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Indonesia :Madura Shiites Face Conversion Threat

Pindah Aliran jadi Syarat Rekonsiliasi Syiah Sampang?

Read here, in this official website they explained there is no forced convertion not just official but in general

"Jadi menurut saya, keyakinan setiap warga negara itu dijamin konstitusi. Dan itu adalah hak setiap warga negara untuk memeluk agama yang diyakini dan beribadat menurut agamanya,"

Syiah sendiri, menurut Lukman lagi, merupakan aliran Islam yang sudah ada selama ratusan tahun. Meskipun ada perbedaan, Syiah menurutnya belum bisa dianggap sebagai penyimpangan, dan seharusnya bisa ditolerir.

"Memang ada perbedaan-perbedaan, tapi perbedaan masih dalam koridor yang bisa kita berikan toleransi,"

Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, copied directly from your source

Since you bring this official statement to your side, so you are also agree that those Shiites should be spared and protected from such act right? that they can actually do their prayers without being disturbed and asked to "get back into the right teaching"?
Since you bring this official statement to your side, so you are also agree that those Shiites should be spared and protected from such act right? that they can actually do their prayers without being disturbed and asked to "get back into the right teaching"?

Yes they should be protected from such action as long they didn't do anything stupid but we should keep asking them to return on the right path and without Forcing of course,
Yes they should be protected from such action as long they didn't do anything stupid but we should keep asking them to return on the right path and without Forcing of course,

As long as no threats to them AND the country keep their hands out of this, it is all okay.
As long as no threats to them, it is all okay.

See? We can talk now
Next time It's better be not judging people earlier as Wahabi, Terorist or whatever
I'm not one of them

And when I said "Something Stupid"
I mean something like cursing Aisha, Abu Bakar and Umar
Or saying Al-Quran in Sunni hand is wrong
Götterdämmerung;4700434 said:
Am I the only one who read: Madura Sh*t Face Conversion Threat? :girl_wacko:

And @hinduguy
No, there is no Forced convertion, they just being ask to convert
Those shia is doing what they're being teach, which is Taqiyyah or lying
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Sorry to intervene but I got this doubt. Why do they need to convert? I mean they are already Muslims right? How can one sect convert to another sect? Isn't it already within Islamic beliefs?

Kinda confusing. Any explanation is welcome.
Anybody insult the
prophet's wives and his
companions are not Muslims and
have never been so.

So you mean to say that the Shiites insult your prophet and his wives? Because I think Iran is a Shiite country and is very seriously Islamic in belief.
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Anybody insult the
prophet's wives and his
companions are not Muslims and
have never been so.

The wives were normal human beings without any divine claims or connections. Why are they considered some kind of acid test for islam?

Are you saying none of the many wives ever hurt anyone and if anyone did not like them, they automatically got thrown out of islam LOL?
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I didn't see anything wrong in asking people to return on the Right Path

You don't get to choose people's lives for them.
Second what proves that this is the 'right path'.
Third u don't threaten to kill him if he disagrees when u 'ask' people.

So salafi,don't let the door hit u on ur way out.
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