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Intel Source Speaks on Iranian Nukes


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Intel Source Speaks on Iranian Nukes
April 18, 2010 - 7:06 AM | by: Michael Tobin

Intel Source Speaks on Iranian Nukes Liveshots

I was recently given a private intelligence briefing about the Iranian nuclear program, on the condition that I would refer to the source only as a “Western source.” The briefing presented three conclusions very relevant to concerns about nuclear threats in the world.

1) The Iranian Nuclear program is not a civilian program with a military potential. It is a pure military program thinly cloaked as a civilian one for the purpose of delaying international pressure.

2) Iran already has the capability to make a bomb. When they will do it is, “mainly a political question.”

3) The nuclear program is vulnerable to air strikes.

Addressing the first point, the source pointed to the number of centrifuges Iran is operating: roughly 5000. To produce fuel for one power plant, “They need to have 50,000 centrifuges of the type they have at Natanz.” However, they have more than enough operating centrifuges to enrich enough uranium for a bomb. “If they want to produce one bomb a year, they need 2500 or 3000 centrifuges.”

The discovery of the mountainside enrichment facility at Qom showed that Iran is having trouble with its technology because the enrichment there didn’t work. Also, according to the source, it showed the intent of the Shiite regime. “It is way too small to serve civilian interest…You would need Qom to work 20 years to produce one year of nuclear fuel. But it is exactly what you need for a military program.”

He also pointed to the fact that Iran’s Defense Minister has been operating a shadow nuclear program, paralleling the steps of the Atomic Energy Agency.

On the second point, the source says Iran had perfected most of the technology for a nuclear bomb in 2003. “We know that the Iranians don’t only have documents but produced the components, fabricated some components of nuclear weapons and tested them…They were good enough to prove that their design works.” Only one problem kept Iran from taking the final step. “There was one thing missing in 2003 which kept them from building a bomb, the ability to enrich uranium,” said the source.

Then, press reports leaked details of Iran’s nuclear ambition and the US toppled the neighboring regime in Iraq citing the threat of weapons of mass destruction. Iran put the brakes on its nuclear program.

When the Shiite regime eventually resumed the quest for nuclear capability, the emphasis was on its weakness: the ability to enrich uranium. Some effort was paid to the development and improvement of ‘dual use’ components. Which means components that could be explained away to the international community as having a different purpose, but could be used in a nuclear bomb. There is also a top-secret effort to develop and test components specific to a nuclear bomb. He singled out the ‘neutron initiator’ as an example. This acts like a spark plug to begin a nuclear reaction.

The source believes Iran is trying to minimize its “breakout time” before making a sprint toward a nuclear weapon. There will come a point when Iran takes a step, which removes any doubt in the international community that the ambition is indeed a weapon. That step will shock the international community into action and bring a great deal of pressure on Iran. Leaders of that country want that pressure to be on them for as short a time as possible until they can announce they have the bomb.

The source predicts the breakout will occur when Iran makes the move toward highly enriched or weapons grade uranium. Uranium sits in the ground at .7% purity. To fuel a nuclear power plant you only need to get the uranium to 3.5% purity. Weapons grade uranium is 93.5% pure. But 3.5% purity does not mean the uranium is only a fraction of the way toward weapons grade. The source says once the uranium is at fuel grade 60% of the work has already been done. If the uranium is brought up to 20% purity, only a short step remains to arrive at weapons grade. Iran has already enriched a small amount to 20% purity saying it was for the research reactor in Tehran.

So, the source believes Iran is buying time, preparing and testing components for a weapon. But the focus is on building better confidence with their centrifuges and stockpiling fuel grade uranium. That way, when the regime decides, Iran can make a bold move and the mad dash to get a weapon before the world can stop it. However, no one knows when the starter gun will fire for that sprint to start. “The answer is that we don’t know when they will have a bomb. They don’t know.”

Iran’s glaring vulnerability is still enrichment. “The centrifuges are Pakistani by design. They are not good centrifuges.” I mentioned earlier that the enrichment facility at Qom wasn’t working. Other centrifuges also crash frequently. Although Iran possesses a vast underground network of tunnels, the intelligence community believes the only working centrifuges are in Natanz. “We do not know of another enrichment facility,” Said the source.

