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Interesting article in german spiegel magazine about indian elections and hindu radicals

There was a case in germany where a women teacher accused an elderly teacher for raping her. he was thrown in prison for 3 years. They said he could get shorter sentence if he admits but he never admitted and was full 3 years in prison. His life was ruineed, he lost his job, his wife and lived from welfare...then died because heart attack. Later it came out she was a psycho and always making crazy story. She was brought court and the judge gave her 4 years prison.
Soon entire europe will have sharia then this kind of problem will not occur.Btw are there not lie detector and narco tests around?
Told u onus lies on man to prove he did not.
Same in case of dowry.woman just needs to complain.
Do u know the punishment for that oral sex?
7 fucking years.
And if u happen to be woman's superior at work then 10 years,thats too much
Soon having a d**k will be a crime in and of itself. :cry::cry::cry::cry:
Any way I support FTA with Japan and import enmassé the following
There was a case in germany where a women teacher accused an elderly teacher for raping her. he was thrown in prison for 3 years. They said he could get shorter sentence if he admits but he never admitted and was full 3 years in prison. His life was ruineed, he lost his job, his wife and lived from welfare...then died because heart attack. Later it came out she was a psycho and always making crazy story. She was brought court and the judge gave her 4 years prison.

A balance needs to be struck between protection of woman and the right of an innocent man to retain his liberty and honour.

I am a little surprised that an innocent man in Germany lost everything due to a false accusation. No matter how difficult it may be, her prosecution should have been made to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he did indeed rape her but it unfortunately did not happen in this case.

Thats already a big issue here.
Girlfriends are charging their bf for raping them if they marry someone else

And am no conspiracy theorist

What do Indian MEN think about this idiocy?

The woman holds all the cards and you can be sure that it will be abused on many occasions.
A balance needs to be struck between protection of woman and the right of an innocent man to retain his liberty and honour.

I am a little surprised that an innocent man in Germany lost everything due to a false accusation. No matter how difficult it may be, her prosecution should have been made to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he did indeed rape her but it unfortunately did not happen in this case.

What do Indian MEN think about this idiocy?

The woman holds all the cards and you can be sure that it will be abused on many occasions.
I am going to the himalayas to become a sanyasi celibate.:cool:
In pakistan u need 4 male witnesses to prove rape:p:p:eek:
thats bad either. Its important that real rape is punished but only whem proven

Soon entire europe will have sharia then this kind of problem will not occur.Btw are there not lie detector and narco tests around?

europe never will have sharia, dont spread such nonsense. Not even 3% of europe is muslims. dont jump on the crazy theories of right wing nuts.
Now understand our fear.
We have 15-18 pc as muslims.
thats bad either. Its important that real rape is punished but only whem proven

europe never will have sharia, dont spread such nonsense. Not even 3% of europe is muslims. dont jump on the crazy theories of right wing nuts.

White countries -- particularly Jews -- have retained the stone age conception of society based on capturing and eating other people -- slavery and cannibalism. Various religions, using the promise of heaven and threat of hell, have tried to keep people from behaving this way -- capturing and eating people. The Lokayat or Charvak school of Indian philosophy rejected spiritualism and the existence of an afterlife and co-existed with other schools of philosophy for thousands of years which it would not have been able to do if the evidence for spiritualism and an afterlife were strong, in view of the vigorous debates among various schools. A redefinition of time and space allows for a modified form of spiritualism and afterlife. The barbarians of Europe -- the Gauls, the Visigoths, etc. -- who were the enemies of the Indo-Greeks never took religion (or "God") seriously and, after conquering and gaining possession of the knowledge of the Indo-Greeks -- the Greeks knew the principle of the steam engine but used it to make toys; the barbarians used it to make the Industrial Revolution -- developed science and technology to enhance their powers -- after the Protestant Reformation taught them to rely on themselves rather than on God -- and have continued to capture and eat animals
There was a time.. when majority hindus said the same about you sikhs and you got 84.. ironic..

