everything, leaving every prejudice and social boundaries, praying to God and loving Death just like the love Life.

And we don't stop them. Its their belief system and they are not harming anyone.

i believe in freedom of religious and as you said till they dont harm people i have no problem but personally i dont think "All's well that ends well" the way you choose to reach your end is as important as your end itself and maybe it is more important than your end. i have a question is their god happy seeing his worshipers doing this stuff. ?:confused:
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@Barnabas You already know the answer. God loves everyone and accept everyone. As long a person is showing real humanity, not so called typical and hyocritic humanity, even I don't consider them bad, why will the forgiver God be ?

Do God discriminate ? He/she just give what we deserve. In few tribes, people eat human flesh, lives naked and still they are more peaceful and caring for each other than people who lives in cities, where a person don't even know his/her neighbor, won't help a person in need like an injured person after accidet and all the people passing by whereas he keep crying for help.

The word you used "this stuff" points to your definition of what is good and what is bad.

In Jainism, Hinduism, especially in Brahmins, eating meat is considered as Sin. Killing an animal is like a crime. There is a section of people in India called Vishnois who embraced all the tress when there were orders to cut those trees. The died for trees.

So its all relative and depends on your definition of what's right and what's wrong.

Those Sadhus have more control on their senses and they are so selfless that if we look at ourselves, we are bounded in social obligations, slave to materialistic things, bound by strict rules in the name of God and made to follow certain path even when all leads to same destination.

According to Hindutva, the path can be different but the destination i.e. the truth or enlightenment or God is the same.

But like Islam, Hinduism is being twisted by people and used to derail people from their normal and good life style to become a violent person who wants to impose his/her version of God, religion on others.

That's why I never ever blame religion for any problem. Its the misconception and deformation of religion by few selfish people along with perception of the people that creates the problem.

Islam is a religion of peace just like other religions. But its some idiots who have twisted it to prove themselves as superior and impose their will by force and violence.

The sooner we understand it and stand by each other against these extremists, the sooner we will get rid of these extremist people from the world.
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@Barnabas You already know the answer. God loves everyone and accept everyone. As long a person is showing real humanity, not so called typical and hyocritic humanity, even I don't consider them bad, why will the forgiver God be ?

Do God discriminate ? He/she just give what we deserve. In few tribes, people eat human flesh, lives naked and still they are more peaceful and caring for each other than people who lives in cities, where a person don't even know his/her neighbor, won't help a person in need like an injured person after accidet and all the people passing by whereas he keep crying for help.

The word you used "this stuff" points to your definition of what is good and what is bad.

In Jainism, Hinduism, especially in Brahmins, eating meat is considered as Sin. Killing an animal is like a crime. There is a section of people in India called Vishnois who embraced all the tress when there were orders to cut those trees. The died for trees.

So its all relative and depends on your definition of what's right and what's wrong.

Those Sadhus have more control on their senses and they are so selfless that if we look at ourselves, we are bounded in social obligations, slave to materialistic things, bound by strict rules in the name of God and made to follow certain path even when all leads to same destination.

According to Hindutva, the path can be different but the destination i.e. the truth or enlightenment or God is the same.

But like Islam, Hinduism is being twisted by people and used to derail people from their normal and good life style to become a violent person who wants to impose his/her version of God, religion on others.

That's why I never ever blame religion for any problem. Its the misconception and deformation of religion by few selfish people along with perception of the people that creates the problem.

Islam is a religion of peace just like other religions. But its some idiots who have twisted it to prove themselves as superior and impose their will by force and violence.

The sooner we understand it and stand by each other against these extremists, the sooner we will get rid of these extremist people from the world.

99% agreed.
90% of what we believed as right and wrong is from worthless root.during the Crusades between 1000000 -3000000 died. i am not judging witch side is guilty but the point is two sides believed they are fighting for god and after death god will give them reward.what i am saying is god has a basic standards,rules, for example if you can eat fresh food dont eat human flesh, if you can give your family and yourself more comfort in right way, do it. god dont need you to be naked or eat trash.one of first rules in Islam is not kill Innocent,quote from Quran" if sb kills an Innocent its like he/she killed all the humanity on earth" but you see with name of Islam some extremists are killing even kids.
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@Barnabas I have been told many good things in Islam that should be followed by Hindus not entirely but as in way of life. Like praying to God five times a day. That's one of the good thing I like about Islam.

As for why they do this, they fetch what they can get hands on. They may even visit a criminal or brothel area but they don't disrespect them, take food from them and consider them just another human being without judging them. They don't try to get things according to their taste. Whatever they can to survive. What I have written about Human flesh and sh!t, it isn't done as a regular routine or affinity towards it, but they don't discriminate even food.

I had some problem understanding this concept but soon I tried to look why these people even after doing such things are so peaceful and non-violent whereas people like me or others who follow religion, try to live a life of Good Human turns out to be a murderer, looter, rioter, terrorist in name of Religion and God.

So when I tried to look deeper into the Philosophy, I came to the conclusion that its their way to approach to God, just another path, just another way.

This is what average Indian thinks and often celebrate each other's festival, observe other's cultures and respect other's religions. This lead to religious tolerance and harmony and this is way in worst cases of riots, Hindu families have saved Muslims and Muslims have saved Hindus and even Hindus saved Sikhs in 1984 and Sikhs saved Hindus when Mughals attacked us.
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