Iran does have more than a dozen nuclear facilities spread out around the country. However, because all of the effective centrifuges are in one location, there exists a target for air strikes, which could effectively set back Iran’s nuclear program. “If Natanz is hit or severely damaged in terms of capacity…the Iranian program will be compromised, damaged. They will not have the capability to enrich,” said the source.
So, when is america going to strike IRAN...this world police act of USA is the worst thing which can happen for world peace..
We already are aware of uncle sam's Fake Intel Reports same they did with Iraq , Attacked a whole country , Destroyed its infrastructure , Killed over 150 Thousand People and Then Felt proud of it.

This is the Reason why people hate American policies.
We already are aware of uncle sam's Fake Intel Reports same they did with Iraq , Attacked a whole country , Destroyed its infrastructure , Killed over 150 Thousand People and Then Felt proud of it.

This is the Reason why people hate American policies.

yeap, Americans r carrying a propaganda against Iran. Iran has the right to develop nukes..... what is the problem here??
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yeap, Americans r carrying a propaganda against Iran. Iran has the right to develop nukes..... what is the problem here??

I second that , its time to put an End to US's discriminatory Doubble standards.

Disarm Israel first before iran !
Tom, I find it pretty strange that the 'intel source' tells the writer in 2010 no more than what has been appearing in the media over the last few years. We've read that they put their programme in suspension in '03, that they ran parallel facilities that they didn't report, that they're claimed to enrich to 20% and enriching further would be easier, that they have a few centriguges (makes sense to esablish a pilot programme or an incremental one if you're inexperienced) etc. Makes me wonder if the intel source wasn't the newspaper stackpile on his desk!

Just as well, why is he referring to Iran as 'the Shiite regime' more than once in his article? Everybody know that and doesn't need to be told. Would nuclear weapons turn into pastry cream if Iran were a Sunnite regime or a Jehova's Witness' regime? The guy is offering us subliminal propaganda, but who's behind him? Gulf Arabs? Israel? The US? Iran itself?

What do you think, why the flurry of news items and adverts on nuclear Iran this week? Has the US reg...administration arrived at some decisions lately?
I am not going to believe american intelligence. They said iraq had biological weapons. they even showed the satellite images of trucks. After the attack they couldnt find any thing related to biological weapon. :tsk::tsk:
It is rumored that a whole lot of bunker busters have arrived at DIEGO GARCIA...such intel reports will flow now with more consistency..
Tom, I find it pretty strange that the 'intel source' tells the writer in 2010 no more than what has been appearing in the media over the last few years. We've read that they put their programme in suspension in '03, that they ran parallel facilities that they didn't report, that they're claimed to enrich to 20% and enriching further would be easier, that they have a few centriguges (makes sense to esablish a pilot programme or an incremental one if you're inexperienced) etc. Makes me wonder if the intel source wasn't the newspaper stackpile on his desk!

Just as well, why is he referring to Iran as 'the Shiite regime' more than once in his article? Everybody know that and doesn't need to be told. Would nuclear weapons turn into pastry cream if Iran were a Sunnite regime or a Jehova's Witness' regime? The guy is offering us subliminal propaganda, but who's behind him? Gulf Arabs? Israel? The US? Iran itself?

What do you think, why the flurry of news items and adverts on nuclear Iran this week? Has the US reg...administration arrived at some decisions lately?

no matter the leanings of the reporter. Which Fox news does lean to the right on issues. The question is is the intel correct. The U.S. has made inroads on the human intelligence side of things. One thing Iran is not short on is disgruntled nationals willing to work against the Mullahs and their supporters.

Also the E.U. this time is just as sure from their own intelligence that Iran has a bomb program. Those that support Iran's position focus on the U.S. becuase it is the U.S. with the big stick that can do something about it.

Personally I doubt Obama has the backbone to pull the trigger. (though I admit I do waffle on that position) However to appease those in favor of being more tough. and to hedge the possibility of Israel unilaterally attacking. He has started to preposition weapons and forces in the region.

