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Indonesia's former deputy House speaker praises Xinjiang's development


Nov 4, 2011
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Indonesia's former deputy House speaker praises Xinjiang's development

Former Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Fahri Hamzah has been to China's Xinjiang Ugyur Autonomous Region and surprised by its development.

He said he visited almost ever city in central Asia and Urumqi stands out as the most modern and developed. No doubt about it but the western media will never tell you this fact.

Not a single Muslim country is on US side over Xinjiang, that's how successful US Xinjiang policy is.
. .
He only said about how developed that area is, he don't talk anything about the uyghur re education camp thingy (the thing that US concerned). Nor he said anything about his stance against that matter.
The development there is really impressive tho.

Indonesia is not a muslim country, but yea Indonesia have the largest muslim population, also his opinion doesn't represent the Indonesian government.
He only said about how developed that area is, he don't talk anything about the uyghur re education camp thingy (the thing that US concerned). Nor he said anything about his stance against that matter.
The development there is really impressive tho.

Indonesia is not a muslim country, but yea Indonesia have the largest muslim population, also his opinion doesn't represent the Indonesian government.
Not taking sides against China even under threats and pressure by the U.S. regime to pick up their propanda lies and slander about China and instead recognizing the achievement of the Chinese government, state and people in the very area the U.S. regime is trying to harm, is so much more than just talking development.

Indonesia is not a muslim country, but yea Indonesia have the largest muslim population
Unless you are implying Muslims in Indonesia are second class citizen or not even that, that would be one of the most basic definitions of a Muslim country.

also his opinion doesn't represent the Indonesian government.
He was a high ranking Muslim government representative until very recently. Literally the Speaker of Lower House. He obviously still represents quite a lot of Muslims unless you admit Democracy is a sham and maybe even then. By the own logic of China bashers he represents infinitely more Muslims than some alleged "anonymous source" from some Washington Post article or alleged "confidential leak" disseminated by Bloomberg.

People like these are needed because whenever some "lesser" human, who isn't loyal to the U.S. regime, i'snt some billionaire or hollywood star, says something in favour of China every retarded troll and shill cries this opinion doesnt count and must be even be bought and therefore the "great" overarching narrative pushed by differently named "indpendent" U.S. regime media mouthpieces remains uncontested and true only until they themself admit they are wrong.
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Muslim Uighur: Mengapa ormas Islam dan pemerintah Indonesia 'bungkam' atas dugaan pelanggaran HAM di Xinjiang?
Ayomi AmindoniWartawan BBC News Indonesia
18 Desember 2019

Sikap ormas-ormas Islam dan pemerintah Indonesia yang cenderung "bungkam" atas dugaan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia terhadap etnik minoritas Uighur di Xinjiang, China, dianggap berkaitan dengan urusan ekonomi.

Namun, hal ini dibantah oleh perwakilan pemerintah yang menyebut, Indonesia melakukan "pendekatan diplomasi lunak yang proporsional" terhadap masalah itu.

Tudingan itu semula diberitakan oleh sebuah surat kabar Amerika Serikat berdasarkan hasil penelitian lembaga kajian Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC), Explaining Indonesia's Silence on The Uighur Issue yang dirilis Juni silam.

Wakil Sekjen Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) yang juga juru bicara wakil presiden, Masduki Baidlowi, membantah isu organisasinya dirayu oleh China terkait Muslim Uighur.

Dia pun menegaskan, pemerintah Indonesia tidak bersikap lantang atau yang dia sebut sebagai 'megaphone diplomacy' dan sebaliknya menempuh pendekatan diplomasi lunak.

"Indonesia mengambil sikap soft diplomacy yang proporsional. Soft diplomacy bukan berarti lemah, kami juga lakukan langkah-langkah," ujar Masduki kepada BBC News Indonesia, Rabu (18/12).

Ratusan ribu Muslim Uighur dilaporkan dipenjara di kamp-kamp untuk menjalani hal yang disebut sebagai pencucian otak, meskipun pemerintah China mengatakan mereka mendapatan pelatihan secara suka rela.

'Tidak berdasar' dan 'fitnah'
Sebelumnya, surat kabar Wall Street Journal melaporkan bahwa pemerintah China mendanai sekelompok delegasi asal Indonesia yang terdiri dari organisasi Islam dan wartawan untuk berkunjung ke Xinjiang dalam upaya meraih dukungan internasional dan membentuk opini publik.

