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Interesting! U.S state department's report about American Muslims

Yeah idiot, thats why U.S state department publishes such reports on various American communities.

ALL communities are security risk? :lol:

Yes idiot, US state dept. survives on fear and paranoia. Anyone who is poor is a security risk. Anyone who is not a white christian is a security risk, unless he/she is rich of course.

That is just the way it is, you don't like it ? too bad. But its not going to change anytime soon. Live with it and better figure out how to get rich if you do not want to face the long arm of US law.
It is also true that unlike europe, the calibre of muslims migrating to the US are more educated and moderate. the muslim american much like very many immigrants( not all) consider themselves americans and are proud to live here.
It is also true that unlike europe, the calibre of muslims migrating to the US are more educated and moderate. the muslim american much like very many immigrants( not all) consider themselves americans and are proud to live here.

Its not about the 'caliber' of people. That's a pretty messed up way for you to segregate people between rich, poor or educated vs. non educated. The point is equality, the FREEDOM of practicing your religion, free speech and the ability to do hard work to be what you want to be. NO OTHER nation provides a better and safer environment than the US.
God bless America and others also. This country has kept its forefathers' promise of giving freedom to its people and that includes Muslims too. When the local law enforcement officers protect a Mosque on every Fridays, I don't think they are looking for 'any caliber' of people. They are looking at humans that belong to a different religion and their job is to protect them while they pray.... no matter what. And they do a great job at that without any prejudice or preconception.
There is a reason why America has always remained on the top. And for the next 100 years, I don't see anything else coming close. The UK, Australia may be the next best things in line but still lack a few core things. Europe is way behind when it comes to providing individual and religious freedom and allowing others to integrate.

@AUz I have planned to visit US. I do believe that US is better place when it comes to security and rights of other religions.

You are welcome in the US. Have a great time and when you go back, please write about your experience with pictures. Good press is never bad....
...........And for the next 100 years, I don't see anything else coming close. The UK, Australia may be the next best things in line but still lack a few core things. Europe is way behind when it comes to providing individual and religious freedom and allowing others to integrate.

You are in for a Nasty surprise

US census calculates that by 2042, Americans who identify themselves as Hispanic, black, Asian, American Indian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander will together outnumber non-Hispanic whites

Meanwhile the Rich (That would continue to be majority White Christian) continue to get super rich, their incomes rising substantially and the real time minimum wage continue to fall making the poor, poorer.

Your 1% control 40% of all your wealth. Your 10% control 80% of your income and wealth. You bottom 80% control 7% of the total wealth.

In 1982, the top 1% too home 12.8% of all income and the bottom 80% took home 48% of all income.

In 2014, the top 1% take home 20% of all income and the bottom 80% take home 38% of all incomes.

How long before your house of card tumbles ? ......... I think much before 100 years
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You are in for a Nasty surprise

US census calculates that by 2042, Americans who identify themselves as Hispanic, black, Asian, American Indian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander will together outnumber non-Hispanic whites :P

Meanwhile the Rich (That would continue to be majority White Christian) continue to get super rich, their incomes rising substantially and the real time minimum wage continue to fall making the poor, poorer.

Your 1% control 36% of all your wealth. Your 10% control 80% of your income and wealth. :cheesy:

In 1982, the top 1% too home 12.8% of all income and the bottom 80% took home 48% of all income.

In 2014, the top 1% take home 20% of all income and the bottom 80% take home 38% of all incomes.

How long before your house of card tumbles ? ......... I think much before 100 years :P

