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Iran blames US, UK, Pakistan

Now claim islamic brotherhood and all.....its weird how you people used to boast iran against the zionist evil israel,and now the same iran accusing pak of the attacks.....weirdiest thing i have ever seen!......will look closely for furthur developments.......and its damn serious when the president says so,and there must be some reason behind too......not good for pak at all

---------- Post added at 01:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 AM ----------


Mate it doesn't have to do anything with Islamic brotherhood, I don't think that Iran ever had as close relationship with Pakistan as they always had with India,

its just smell fishy because its too fast to blame on Pakistan agencies even Pakistan never ever had any dispute with Iran, carelessness is 1 thing and getting involve is something else, there could be possibility of carelessness by Pakistan border force to not taking care for Pak/Iran border but what Ahmedi Nijad said is Pakistani agencies are involved in this suicide attack is just ridiculous, I don't know why they think that Pakistan will poke his nose when they just started a very important operation in Wazeeristan ??

I condemn that suicide attack, I hope Pakistan should help Iran to catch Abdul Maalik Reggi or whoever is responsible for this attack.
I cant find no report of iran blaming pakistan....all i see is reports of iran blaming the US-UK govts.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iranian commanders assassinated

The only thing that has come up to with pakistan is that..... "Following the attack, Iran's foreign ministry summoned a senior Pakistani diplomat in Tehran, Iran's Press TV reported.

"The Pakistani official assured Tehran that his country would take all measures to secure its border with Iran," it said."
Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Iran officers die in suicide attack

If they where blaming pakistan would they have not summoned the ambassador?
What if the meeting was about sharing intel on the baluchi terror outfits.

Read my post
The title of the thread is misleading. Iran hasn’t blamed Pakistani intelligence or the govt or govt institutions! They have only blamed "some security agents". Meaning- certain individuals who may or may not be acting at the behest of the state or institutions of the state. Also, they have mentioned that Pakistani soil was used by the perpetrators of the attack and has only requested Pakistan to act and help Iran in capturing these "security agents" and attackers. Rephrasing the title may be a good idea to avoid bad blood between members here.

Iran urges Pakistan action after attack- Reuters
It was expected, with a government like this (and the previous one) anyone can shout at Pakistan
Dear spliterz and other pak members,plz take the first line of my post on a lighter note.....pun was intended......no bad feelings,eh?......btw,i'm really curous how ahmednijad came to such a conclusion that the attacks surfaced from pak land......what is the base of making such an statement by the president of iran?
Sunni insurgent group Jundollah which is responsible for the attack on Republican Guards has links with Pakistani Taliban and ISI they also are supported by Saudi Arabia. The aim is to break up Shiaite Iran. Similar accusations were leveled earlier. Ofcourse Pakistan will deny just as they had initially denied that JEM was responsible in the attack on Indian parliament and that LET was responsible for 26/11. Subesquently they admitted to both allegations and now boast of these attacks with pride. Actually Pakistani govt is correct in denying as they dont know what on Earth the ISI/Army is doing. Even Nawaz Sharif initially denied Pakistani involvement in the Kargil war but later on blamed Musharraf for not keeping him informed. Really every one knows every thing, they just keep up this facade so that GOP can claim plausible deniability.

"Not so fast.... keep dreaming for a while"- As if India cares a damn whether the pipeline works out or not!! Why should India bother about a pipeline that has every likelyhood of getting blown up at ten different places every day by the 'strategic assets of Pakistan', the jihadis who have now turned upon their masters.
And here we go. The milking process has already commenced. Opinions presented as facts, and I bet you'll get thanked by 15 idiots. "Jandullah has links to Pakistani Taleban and ISI". Well, if you haven't noticed yet, the situation is kind of an either-or one. You can't be friends of the two. Also, the accusation against Taleban, or elements inside Pakistan, are not so alarming, it's that they believe the "security forces" were involved. As for the LET attacks on the Parliament, nobody ever admitted Pakistani State institutions were directly involved. We denied Pakistani involvement at first because you claimed it without a shred of evidence, much like the train bombings which later turned out quite embarrassing for you. Don't make up false confessions or try to twist the story to meet your needs.

