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Interfaith marriages

Don't mean to derail this thread, but there is ample evidence showing a probable link between lower mental function indicators (IQ being one of them) and consanguinous procreation.
Offspring of consanguineous aren't of low IQ by default. The low IQ you are referring to happens only 2% of such births and the rest are fine.

That 2% are the children who are born with down syndrome.
I am touchy about Interfaith Marriages!

Since i married a Christian Woman (she accepted Islam before marrying and now learns Islam for indeepth Knowledge and better understanding) and i know about the Islamic Teachings on InterFaith Marriages!

even if she wouldn't accept Islam there would be nothing wrong with it.
Munda, marrying a close relation does not produce below average IQ, unless IQ is inherited, and is genuinely a measure of intelligence. If it is, then both the related parents (I assume a single low IQ one, and a high IQ partner), would not necessarily produce low IQ. Complicated indeed.

First, I do not want explain biology how genes become old and badly affect further generations if marriages are done in close relations or small group in society. There is one examples available in India where one of the religion which has produced best people in business and academics now struggling due to same reason, there is a debate going on to allow marriege outside community.

Second, there are other examples I gave pro to interfaith marriage like increase tolerance in society, eliminates the dowry system and above all most important point there should be freedom to take one's life personal decisions.

A very below average IQ statement of yours. Are you descended from closely related ancestors?

Though I can given a proper answer for above statement, but it will out of context to this thread and create flair. Its also below my dignity.

Hope mods will take care of you. Be on toipc...........
First, I do not want explain biology how genes become old and badly affect further generations if marriages are done in close relations or small group in society.

Well, that's not true at all. Genes are basically replicated from one generation to the next. There is an equal chance for a badly replicated gene in a person that is a hybrid of two closely related parents, as there for the offspring of two distantly related parents. Your assertion that gene replication is different in the two groups (close relations and distant relations) is extremely erronous.

There is one examples available in India where one of the religion which has produced best people in business and academics now struggling due to same reason, there is a debate going on to allow marriege outside community.

LOL. Dude, that's just some sort of propaganda to preserve the gene pool. It makes no difference. Those are cultural reasons why some people are better at business or whatever. Nothing to do with genes I can assure you.

Second, there are other examples I gave pro to interfaith marriage like increase tolerance in society, eliminates the dowry system and above all most important point there should be freedom to take one's life personal decisions.

Perhaps it would increase tolerance amongst the weak minded members of society. I couldn't care less who marries who, or whether people want to marry identical looking people to them. That's not a sign of tolerance to me.

How would it eliminate dowry anyway? Dowry is a Hindu practise is it not that results in dowry related crimes against women?

Freedom yes, totally agree. Noone should feel compelled to marry someone from the outside or feel compelled to marry someone from the "inside".

Though I can given a proper answer for above statement, but it will out of context to this thread and create flair. Its also below my dignity.

Hope mods will take care of you. Be on toipc...........

I applaud your dignified unbiased and above all ethical response. You are above it all.

Your assertion that gene replication is different in the two groups (close relations and distant relations) is extremely erronous.

Ok please read these –




I can provide many more..

Perhaps it would increase tolerance amongst the weak minded members of society. I couldn't care less who marries who, or whether people want to marry identical looking people to them. That's not a sign of tolerance to me.

So what is the problem if it is increasing the tolerance? You are not only one in society. Is different faith group marry each other it will certainly create respect for each other at lest in coming generations.

How would it eliminate dowry anyway? Dowry is a Hindu practise is it not that results in dowry related crimes against women?

I think you are writing only for your understanding, I could not understand what you are trying to say.

Any way, I was trying to say love marriages across the faith group will have effect on dowry, hence less crime against women due to dowry.

Freedom yes, totally agree. Noone should feel compelled to marry someone from the outside or feel compelled to marry someone from the "inside".

Thanks at least you agreed on some thing. Hope you will agree on all my points.

I applaud your dignified unbiased and above all ethical response. You are above it all.


Thanks again, your encouragement will make me more unbiased and ethical. Though I am from people and not above all.
Ok please read these –




I can provide many more..

You can provide a hundred more, you'd still be wrong. I only read the first link of yours to see what you really meant that came out all wrong.

This is what you said "First, I do not want explain biology how genes become old and badly affect further generations if marriages are done in close relations or small group in society."

Your links do not say what your quote says. The first link of yours talks about consanguimity as increasing the chances of a disease/disorder (recessive - hope I'm not being overly-complicated here) showing up in the offspring of two closely related parents. Since only one parent will be carrying the recessive disorder in two distantly related parents, the offspring will more than likely be healthier. This has nothing to do with that group of people having worse genes, or "badly affecting genes". It means that the children might not be as healthy if the two parents are carrying the disordered gene. However it has NOTHING to do with IQ I can assure you. Marrying close relations can be alright, and might even have advantages provided it's done properly, and certain conditions are checked.