Wow, you must be either a super genius or the ret****. I'll let the readers decide. I think the real answer to your comment about "our house of cards will tumble" would be when we keep empowering countries like India will all of our money and when they get to a point, they'll stab us in the back. This much I can guarantee. Not sure why our elite aren't looking out for the American interest and stopping excessive outsourcing and pouring dollars into the Indian economy. India's in it all for itself. For now, you guys sing with us the anthem of the "Strategic Partnership" but its only until India gets to a certain place from a power standpoint. After that, there is "Strategic Partnership" will become a term from the history.
Also, minorities coming up and making majority is even better. More tolerance for others right? Btw, didn't Fundamental and Intolerant Hindus kill about 50 people just yesterday or the day before? These were innocent people sleeping in their homes and they never get to wake up to see their families, kids, etc... due to the wrath of these crazy Hindu fanatics!!!! Oh wait, we don't have anything like that in the US....and our people can sleep and wake up with utter security, no matter what religion they belong too. That also includes a few millions of Hindus too.
Wow, you must be either a super genius or the ret****. I'll let the readers decide. I think the real answer our "house of cards" will tumble when we keep empowering countries like India will all of our money and when they get to a point, they'll stab us in the back. This much I can guarantee. Not sure why our elite aren't looking out for the American interest and stopping excessive outsourcing and pouring dollars into the Indian economy. India's in it all for itself. For now, you guys sing with us the anthem of the "Strategic Partner" but its only until India gets to a certain place from a power standpoint. After that, there is "Strategic Partner" will become a term from the history.
Also, minorities coming up and making majority is even better. More tolerance for others right? Btw, didn't Fundamental and Intolerant Hindus kill about 50 people just yesterday or the day before? These were innocent people sleeping in their homes that never get to wake up due to the wrath of the crazy Hindu fanatics!!!! Oh wait, we don't have anything like that and our people can sleep and wake up with utter security. Go USA!

:lol: .... pretty much EVERYTHING you said is WRONG.

1. US is nobody to "empower" India. Indians will "empower" India. US will just come forward for a piece of the pie.

2. India has no need to stab you in the back, we can very well stab you in the front as we have been doing for the last 60 years :P

3. India has NEVER claimed to be a "strategic Partner" of the US :lol: .....its the US which has been sucking up to India to contain China. India is still lukewarm to your offer.

4. Those 50 people you claimed were killed in India was killed by CHRISTIAN terrorists :lol: .....not Hindu

I guess the readers can now guess who is the real ret**** :P.

But it was great to see you respond to the butt hurt......:lol:
:lol: .... pretty much EVERYTHING you said is WRONG.

2. India has no need to stab you in the back, we can very well stab you in the front as we have been doing for the last 60 years :P

3. India has NEVER claimed to be a "strategic Partner" of the US :lol: .....its the US which has been sucking up to India to contain China. India is still lukewarm to your offer.

4. Those 50 people you claimed were killed in India was killed by CHRISTIAN terrorists :lol: .....not Hindu

Number 2 says everything. That's the reputation I've heard of and witness. Btw, your leadership doesn't quiet meet your number 3. Here you are acting like tigers. In the US, your lobbyist beg and bribe to empower India with outsourcing and insist to use it against the Chinese. Funny how language changes when your tummy is full vs. when its empty.

Last, there is no such thing in India as Christian Terrorist. Christians and Muslims are in small numbers and have been persecuted since India existed. Every year so many get killed by the crazy intolerant religious Hindu mafia. If you want to continue this way and just write back to talk back, I'd be happy to post videos here that will show your what I am saying is true....and the dirty face of religion in India....your call
Number 2 says everything. That's the reputation I've heard of and witness. Btw, your leadership doesn't quiet meet your number 3. Here you are acting like tigers. In the US, your lobbyist beg and bribe to empower India with outsourcing and insist to use it against the Chinese. Funny how language changes when your tummy is full vs. when its empty.

Last, there is no such thing in India as Christian Terrorist. Christians and Muslims are in small numbers and have been persecuted since India existed. Every year so many get killed by the crazy intolerant religious Hindu mafia. If you want to continue this way and just write back to talk back, I'd be happy to post videos here that will show your what I am saying is true....and the dirty face of religion in India....your call

It is tedious to argue with an idiot so this is my last post to you.

Considering India has consistently voted against the US in the UN, I am not sure what is the big surprise. The most recent being supporting Russia's recent action.

Our leadership has forced the US to end the Nuclear apartheid and has given nothing in return. I guess that is good enough for us. :cheesy:

We behave like Indians, not Tigers .... a common mistake. Since US has shown itself to be susceptible to lobbyist I see no reason to desist from exploiting this weakness.

Americans should be the last people to threaten anyone with posting propaganda films. You must be aware there internet is filled with Anti-US propaganda films. Do you want me to post some of them ? how about one's starting with the US murdering muslims women and children ?
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