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Intense bombing of Sanaa with continued air support for Al-Shar'hiyah in Marib

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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And continued air support for Al-Shar'hiyah in Marib

The bombing aims to destroy weapons depots..

The beating is in Sanaa and the shouting is in in Iran..

The results of the night raids in Sanaa, which were carried out by the Saudi Air Force

1- Destruction of ballistic missile assembly workshops
and booby-trapping drones in the weapons maintenance camp

2- Destroying 6 weapons depots, missiles and ammunition stores

3- Destroying a camp for drones and destroying the machinery
In the Presidency house..

Some say there are many Iranian experts in the maintenance camp

The entire storage was burned with what was in it

The second thing is that major leaderships have been targeted

This is why Khamenei shouted from Tehran
The more they bomb Sanaa, the more popular are Houthis in North Yemen, the harder it is for KSA to send Hadi back to Sanaa.
The more they bomb Sanaa, the more popular are Houthis in North Yemen, the harder it is for KSA to send Hadi back to Sanaa.
That is where most Missiles are hidden.. Houthis are popular only with weapons in their hands as tugs scaring people off..
"how all of this nonsense got started in the first place” (?)

"the bumbling, incompetent and feckless stupidity of ..." Saudi Barbaria

(Lloyd Austin)

“The reason the Saudis didn’t inform us of their plans,” the officer told me at the time, “is because they knew we would have told them exactly what we think—that it was a bad idea.” (A senior commander who served with Austin)

Hypocrite Khameini didn't even said a word for oppressed Syrians and now suddenly he starts feeling for Yemenis. Pathetic cult leader
“The reason the Saudis didn’t inform us of their plans,” the officer told me at the time, “is because they knew we would have told them exactly what we think—that it was a bad idea.” (A senior commander who served with Austin)

Government crackdown against al-Qaeda cells began in 2001, escalating steadily until 14 January 2010, when Yemen declared open war on al-Qaeda. In addition to battling al-Qaeda across several provinces, Yemen was forced to contend with a Shia insurgency in the north and militant separatists in the south. Fighting with al-Qaeda escalated further during the course of the 2011 Yemeni revolution, with Jihadists seizing most of the Abyan Governorate and declaring it an Emirate. A second wave of violence began in early 2012, with militants claiming territory across the southwest amid heavy combat with government forces.

On 16 September 2014, a full-scale civil war erupted after Houthi fighters stormed Sana'a and ousted interim President Hadi, fracturing the Yemeni government between the UN recognized government of President Hadi and the Houthis' newly formed Supreme Political Council. The full-scale civil war led to a rise of Islamist Groups (Al-Qaeda, ISIS), insurgencies (Houthis) and call for separation of South Yemen.



So that General is certainly an ignorant, liar and a hypocrite..
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