Tudingan bahwa dua ormas Islam terbesar Indonesia dibungkam dengan gelontoran dana dari pemerintah China agar tidak menyuarakan penderitaan Muslim Uighur di Xinjiang, China langsung dibantah oleh Muhammadiyah dan Nahdlatul Ulama.

Namun, Wakil Sekjen Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Masduki Baidlowi menyebut bahwa tudingan itu "tidak benar".

Dia beralasan kunjungan perwakilan organisasinya bersama Muhammadiyah dan Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) pada Februari silam adalah untuk memastikan pemberitaan terkait adanya dugaan pelanggaran HAM berat dan kamp-kamp konsentrasi yang didedikasikan untuk Muslim Uighur di Xinjiang.

"Setelah sampai sana, ternyata memang ada sebagian pemberitan itu benar, ada yang tidak."

"Memang tidak ada kamp konsentrasi yang dibayangkan ada penyiksaan segala macam, karena yang terjadi itu semacam kelas-kelas pelatihan yang sangat besar. Orang-orang yang terpapar radikalisme memang dilatih vokasi.

"Tetapi yang menjadi problem buat kami, saudara-saudara muslim kami disana tidak mendapat hak-hak sepenuhnya, terutama dalam hal beribadah. Ini yang menjadi soal buat kami," ujar Masduki.

Organisasi Islam terbesar kedua di Indonesia, Muhammadiyah, juga membantah dan menyebut tudingan itu "tidak berdasar" dan "fitnah".

Sekjen Muhammadiyah Abdul Mu'ti mengakui kunjungan perwakilan organisasinya bersama NU dan MUI, ke beberapa pusat pelatihan untuk Muslim Uighur di Xinjiang Februari lalu diadakan atas undangan pemerintah China. Dia pula menegaskan, kunjungan itu tidak membuat sikap mereka terhadap pelanggaran HAM, melunak.

"Sikap Muhammadiyah, tidak pernah berubah. Muhammadiyah akan senantiasa menyampaikan sikap dan pandangannya berdasar prinsip-prinsip dakwah amar ma'ruf nahi munkar ."

"Oleh karena itu dalam kaitannya dengan pelanggaran HAM itu, Muhammadiyah akan senantiasa tegas dan menentang segala bentuk pelanggaran HAM di mana pun, oleh siapa pun, kepada siapa pun," ujar Mu'ti dalam keterangan pers, Selasa (17/12).

Dia pun mendesak pemerintah Indonesia agar menindaklanjuti arus aspirasi umat Islam dan bersikap lebih tegas untuk menghentikan pelanggaran HAM di Xinjiang sesuai dengan amanat UUD 1945 dan politik luar negeri yang bebas aktif.

"Pemerinta Indonesia hendaknya lebih aktif menggunakan peran sebagai anggota OKI dan anggota tidak tetap Dewan KEamanan PBB untuk menggalang diplomasi dihentikannya pelanggaran HAM di Xinjiang dan beberapa negara lainnya," ujarnya.

Tidak ada kebebasan beragama di Xinjiang
Dalam kunjungan tersebut, rombongan ormas Islam dari Indonesia yang terdiri dari 15 orang menemukan adanya pelanggaran HAM berupa dikekangnya kebebasan beragama yang dialami Muslim Uighur, seperti diungkapkan oleh salah satu delegasi yang juga merupakan Ketua Bidang Hubungan Luar Negeri Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Muhyiddin Junaidi.

"Kunjungan ke beberapa tempat, masjid, ke insitut agama Islam semakin meyakinkan kami bahwa tidak ada kebebasan beragama, freedom of religion itu tidak terbukti," ujar Muhyiddin.

Hal ini disebabkan dalam konstitusi China disebutkan bahwa agama hanya bisa dipraktikkan di ruang tertutup dan dilarang dipraktikkan di ruang terbuka.

"Kalau menggunakan jilbab dan keluar ruangan, Anda dianggap radikal. Kalau Anda radikal maka Anda berhak dikirim ke re-education center ."

"Selama di re-education cente r, tidak boleh sholat, tidak boleh puasa, tidak boleh baca Al Quran, makan seadanya yang disajikan pemerintah dan itu under heavy surveilance ," tuturnya.