Might get back to the rest later.
First, I do not want explain biology how genes become old and badly affect further generations
Genes get old?

Dude the issue with genetic defects is that our DNA consists 46 chromosomes. Of which 23 are from the father and 23 are from the mother. These 46 chromosomes should be different.
Genes get old?

Dude the issue with genetic defects is that our DNA consists 46 chromosomes. Of which 23 are from the father and 23 are from the mother. These 46 chromosomes should be different.

What are Genes doing in Interfaith Marriages!

I posted an Article by a lady about Interfaith Marriages and Conversion. Kindly comment, what you think...:)
Munda, marrying a close relation does not produce below average IQ, unless IQ is inherited, and is genuinely a measure of intelligence. If it is, then both the related parents (I assume a single low IQ one, and a high IQ partner), would not necessarily produce low IQ. Complicated indeed. A very below average IQ statement of yours. Are you descended from closely related ancestors?

Hi, research has indicated that inbreeding results in offspring with genetic disorders.
Hi, research has indicated that inbreeding results in offspring with genetic disorders.

God, what's wrong with some of you? Are you this uncultured to not know anything aside from how many rounds an AK-47 can fire? My post is same as yours, though the risk of disorder is higher, it's not overly so, and if done properly, it doesn't have to be higher.

This is not a problem with the genes of the person though. Whether they marry a distant cousin, or a closely related cousin will not matter, all that will change is how that bad gene show itself in the phenotype.
God, what's wrong with some of you? Are you this uncultured to not know anything aside from how many rounds an AK-47 can fire? My post is same as yours, though the risk of disorder is higher, it's not overly so, and if done properly, it doesn't have to be higher.

This is not a problem with the genes of the person though. Whether they marry a distant cousin, or a closely related cousin will not matter, all that will change is how that bad gene show itself in the phenotype.

From WIkipedia:

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Inbreeding depression is reduced fitness in a given population as a result of breeding of related individuals. Breeding between closely related individuals, called inbreeding, results in more recessive deleterious traits manifesting themselves. The more closely related the breeding pair is, the more homozygous deleterious genes the offspring may have, resulting in very unfit individuals. Another mechanism responsible is overdominance of heterozygous alleles leading to a reduction in the fitness of a population with many homozygous genotypes, even if they are not deleterious. Currently it is not known which of the two mechanisms is more important. In general, populations with more genetic variation do not suffer from inbreeding depression. Inbreeding depression is often the result of a population bottleneck. Inbreeding depression seems to be present in most groups of organisms, but is perhaps most important in hermaphroditic species, most prominently in plants. The majority of plants are hermaphroditic and thus are capable of the most severe degree of inbreeding.
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Inbreeding depression is reduced fitness in a given population as a result of breeding of related individuals. Breeding between closely related individuals, called inbreeding, results in more recessive deleterious traits manifesting themselves. The more closely related the breeding pair is, the more homozygous deleterious genes the offspring may have, resulting in very unfit individuals. Another mechanism responsible is overdominance of heterozygous alleles leading to a reduction in the fitness of a population with many homozygous genotypes, even if they are not deleterious. Currently it is not known which of the two mechanisms is more important. In general, populations with more genetic variation do not suffer from inbreeding depression. Inbreeding depression is often the result of a population bottleneck. Inbreeding depression seems to be present in most groups of organisms, but is perhaps most important in hermaphroditic species, most prominently in plants. The majority of plants are hermaphroditic and thus are capable of the most severe degree of inbreeding.

This says EXACTLY what I've been saying in this thread

"Breeding between closely related individuals, called inbreeding, results in more recessive deleterious traits manifesting themselves."

However genes of inbred children do not become old, or of the parents of inbred children do not become old. The genes of children of inbred parents can be exactly the same as the genes of children of distantly related parents. It's just if two recessives meet, a disorder will occur. This can occur with two distantly related people too.
You can provide a hundred more, you'd still be wrong. I only read the first link of yours to see what you really meant that came out all wrong. QUOTE]

Question is close relation marriage is good or bad? Do not take few words from my post, take the meaning. From the first link I provided giving some quotes. Also read the third link, it may open your mind.

A cautionary note
In societies with a tradition of first cousin marriage, many
couples are often more closely related than first cousins are and
consequently their risk may be significantly higher.

Now I am bore to explain you that close relation marriage and tradition of marrying in small group is not good.
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