The U.S.. 6th Fleet has a permanent duty station off Lebanon and Israel now. This allows for increased missile defense of Israel. And keeps a close eye on Syria and Hezzbolah. It also operates an X-band radar in Israel that can see into 80% of Iran. this allows them to see all missile launches and aircraft take off. Diego Garcia is being built up more. And U.S. allies in the Gulf area have been receiving increased missile defense capability.

When you see at least 3 aircraft carrier battle groups in the region. (not counting forces in the Mediterranean) Then you will know that something is a foot. What many people don't realize as well is though the U.S. may only have 1 carrier group in the Gulf. it usually has 1 -2 Carriers within short sailing distance. So it could happen fairly fast if the trigger was pulled.
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You seem to have reason to say something is afoot, which wasn't last year or even a few months ago. Maybe there's credible intel that the bomb is imminent, or that its pursuit is soon to enter into an irreversible phase.

Mr. A'jad is being his ridiculous self, crying at every little opportunity that opens, that they're nearing the bomb, unveiling novel centrifuges, recently again commentating on Israel's existence (the tending-towards-unstability-state remark) and showboating in general.

But the world needs to understand that showboating will be Iran's policy in the circumstances they're in. They had zero power projection before the Shahabs, and a huge ultra-nationalistic population to convince they're a regional power...we are Iran buzurg like in the time of Sirius, our neighbours are by-products of Persia, we'll take back Qatar and defeat the US...you know the sort. This becomes all the more imperative when you're defence-embargoed and your adversaries are being equipped. Their tool is propaganda, and it as historical reasons. A Shia state has alomist been akin to A Jewish state vs the Romans...they've been the underdogs, and they fight how underdogs fight. Smokescreens and bluffs are some of the foremost tools. The problem is, the world seems to be going to call their nuclear bluff. I'm afraid they'll be found wanting and be routed like '92-Iraq.

I and many other Pakistanis have long supported a nuclear Iran for two reasons: 1-if us, India, Israel, Sweden et al. had the rigt to build a bomb then why should Iran be an exception, and more importantly 2- a nuclear Iran could have brought stability in the Gulf (overlooking the possibility of spawning a programme in S.Arabia for reasons of pride) by trimming the chances of war, and finally giving Iran a tool they could bring to the negotiations table rather than continue acting belligerent and showing false bravado.

BUT NOW, Mr. Nejad's 'carefree' mouth is convincing us his and his government partners' heads may not be as stably placed on their shoulders as we thought. They need to be told and convinced somehow to move off the collision course. Now who's gonna do that. Not the US. Not any Arabs. Maybe Russia and China, and in this case the US needs to trade off its energy and strategic goals in the region for stability in the region. Probably, maybe, what do I know, I'm just a neighbouring citizen.

But it does perturb me, and I think I can speak on the behalf of fellow Pkaistanis on this count, that being just ordinary neighbouring citizens, another war in the neighbourhood is a scary prospect. A very scary prospect. We're still bleeding off from the '79 Afghan invasion. One into Iran will have I'm afraid fatal repercussions for several countries, from Iraq to India. We can't cope with migrants and all the lawlessness that will accompany them. And, although I didn't want to talk of religion but can't help it, we have a Shia population that is just shy in number to that of Iran. And some of their leaders are the Ayatollahs in Iran and Iraq, not Mr. Zardari or Mr. Musharraf. I hope you could understand the rest.

That said, a religious, or rather a-nationalistic regime in Iran is actually more moderate when it comes to nationally-strategic views. A nationalist Iran would be an Eugenical Iran.

The leadership needs to be helped, not their country annihilated.
One thing Iran is not short on is disgruntled nationals willing to work against the Mullahs and their supporters.

The Way Europeans freed themselves from the narrow minded christian clergy , guess the the Iranians are also going down that road and some day the volcano might blow up ..but for Uncle Sam its gota be early or else the Mullahs would get the Nukes and gameover for Israel..:D
3) The nuclear program is vulnerable to air strikes.

Thats the bottom line - MORON America and Devilish Israel have "best" intelligence in the world. They are going to FCUK huamnity in the name of PEACE. GOD DAMN THEM BOTH!

This will prove the last nail in the Coffin of dying America.. and Thats going to burn America beyond precedence!
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