Gambaran yang disampaikan Muhyiddin konsisten dengan berbagai temuan sejumlah lembaga internasional

PBB memperkirakan sekitar satu juta Muslim Uighur ditahan di kamp-kamp penjara yang oleh pemerintah China disebut pusat re-edukasi.

Meski tudingan kucuran dana dari pemerintah China itu ditampik oleh NU dan Muhamadiyah, laporan lembaga pemikir IPAC mengungkap apa yang disebut 'hubungan harmonis' antara dua ormas Islam besar di Indonesia itu dengan pemerintah China, sudah berlangsung lama.

"Bantuan-bantuan donasi atau funding terhadap NU dan Muhammadiyah sudah berlangsung bertahun-tahun, sejak Indonesia membuka hubungan diplomatik kembali dengan China di akhir 1990an," ujar peneliti IPAC, Deka Anwar.

'Hubungan harmonis' antara ormas Islam dan pemerintah China
Dalam laporannya, IPAC menyebut bahwa kedua ormas telah menandatangani kerjasama dengan pemerintah China dalam hal bantuan pendidikan, kesehatan dan pemberantasan kemiskinan.

IPAC menemukan bahwa pada bulan Ramadhan 2015, Kedutaan Besar China di Jakarta mendonasikan Rp 100 juta untuk anak-anak yatim piatu di Nahdlatul Ulama.

Pada 2018, Kedutaan Besar China mendonasikan fasilitas instalasi sanitasi di beberapa desa yang dihuni anggota NU di Cirebon, Indramayu dan Karawang.

Pada saat yang sama, Duta Besar China pula mengumumkan beasiswa bagi mahasiswa Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama.

Pada Juni silam, NU mendirikan kantor cabang di China dan hingga Juni 2019, telah ada sekitar 246 mahasiswa Indonesia yang menjalankan studi di sana.

Sementara itu, pada pertengahan tahun ini, universitas dan rumah sakit yang dikelola Muhammadiyah menjalin kerjasama dengan sejawatnya di China.

"Ormas besar di Indonesia memiliki hubungan yang harmonis dengan Kedutaan Besar China. ada ratusan mahasiswa NU yang belajar di China, mereka bisa memberikan testimoni bahwa tidak ada Islamofobia di China.

"Tapi kan Islamofobia di China tidak ada, bukan berarti pelanggaran HAM di provinsi Xinjiang tidak ada," kata Deka.

Lebih jauh, Deka menjelaskan ada dua alasan mengapa Indonesia bungkam terhadap isu Muslim Uighur.

"Bahwa investasi China begitu besar jadi kita bungkam. Kedua, masyarakat Muslim Indonesia masih terbagi, masih banyak yang belum percaya dengan pelanggaran HAM di Xinjiang," jelasnya.

Namun, hal ini ditampik oleh Wasekjen PBNU Masduki Baidlowi yang menyebut kerjasama terkait pendidikan, tidak hanya dijalin dengan pemerintah China saja, namun juga negara-negara lain.

"Jadi tidak ada yang spesifik kedekatan khusus, itu nggak ."

"Karena kedekatan kita bangun hubungan yang baik untuk bagaimana kita melakukan dakwah Islam ke berbagai negara. Karena NU sebagai batang tubuh Islam moderat di Indonesia, kita ingin mengekspor ajaran Islam yang ramah ini ke berbagai negara yang lain," jelasnya.
Masduki yang juga juru bicara Wakil Presiden Ma'ruf Amin mengungkapkan, berbeda dengan negara-negara barat yang lantang menyuarakan pelanggaran HAM terhadap Muslim Uighur -kebijakan yang disebut megaphone diplomacy - Indonesia memilih pendekatan lunak menyoal isu tersebut.

Dia mencontohkan dalam pertemuan pejabat dari berbagai negara di Madrid, Spanyol beberapa waktu lalu, Menteri Luar Negeri Retno Marsudi menanyakan persoalan Muslim Uighur kepada Pemerintah China yang turut hadir dalam even tersebut.

"Artinya, kami tidak diam. Tetapi yang lain berteriak seperti pemerintahan di Eropa atau Amerika, dan kami tidak berteriak. ketika kami tidak berteriak, jangan lalu dianggap bahwa kami itu bungkam," tegas Masduki.

