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Interesting! U.S state department's report about American Muslims


Sep 14, 2010
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United States

This past month, the U.S state department published its first comprehensive report on Muslim-Americans.

The report is very interesting and comprehensive. A total of 104 pages!

Some highlights from the report...

- Muslim Americans are the most diverse religious community in the United States. There is no one 'dominant' ethnic group forming the face of Muslim-Americans.

- According to conservative figures, there are atleast 2.5 million+ Muslim Americans throughout the United States. Other surveys put number as high as 7 million. 4 to 5 million figure is "most probable" ...The first ever comprehensive survey of Muslim Americans is expected to start next year and the results will come in 2016. Then, we will have a clear picture of Muslim population of America.

- Muslim Americans are more educated than the average Americans, and an average Muslim family earns more than an average American family.

- Muslim Americans are one of the most, if not the most, integrated people in the American society. They can be found in all walks of life and are more satisfied with America than many other American ethnic and religious groups.

- Muslim Americans work as doctors, engineers, journalists, artists, musicians, actors, police-men, firefighters, business owners, politicians, bankers, and military men---taking full part in taking America forward.

- Islam has been a part of American experience since the very beginning. Infact, Library of Congress officially depicts Islam as one of the greatest influence on civilization along with Greece, Rome, and ancient Egypt etc. Infact, Islam is the only religion mentioned in the list of 12 greatest influences on civilization.


- American founding fathers specifically argued for Freedom of Religion of Muslims, and saw Islam in a positive light.

- American Muslims are younger than any other faith group.

- American Muslims are more likely than others to start their own business.

- American Muslims are on the forefront of charity work in troubled American cities, and during the time of natural disasters. Many Muslim charity organizations have won national awards for their dedicated voluntary work in order to help their fellow Americans.

- Muslim Americans are found throughout the United States.


Here is the complete report


Very interest report with wealth of information, pictures, and graphics............


I believe that out of all the Islamic communities throughout the Western World, spanning tens of millions of people--Mashallah, Islamic community of United States is the most thriving one! United States is the nation of immigrants and hence more accepting than European nations, where Muslims face more trouble sometimes.

You can disagree with a lot of things of the U.S, and U.S has done a lot of mistakes in the past. But make no mistake, United States is a very awesome place! :usflag:

And Muslim Americans are double-Awesome :yahoo:

@RazPaK @KingMamba @VCheng @Pakistanisage @gambit @American Eagle @JayAtl @American Pakistani
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I have always said USA is the best thing happening to the Islamic World.
Indeed America national policy is the best for people of any or no religion. American Muslims are the best ambassadors for their faith, unlike the worst of us aka the British Muslims.
USA provide all the securities and other benefits to their peoples without any discrimination of faith or ethnicity , that's why they are on top of the world , they are kind , loyal , polite and helpful to others ... and they prove it so many times in history ..
Any country become great because of its people ...
I wish in Islamic states we can give similar rights , justice to peoples .
We should go as far as to say that we should make Pakistan into an America. I get jealous when all Pakistani's have fun in someone elses house.
LOL.. Looks like a fancy way to keeping track of muslims in the good old USA.
I have always said USA is the best thing happening to the Islamic World.

What is your reasoning?

How is the United States "the best thing happening to Islamic World?"

Explain..I am interested in listening...

LOL.. Looks like a fancy way to keeping track of muslims in the good old USA.

Intelligence agencies keep track of ALL Americans, even American senators, so stop being an idiot. They don't need this report to keep track of anybody.

We should go as far as to say that we should make Pakistan into an America. I get jealous when all Pakistani's have fun in someone elses house.

Beta, nobody is having fun. Pakistani immigrants miss Pakistan in every bit of second..but they can't go back unless Pakistan is in order.

I used to literally cry over Pakistan lol...but then elections happened and idiot Pakistanis voted the same old corrupt people..Since then, I am like, "**** it, inka kch nahi hna...same old corruption, same old family parties, same old bullshit" ....

If Pakistan stabilizes Inshallah, you'll see alot of capital, and human resources from all over the world pouring into Pakistan. Since we are away from home, American-Pakistanis are, in many ways, more patriotic than Pakistanis back home--because Pakistanis back home don't know the "value" of a "home"...

Just like you only value your mom's cooking when you have to go away and eat crap food in hostels etc.


@AUz I have planned to visit US. I do believe that US is better place when it comes to security and rights of other religions.

Visit California!!!! I live here :D
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Intelligence agencies keep track of ALL Americans, even American senators, so stop being an idiot. They don't need this report to keep track of anybody.

LOL....but some Americans deserve more attention than others. :P ..... hence his outreach program.
LOL....but some Americans deserve more attention than others. :P ..... hence his outreach program.

There is no 'outreach' program in the U.S.

That's British, retard.

This is just a report on American Muslims by U.S state department. You will find reports like these on Latins, Jews, and so on.
There is no 'outreach' program in the U.S.

That's British, retard.

This is just a report on American Muslims by U.S state department. You will find reports like these on Latins, Jews, and so on.

LOL.....I know its british. I was making a point retard. Clearly you are too thick to get it.

It is money and security concerns that drives everything in the US state dept. So if you think this report on muslims is an innocent one, I would just let you live happily in your fools paradise.
LOL.....I know its british. I was making a point retard. Clearly you are too thick to get it.

It is money and security concerns that drives everything in the US state dept. So if you think this report on muslims is an innocent one, I would just let you live happily in your fools paradise.

Yeah idiot, thats why U.S state department publishes such reports on various American communities.

ALL communities are security risk? :lol:
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