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Intelligence report reveals links between PKK, Israel


Dec 27, 2009
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Intelligence report reveals links between PKK, Israel | TRDEFENCE

An intelligence report prepared by the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) and presented at a National Security Council (MGK) meeting on Feb. 24 suggests that the terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) has been forging new ties with the state of Israel. The report also notes that the PKK has plans for a serhildan, the Kurdish word for uprising, in the spring in an attempt to manipulate the June 12 general elections.

It also says some countries in the region seem to have convinced the PKK to re-launch its attacks ahead of the elections. The same official says that intelligence reports indicate Israel has intensified its contact with the PKK in retaliation for a meeting Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had with Hezbollah during a visit to Lebanon. Intelligence reports say the PKK is concerned about a drop in the votes of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), whose candidates will run as independents. For this reason, the decision to end the cease-fire came easily for the PKK, which is trying to stop Kurdish votes from slipping to the Justice and Development Party (AK Party). The terrorist group has plans to hold constant demonstrations and clashes in the Southeast and in eastern provinces with a significant Kurdish population.
PKK-Israel links

The MİT report presented during the MGK meeting in late February chaired by President Abdullah Gül also includes interviews with various PKK militants on the terrorist group’s action strategy for this spring. In these interviews, the militants confessed to having received training from Mossad officials.

MİT also has footage from an interview in which PKK second-in-command Murat Karayılan says the PKK attacked the İskenderun naval base during the May 2010 flotilla crisis, in which Israel killed nine Turks on board a Gaza-bound civilian aid ship sailing in international waters. In the video, Karayılan says the PKK and Israel worked together during the Mavi Marmara incident. Experts say this video is evidence that the PKK and Israel work in coordination in some of the terrorist group’s attacks. The interview has already been aired on an Israeli television station.
PKK action strategy

The report also says the PKK plans to put pressure on Kurdish voters. It is planning a dramatic attack to make it clear that it has ended its cease-fire. The group was also inspired by the recent uprisings rocking the Arab world. Today, International Women’s Day, and the three-day-long spring festival of Nevruz, celebrated around March 20, will be the dates the PKK will focus on to start its campaign of agitation and chaos. It also has plans to sabotage the election rallies of political parties in the region other than those of the BDP.

The PKK’s real concern is weakened support for the BDP in the region, but it will use as an argument for its attacks and demonstrations the slowdown in the government’s democratic initiative process.

The plan includes nighttime demonstrations, press statements, illegal protests and passing out declarations. They will also engage in demonstrations that they will call “acts of civil disobedience” during visits from Prime Minister Erdoğan and officials of other political parties.

The PKK also seeks to carry its demonstrations to cities with sizable Kurdish populations, such as İstanbul, Mersin, Adana, İzmir and Ankara.

As has happened in the past, they are expected to use children in the front line during demonstrations in these cities. Intelligence information also suggests that the PKK will seek to manipulate the Kurds in the Southeast by passing out anti-Kurdish declarations. In fact, such fliers, referring to those participating in pro-Kurdish demonstrations as “anarchical punks and lowlifes” were passed around in Yüksekova, Hakkari province, on Feb. 19, 2011. It included other expressions likely to provoke the Kurdish people.

08 March 2011, Tuesday / ERCAN YAVUZ, ANKARA
Gosh, i`m kinda divided here. On the one hand i could be immoral pathetic human waste and say that Terror is acceptable if there is justification but i won`t. On the other hand, turkish PM visited Hezbollah which is a terror group and on the same trip threatened Israel that it would intervene on behalf of Lebanon if any future conflict arose.
Well i`ll say this, PKK if they attack civilians are no better than Hamas or Hezbollah. Nothing justifies terror.
now jigs will hopefully not go out of his usual way and declare this thread conspiracy theory lolzz
now jigs will hopefully not go out of his usual way and declare this thread conspiracy theory lolzz

Well i did just realize that it was Zaman that TrDefence pulled the story from. Again.

Sorry if i try to stay realistic. Its hard for me not to approach things rationally.
Gosh, i`m kinda divided here. On the one hand i could be immoral pathetic human waste and say that Terror is acceptable if there is justification but i won`t. On the other hand, turkish PM visited Hezbollah which is a terror group and on the same trip threatened Israel that it would intervene on behalf of Lebanon if any future conflict arose.
Well i`ll say this, PKK if they attack civilians are no better than Hamas or Hezbollah. Nothing justifies terror.