Sejauh ini belum ada demonstrasi besar di Indonesia sehubungan dengan dugaan pelanggaran HAM yang dialami oleh Muslim Uighur di China, terutama baru-baru ini setelah muncul laporan dugaan pencucian otak di kamp-kamp tahanan.

Dalam kasus-kasus internasional lain, seperti masalah Palestina dan Rohingya, sejumlah ormas kerap menyuarakan dukungan mereka.

Pemerintah China dalam berbagai kesempatan selalu membantah telah terjadi pelanggaran terhadap warga Muslim Uighur.


The delegation from NU(largest Islamic organization in Indonesia or even in the world), Muhammadiyah (second largest) and MUI confirm about human right issues in Xinjiang, their visit in February found that there is no freedom of religion, muslims not allowed to wear hijab, pray, fasting, read Qur'an and they eat whatever food given by the guards while in the camp (could be non halal food).

@Indos do you think our government approach towards this issue is enough? Active-soft diplomacy

Sama juga kebijakan mengenai rakhine, di depan publik pemerintah tidak menekan pemerintah myanmar, tapi dibelakang layar cukup aktif memberi bantuan dan mencari jalan keluar.
@Indos do you think our government approach towards this issue is enough? Active-soft diplomacy

Sama juga kebijakan mengenai rakhine, di depan publik pemerintah tidak menekan pemerintah myanmar, tapi dibelakang layar cukup aktif memberi bantuan dan mencari jalan keluar.

I dont think that is enough. We should speak more vocal on OIC meeting about this issue and lobby other members to create more pressure action on China, like making some sort of OIC investigation in Xinjiang. Something like Rohingya fact finding set up by UN.

We know that China has become a very strong nation, but China deepen on energy supply from Muslim countries while Muslim countries dont deepen on China, most of Muslim countries are just market for Chinese product so if trade is stopped between the two, we dont lose much.

Talking about Indonesia diplomacy in general term. Indonesia diplomacy is still using Soeharto approach which is low profile one and I think it should be changed now since we have become a mature democracy and third biggest democracy in the world with 1 trillion economy. On G20 latest meeting for example, Jokowi is positioned in the first line during photo session and close to leaders from USA, China, and Russia. Similar thing happen in APEC meeting. This show our capacity but sadly Jokowi doesnt have much ambition to show some leadership in a bigger level arena than ASEAN, something that can be seen that he always skip giving speech on UN general assembly every year.
I dont think that is enough. We should speak more vocal on OIC meeting about this issue and lobby other members to create more pressure action on China, like making some sort of OIC investigation in Xinjiang. Something like Rohingya fact finding set up by UN.

We know that China has become a very strong nation, but China deepen on energy supply from Muslim countries while Muslim countries dont deepen on China, most of Muslim countries are just market for Chinese product so if trade is stopped between the two, we dont lose much.

Talking about Indonesia diplomacy in general term. Indonesia diplomacy is still using Soeharto approach which is low profile one and I think it should be changed now since we have become a mature democracy and third biggest democracy in the world with 1 trillion economy. On G20 latest meeting for example, Jokowi is positioned in the first line during photo session and close to leaders from USA, China, and Russia. Similar thing happen in APEC meeting. This show our capacity but sadly Jokowi doesnt have much ambition to show some leadership in a bigger level arena than ASEAN, something that can be seen that he always skip giving speech on UN general assembly every year.

we should stop became the pawn of usa and be realistic!
Uighurs are source of terror from China
They tries to bomb Indonesia goverment in 2015. They also tried to join santoso back then. they are spreading to Asean, Arrested in thailand and philliphines.

we should move closer to china. Chinese are our buyer of spice, mineral ore ,seafood and palm oil ( Those where Indonesia get most of their foreing reserve)
and also Chinese tourist are biggest spender in bali.
Tourism is our second biggest contributor to our foreign reserve . The first is palm oil.

we need to get along with china. imagine if they ban our palm oil. and announce travel warnings! how many of jobs will be lost?
I dont think that is enough. We should speak more vocal on OIC meeting about this issue and lobby other members to create more pressure action on China, like making some sort of OIC investigation in Xinjiang. Something like Rohingya fact finding set up by UN.

We know that China has become a very strong nation, but China deepen on energy supply from Muslim countries while Muslim countries dont deepen on China, most of Muslim countries are just market for Chinese product so if trade is stopped between the two, we dont lose much.

