1. Yes I am aware of AISA and I could not find for example any link from AISA (that is readily navigable to this portal.
There are other flaws that extend to the ad spend on the site -- again I think there are many issues with the site that are pretty basic.
Here is a quick rundown that I can do in a few mins -- hope it helps:
0. I would have an information architecture consultant look at the content, navigation -- worth every penny
Articles are long -- this should be structured as a wiki + brochure
1. I does not seems the site is adequately linked from AISA -- this is key
2. No web analytics -- key to optimizing site
3. Enabled Google web master toolkit or like
4. Everything is pushed below the fold -- above the fold is primary real estate
5. Didn't see an on site search
6. No media kit
7. No viral kit -- there should be a section for Afghan embassies, and other organizations which shows how to link back to this site
8. Google ranks dismal -- is someone looking into SEO
9. Is there a media campaign to launch this site -- any PR -- couldn't find any mention
10. Page load times seem slow -- this will lower your search score
11. Lots of valuable real estate wasted to menu system
http://investinafghanistan.af/robots.txt seems incorrectly configured
13. no
16. No taxonomy
17. Do you have someone monitoring the ad spend on google, twitter, Facebook
18. No organic strategy by leveraging the Afghan Diaspora seems visible
19. The security hole pointed out above is critical btw
That's what I could find quickly but I'm no expert -- so take this with a big grain of salt.