LOOL You still dont get it do you?
Anything that justifies keeping their women behind close doors(just as baby making machines) for most muslim countries is legitimate. So obviously they will rather look for EVERY reason to justify keeping their women submissive/subservient to their men/husbands than learn from other countries about elevating thier women to an equal status to their men. So their men can go to uni or anywhere else they want to without anybody raising any objections, but their women doing the same?? NEVER, that's blasphemy.
Their men can marry as much women as they want since polygamy is all but legal in most these countries, but their women even dressing the way they want is being a slut, much less talking about divorce or going with another man etc etc. In short, their men are free to do whatever, but women are forbidden from doing the same, else its blasphemy/against Islam. lol
. So why are you surprised the Mullahs dont want their women to go watch a volleyball match in the same stadium as men?lool Last i checked many countries around the world have been just that for decades/centuries without any majpor issues.lol Funny thing is, this is happening in a country who is considered as one of the most progressive countries in the middle east, so imagine how it is in others.
No wonder these beautiful girls//women would rather immigrate to live a better life of freedom, rights,equality and dignity in the west than in their backward 'holy' countries. Can't blame them, i will do the same. I dont mind though, since they do have some very beautiful girls i must confess. So contrary to the men, i welcome them here.