PKK does attack civilians and they are no better then Hamas or Hezbollah. However Erdogan is under the impression they are freedom fighters. He also believes there is no such thing has Islamic Terrorism. Which gives you a understanding of what type of thinking he has. I wonder what he thinks ISAF is doing in Afghanistan.
Yeah... And the country will probably reelect him and his party....
now jigs will hopefully not go out of his usual way and declare this thread conspiracy theory lolzz
I already answered on it in other thread. If Turkey had whatsoever evidence about Israel-PKK relations Erdogan would jump on it like hungry wolf and publish all over. But since he has not any evidence all what he can do is make "leaks"

MİT also has footage from an interview in which PKK second-in-command Murat Karayılan says the PKK attacked the İskenderun naval base during the May 2010 flotilla crisis, in which Israel killed nine Turks on board a Gaza-bound civilian aid ship sailing in international waters. In the video, Karayılan says the PKK and Israel worked together during the Mavi Marmara incident. Experts say this video is evidence that the PKK and Israel work in coordination in some of the terrorist group’s attacks. The interview has already been aired on an Israeli television station.
And now this is a BRUTAL LIE. Murat Karayılan indeed made an interview to Israeli TV. However he said the OPPOSITE thing. He said that Israel is helping Turkey against the PKK:

PKK leader: Israel is helping Turkey to destroy us - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
This is true ..........Many times some of my Iraqi friends told me that.........during this so Called WAR ON TERROR...........Iraq's most brains (Scientists, Doctors, Engineers) are killed by target killing.....they find them and killed them wherever the found them.........and who was behind this .....Israel...
Heh Well like I said in another thread, you can dispute/disclaim as much as you want, but assuming that Israel doesn't help PKK would be a mistake. It's better to expect the worst and be positively surprised.
nice to see the alliance between the israelis and kemalists...yes PKK and Hamas is not the same.
Yes, PKK mainly attacks military, Hamas mainly attacks civilians.

Heh Well like I said in another thread, you can dispute/disclaim as much as you want, but assuming that Israel doesn't help PKK would be a mistake. It's better to expect the worst and be positively surprised.
By this logic you should assume that all nations in the world help PKK. Such connectuon is very hard to hide, but so far no one could find any evidence.
I already answered on it in other thread. If Turkey had whatsoever evidence about Israel-PKK relations Erdogan would jump on it like hungry wolf and publish all over. But since he has not any evidence all what he can do is make "leaks"
And now this is a BRUTAL LIE. Murat Karayılan indeed made an interview to Israeli TV. However he said the OPPOSITE thing. He said that Israel is helping Turkey against the PKK

First of all i dont think that israel let karayılan tell their partnerships nor karayılan that stupid, pkk is recognized as terrorist organization by usa, eu, un.. if really this issue came up to agenda there must be real evidences which we will never able to know what are they.. and if you knew a bit of politic you could know "every true cannot be told everywhere".. Otherwise every country on planet earth could be in war or have cut relations today.

Yes, PKK mainly attacks military, Hamas mainly attacks civilians.

according to UPI, israel has supported and encouraged Hamas to gain power against Yaser Arafat's El-Fetih in 70's.. Why you ashamed of your child now..?
Analysis: Hamas history tied to Israel
Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years.

Israel "aided Hamas directly -- the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization)," said Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic Studies.

Israel's support for Hamas "was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative," said a former senior CIA official.

According to ICT papers, Hamas was legally registered in Israel in 1978 by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the movement's spiritual leader, as an Islamic Association by the name Al-Mujamma al Islami, which widened its base of supporters and sympathizers by religious propaganda and social work.

But with the triumph of the Khomeini revolution in Iran, with the birth of Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorism in Lebanon, Hamas began to gain in strength in Gaza and then in the West Bank, relying on terror to resist the Israeli occupation.

Israel was certainly funding the group at that time. One U.S. intelligence source who asked not to be named said that not only was Hamas being funded as a "counterweight" to the PLO, Israeli aid had another purpose: "To help identify and channel towards Israeli agents Hamas members who were dangerous terrorists."

Full Story

As you see israel has experience to support such organizations for their benefits.. Why we expect less now from israel or usa?
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