There is a whole line of history to why 84 happened and it started from the Khalistan movement fueled by Pakistan, and 84 was a reason of one particular party's vendetta, and its the same party who is preventing bringing to justice all the accused of 84 violence.

So I am afraid that was a desperate attempt at bull shitting.
There is a whole line of history to why 84 happened and it started from the Khalistan movement fueled by Pakistan, and 84 was a reason of one particular party's vendetta, and its the same party who is preventing bringing to justice all the accused of 84 violence.

So I am afraid that was a desperate attempt at bull shitting.

Thank you for the nonsense master shifu... unfortunately... every riot followed by state authorised mass killings,rapes or vandalism is a "partys" vendetta ...in india..

Not that i give a damn.
Indien: Hindus schüren im Wahlkampf Hass auf Muslime - SPIEGEL ONLINE

I just will give you the basics info in short and will not issue any opinion since i´m european and not indian and i have no insight in indian policies.

The article says that Modi has good chances to become the next PM of india but his party has to close connections to a radical hindu group called RSS. The members of this group are facists and radicals and comitt terrorist acts as well as murders.

The articles says that the RSS want christians as well as muslims pushed out of india and blame them for any problems that happen there.

It says that this religious fanatics spread over india and have over 40.000 local groups in 2013.

The article states that the founder of this RSS wanted total submission of all non hindus and that they should have no rights.

The article says that Modi party BJP is under complete control of the neo facist RSS and all non Hindus must fear progroms if he will win.

The journalist Ulrike Putz says that Modi is direct responsible for the murder of more than 1000 people in his provice Gujarat in 2002. She says it was a slaughter worse than in the middle ages and the BJP and Modi direct supported this:

DER SPIEGELÂ 19/2002 -
Blutrausch wie im Mittelalter

The EU and also USA do not allow Modi to travel here, because his extreme violations of human rights.

Thats the translation in short.

Modi is a equally loved and hated politician in India. There are lots of threads running about him in this forum. If you would like to know more about him visit those threads.

Reputation is different from credibility. "Spiegel" is no exception from it. As you posted in one of your comments that India doesn't feature much in German news papers. If we go by that logic why would someone maintain a special desk covering general elections in India when they have much more important news to cover in Europe itself. I found the article that you have posted to be vaguely summarized, I don't think this news paper has a strong and well informed Indian Desk doing in-depth analysis of what is taking place in India or for that matter south asian affairs, unless they have a huge readership base for the news from this region.

I don't ask you to go by my words. Take your time and view both sides of the coin that may help you to have your own perspective.

I used to be a modi hater too. He is the most scrutinized politician in Independent India. He has been accused of not doing enough to control the riots in his state. The Government has created a special court to handle his case. The end result of it is that he has been exonerated from all charges by the supreme court of India. Please note that Supreme court of India is one of the few institutions that have remained intact from any influence for most of the time in the history of India post 1947. Now what makes it more interesting here is that the opposition is in power during these court proceedings. They had every chance of subverting the judicial system to take advantage of his case for their political mileage. Of course they were successful in it to some extent.

I do admit that it is the failure on the part of administration to control the riots but it doesn't necessarily mean he is personally involved in it. There were no incidents after 2002 in that state, if anything had happened after that I too would have joined the band wagon of other people who now are accusing him of being communal.

There are critics of him who in the past have raised questions about his innocence and have joined hands with him now. Here is the account of one such renowned Journalist who has endorsed him now and was once a critic of him.

MJ Akbar joins BJP, hopes Muslims will vote Modi - The Times of India
Im sorry .. but are you really that ignorant or acting stupid?

Ever heard of DNA tests?forensics?

There was a time.. when majority hindus said the same about you sikhs and you got 84.. ironic..

Na I don't know about dna tests u intellectual.:rolleyes:

Stupid fellow if woman does not report on time,which is generally the
Case then dna test will be negative only.

Sperms die after 24-36 hours and then only thing that can be determined is that it was a sexual intercourse based on abrasions etc during forced sex.
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