Talking about Indonesia diplomacy in general term. Indonesia diplomacy is still using Soeharto approach which is low profile one and I think it should be changed now since we have become a mature democracy and third biggest democracy in the world with 1 trillion economy. On G20 latest meeting for example, Jokowi is positioned in the first line during photo session and close to leaders from USA, China, and Russia. Similar thing happen in APEC meeting. This show our capacity but sadly Jokowi doesnt have much ambition to show some leadership in a bigger level arena than ASEAN, something that can be seen that he always skip giving speech on UN general assembly every year.

Muslim countries also have no good reputation in human rights according to west standard. Muslims in China are restricted but they're treated equally to other religious or none religious people. Maybe you are not satisfied but still a moderate way.

I don't think other Muslim countries will follow your steps, there are many reasons, such as geopolitics, traditional friendship, most important is peace and development is the first concern.

Even turn table with the muslim world China will not let Muslim in China destabilize the country.

As Indonesia killed so many Chinese in the history when China takes revenge for the old blood and fresh blood who will save you.
Weird....the only news source I could find on this were all Chinese...:D


Now...I looked into a Indonesian source and this is what it had to say:



Students have lunch at the Xinjiang Islamic Institute canteen. (Katadata / Metta Dharmasaputra)







Source: https://katadata.co.id/telaah/2019/12/11/catatan-dari-xinjiang-3-di-antara-turisme-dan-terorisme (It's in Indonesia; I used Google translate).

Be skeptical of the parts I didn't screenshot above...the article starts on the right footing but then goes into a apologetic tone, blaming the Uyghurs for "terrorism" and other stuff. We all know that there has been separatism in Xinjiang since the Chinese took over in the Qing Dynasty period. Before that, Xinjiang was a free region for most of its history (which spans more than 2,000 years).
Muslim countries also have no good reputation in human rights according to west standard. Muslims in China are restricted but they're treated equally to other religious or none religious people. Maybe you are not satisfied but still a moderate way.

I don't think other Muslim countries will follow your steps, there are many reasons, such as geopolitics, traditional friendship, most important is peace and development is the first concern.

Even turn table with the muslim world China will not let Muslim in China destabilize the country.

As Indonesia killed so many Chinese in the history when China takes revenge for the old blood and fresh blood who will save you.

LOL if you believe Indonesian kill many Chinese ethnic it means you must have believed that there is genoside in Xin Jiang since both acquisition are made by western publication. I also dont believe there is genocide in Xin Jiang.

The killing in 1965 is for Communist follower and the most victim is native while some Chinese Indonesian who become Communist member might be killed as well. As for 1998 the death victim are all looters who were in building that is later burn by the rioters. If you check TGPF investigative result it will be clear. All of the dead are with burned body. Just ask any Chinese Indonesian members in PDF whether they found some of their family members or friends are killed during the 3 days riots. I am sure they cannot give you any names.
lol, Chinese is commies and total atheist in first place what you expect from totaliter communist party? A kumbaya utopian world where people of all Religion and faith can express their believe openly on streets? They known to press and vanquished Christian (including demolished thousands curches and deport or outright purge against preacher in mass number) along with many local custom and tradition, just the facts Islam is still thrieving in China and in large number too is good enough for Muslim community around the world (because the contribution of many Hui especially Ma clan support for communist during civil war).

Their internal matter should be their to solved, we are outsider in this issue.
lol, Chinese is commies and total atheist in first place what you expect from totaliter communist party? A kumbaya utopian world where people of all Religion and faith can express their believe openly on streets? They known to press and vanquished Christian (including demolished thousands curches and deport or outright purge against preacher in mass number) along with many local custom and tradition, just the facts Islam is still thrieving in China and in large number too is good enough for Muslim community around the world (because the contribution of many Hui especially Ma clan support for communist during civil war).

Their internal matter should be their to solved, we are outsider in this issue.
I used to believe that we should let other people to their devices but that kind of thinking have its limits when confronted with reality. War, climate crisis, refugees you name it the international community should at least mitigate the damage a little before it gets too big. This is also why I'm a firm believer that indonesia should flex her influences over asean & beyond. But that's just my opinion. Point is if it affects other countries it's no longer their problem.

Also to make things clear I supports China's sovereignty over xinjiang. I just don't supports China's draconian policy for the region.

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