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Invasion of Libya by US & UK ?

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i to have seen libyans and bahraini protesters asking for american and british help on tv. found it rather ironic.

Well, they claim to be the champions of democracy and human rights. Time to call their bluff.
I am studying the events in Libya very closely and looking at British & US media gives me a feeling that a ground is being prepared to invade Libya in this vulnerable time & of course "get their OIL".
interviews of anonymous so called "Libyans" are being played on BBC and other channels over and over again "who are pleading for international intervention";)

Something is fishy out there --- what do you guys think?
In fact biggest basher of Gaddafi now is Al Jazeera. They also constantly show some Lybian opposition men who demand Western intervention.
its ok if us and nato attack on this crazy . better to kill him once rather then he kill daily public.
In fact biggest basher of Gaddafi now is Al Jazeera. They also constantly show some Lybian opposition men who demand Western intervention.

ALjazeera is Blocked.
I really don't care for Kadhafi. I don't believe anyone should rule a country for nearly 40 years.

That said, it is an eye opening events that pretty much confirms my beliefs of the European countries led by the US don't respect any form of sovereignty.

Countries without a formidable military forces are time and time again threaten and bullied by the powerful. The tone of the West on Libya is markedly different than Egypt.

Now the US and UK are unilaterally planning a No fly zone over Libya.
Libya unrest: US repositioning forces in region

The US defence department says it is repositioning forces in the Libya region as the West weighs potential intervention against Muammar Gaddafi.

The Pentagon said it was moving forces to "provide for that flexibility once decisions are made".

The US already has a significant presence close to Libya, with several bases in southern Italy.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said US forces could be used for delivering humanitarian assistance.

Meanwhile, the US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, told reporters in Washington the US was "actively and seriously" considering establishing a no-fly zone and was in talks with Nato and other potential military partners.

'Contingency plans'
Repositioned US forces could be used to enforce a no-fly zone to prevent Col Gaddafi's aircraft attacking opposition supporters, BBC correspondents say.

"We have planners working various contingency plans, and I think it's safe to say as part of that we're repositioning forces to provide for that flexibility once decisions are made," Pentagon spokesman Col Dave Lapan said.

The BBC's Andrew North, in Washington, says the Pentagon's announcement seems partly designed to send a message to Col Gaddafi.

It is still not clear if there will be sufficient support at the United Nations Security Council for a no-fly zone, our correspondent says.

US commanders could turn to the USS Enterprise, currently in the Red Sea, as well as the amphibious ship the USS Kearsarge, which has a fleet of helicopters and about 2,000 Marines aboard, AFP news agency reported.

In addition, the US maintains a large naval air station in Sigonella, Sicily, less than an hour's flight from Libya.

Mrs Clinton said on Monday that the US was leaving all its options on the table in dealing with Libya.

Although she did not discuss military options, Mrs Clinton said that as long as Col Gaddafi remained in power the US would consider a range of options against Libya's rulers.

"Through their actions, they have lost the legitimacy to govern. And the people of Libya have made themselves clear: it is time for Gaddafi to go - now, without further violence or delay," she told the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

On Sunday, the New York Times reported that Western nations were looking at setting up a humanitarian "corridor" in neighbouring Tunisia or Egypt to help refugees.

BBC News - Libya unrest: US repositioning forces in region
Why aren't the Arab countries interfering?
Might is right this is the policy of global power . they have power they are ruling the world definition what is wrong or right all depends on who is giving the order. i Libyan crisis Britain has already pull out its citizen by raf aircraft without taking permission from proper authority . and now its turn for its big brother us to showcase its military power and sends a massage to Gaddafi
The United States navy has 11 carrier strike groups and most of those are sitting in ports doing nothing, even with two wars going on simultaneously we still have considerable naval and air assets, setting up a no fly zone would not be a problem. There would be no invasion, no infantry, strictly an air campaign.
In a interview with BBC Qazafi claimed that his people love him and will die to protect him. He also said that there was no any demonstrations in Libya, all the demons are in his favour.
I think you will find that the british army is already on the ground under the guise of helping "rescue" stranded british nationals working in the oil feilds.Libya protests: SAS 'Blades' rescue 150 terrified Britons from desert nightmare | Mail Online.
You can bet that the plane was loaded with soldiers who where dropped off in the libyan desert to "secure" the oil and filled with british oil workers on the way back giving a nice humanitarian gloss to it all.

---------- Post added at 11:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 AM ----------

The United States navy has 11 carrier strike groups and most of those are sitting in ports doing nothing, even with two wars going on simultaneously we still have considerable naval and air assets, setting up a no fly zone would not be a problem. There would be no invasion, no infantry, strictly an air campaign.

Why would you need a a "no fly zone"?
The United States navy has 11 carrier strike groups and most of those are sitting in ports doing nothing, even with two wars going on simultaneously we still have considerable naval and air assets, setting up a no fly zone would not be a problem. There would be no invasion, no infantry, strictly an air campaign.

and who is going to pay for the campaign einstein????

aren't you in enough debt already?
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