Second, yes, India very much cares for the pipeline project, since it was the leading driver for the project. It would be advisable that you consider why India has gone as far to get this project completed, instead of denying it outright. Like you said, "Really every one knows every thing, they just keep up this facade".
The title of the thread is misleading. Iran hasn’t blamed Pakistani intelligence or the govt or govt institutions! They have only blamed "some security agents". Meaning- certain individuals who may or may not be acting at the behest of the state or institutions of the state. Also, they have mentioned that Pakistani soil was used by the perpetrators of the attack and has only requested Pakistan to act and help Iran in capturing these "security agents" and attackers. Rephrasing the title may be a good idea to avoid bad blood between members here.
I am glad sanity remains within our Eastern brothers. Thank you, Screaming Skull, for seeing the picture as it is rather than as your personal biases would want to.

Dear spliterz and other pak members,plz take the first line of my post on a lighter note.....pun was intended......no bad feelings,eh?......btw,i'm really curous how ahmednijad came to such a conclusion that the attacks surfaced from pak land......what is the base of making such an statement by the president of iran?
No bad feelings, Jako. That last question you asked was the first one on my mind. But, please remember, the Iranian President is not known for making intelligent statements. Remember the Columbia University disaster? A statement coming from him means less to me than one coming from PM Manmohan Singh, frankly.

Iran summoned Islamabad's envoy to Tehran

TEHRAN: Iran summoned Islamabad's envoy to Tehran over Sunday's deadly bombing against the nation's Revolutionary Guards, claiming those behind the attack had used Pakistani soil as a springboard, a local news agency said.

It said the foreign ministry had called Pakistan's charge d'affairs and "expressed Tehran's regret to Pakistan's envoy (that) members of the terrorist group involved in the incident entered Iran through Pakistan."

The ministry also "protested against the use of Pakistani territory by the terrorists and rebels against the Islamic Republic of Iran and urged Pakistani authorities to act firmly to prevent the movement of those terrorists and rebels in their country."

This doesn't seem Iranians are blaming Pakistan for the bombing. It smells more like SCO is prep'in to play showhand in Afghanistan. I sincerely hope I am wrong.
Dear spliterz and other pak members,plz take the first line of my post on a lighter note.....pun was intended......no bad feelings,eh?......btw,i'm really curous how ahmednijad came to such a conclusion that the attacks surfaced from pak land......what is the base of making such an statement by the president of iran?

that's what i thought when i saw that slide on TV, i was really shocked to see Ahmedi nijad's statement about blaming Pakistan, I don't think so that Pakistani people were expecting such statement from him or maybe not that early..
These trouble makers had to come from somewhere, unlike our friendly neighbour India however; Iran did not start hyperventilating and did not use this as an excuse to blame the whole of Pakistan.

They seem to be more mature, and there is no such thing as an Indian-Iranian nexus pitting against Pakistan.

An Indian-Israeli nexus, most certainly...
Did iran and pakistan not have a joint ops a few years ago to take out jundullah-BLA terrorist?
'Security agents' could also refer to border guards and customs officials, who are often corrupt in Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, and are bribed by drugs smugglers.

I am unaware of any 'links' between Jundullah and the ISI/PA - there is no purpose to such links.

The links with the Taliban developed out of the civil war in Afghanistan and the need to deny the Indian-Russian backed NA power, which ties back into the animosity with India.

The links with the Kashmiri insurgents groups again came out of the hostility with India and support for the Freedom movement in what Pakistan considers occupied territory.

Nothing like that exists in Iran, Pakistan claims none of her territory, so why would Pakistan support Jundullah, especially when they are a Baluch separatist groups and likely have ties with Pakistani Baluch separatists.

The 'Pakistan ISI link' argument makes no sense.

More than likely the Iranians believe the US is being given free reign to destabilize Iran from Pakistani territory. But given the tensions between the US and Pakistan (military at least), and the fact that allowing the US to support Jundullah boomerangs on Pakistan because of its own Baluch separatists, Pakistani security agencies are not going to willingly allow such US activities.
Apparently everyone in the region - Afghans, Iranians, Americans (and one Lahore police official as well) - have caught the Indian disease, supernatural powers to determine where an attack was organized from, not just which entity(s) was behind the attack, but which entity was behind the entity behind the attack, and which institutions of another nation were involved - all within hours of any 'terrorist attack'.

Brilliant - Sherlock Holmes would be put to shame.

Of course, A'jad has a reputation for shooting his mouth off and making inane comments.
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