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Indonesia :Madura Shiites Face Conversion Threat

I can tollerate people with different views, what i can't tollerate is people who are chocking and supporting forced implementation of their own views, like you.

Anyway, answer my question or zip your mouth.

Since when I forcing to implemented my own views?
Just becouse I want it doesn't mean I'm forcing it

Since you've show your support on Suharto

"Fascists seek to unify their nation
through a totalitarian state that promotes
the mass mobilization of the national
community, relying on a vanguard
party to initiate a revolution to organize the
nation on fascist principles."

Indonesian government, or else you will be punished for a treason just like Soeharto's era of Indonesian government and I will be happy to watch people like you get shot by PETRUS.
you say you can tolerate but you also support dictator regime that killed every people that did not share the same view like them?
Since when I forcing to implemented my own views?
Just becouse I want it doesn't mean I'm forcing it

Since you've show your support on Suharto

"Fascists seek to unify their nation
through a totalitarian state that promotes
the mass mobilization of the national
community, relying on a vanguard
party to initiate a revolution to organize the
nation on fascist principles."

Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read my comment completely you fool. You are supporting the forced implementation, you have taken the part in it :p :p :p Just say yes to it, dude

Don't run from your own statement. C'mon, how many men and women have been killed and raped under the name of religion? still waitin' for the answer.

And what's the point of bringing that Fascist definition? You can actually change that word "Fascist" with "Religious extremist", that definition rhymes similar to what you and your kind are doing right now, only under different cloak.

"What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists is not that they are extreme but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents." -Robert F. Kennedy

See, that perfectly fits you, oh.. you extremist boy. :p :p

You can't accept differences in Indonesia (this thread proves it) and always blame the nationalists (which made up from most Indonesians) for any trouble that happens around you.

You see, you are not worthy of my time. You have no consistency for your own statements, you are too stupid to understand many of other people's statement, and surprisingly are always evading direct questions. I bet your tiny balls are still bigger than what is inside your head.
you say you can tolerate but you also support dictator regime that killed every people that did not share the same view like them?

Read my comment, I can't tollerate people WHO ARE FORCING AND SUPPORTING FORCED IMPLEMENTATION OF THEIR OWN VIEW. Gosh even your eyes are no longer aware of what people have said.

Now since you are supporting forced convertion, you just supported a forced implementation of a certain views. And hell yeah I would be happy to witness your execution, that means less one idiot for my beloved country. :p
The Qur'an prohibits
warfare, permits war only in
defence and insists that the true
values are peace, reconciliation
forgiveness. It also states firmly
there must be no coercion in
matters, and for centuries Islam
had a
much better record of religious
than Christianity.
Like the Bible, the Qur'an has its
share of
aggressive texts, but like all the
religions, its main thrust is
kindliness and compassion. Islamic
outlaws war against any country
in which
Muslims are allowed to practice
religion freely, and forbids the use
of fire,
the destruction of buildings and
the killing
of innocent civilians in a military


As for rape, Islam forbid any kind of it
The Qur'an prohibits
warfare, permits war only in
defence and insists that the true
values are peace, reconciliation
forgiveness. It also states firmly
there must be no coercion in
matters, and for centuries Islam
had a
much better record of religious
than Christianity.
Like the Bible, the Qur'an has its
share of
aggressive texts, but like all the
religions, its main thrust is
kindliness and compassion. Islamic
outlaws war against any country
in which
Muslims are allowed to practice
religion freely, and forbids the use
of fire,
the destruction of buildings and
the killing
of innocent civilians in a military


As for rape, Islam forbid any kind of it

I wasn't asking about the codes of warfare in Islam, i was asking about the amount of death that conflicts under the name of religion have brought. Try to be smart for one sec, okay?
Read my comment, I can't tollerate people WHO ARE FORCING AND SUPPORTING FORCED IMPLEMENTATION OF THEIR OWN VIEW. Gosh even your eyes are no longer aware of what people have said.

Now since you are supporting forced convertion, you just supported a forced implementation of a certain views. And hell yeah I would be happy to witness your execution, that means less one idiot for my beloved country

See? Is that how you tolerate other people?
I'm not forcing it, you just assume that I was forcing it
And you want me dead

Okay, that's clear
See? Is that how you tolerate other people?
I'm not forcing it, you just assume that I was forcing it
And you want me dead

Okay, that's clear


Dude, seriously? I am not saying you are directly involved in the "forcing", but you are supporting it, aren't you? Gosh, I don't know what kind of school were you in.

Aren't you wanting the same? :p
Dude, seriously? I am not saying you are directly involved in the "forcing", but you are supporting it, aren't you? Gosh this is why my professor always told me to avoid talking with people like you.

Aren't you wanting the same? :p

No I din't
I just supporting if they are being ask to return on the right path not Forcing them
Read it again my first post Mr. Smart Guy
No I din't
I just supporting if they are being asking to return on the right path not Forcing them
Read it again my first post Mr. Smart Guy

What you see as "asking" is actually "forcing", they have chosen what they want to believe, why bother asking them back with tons of threat?

"They wanted us to sign a letter stating that we want to return to the ‘right’ Islamic teaching on our own will, or [accept that] people would burn my house and kill me."

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...tes-face-conversion-threat.html#ixzz2dHX5urx5

Yeah, "asking"...
What you see as "asking" is actually "forcing", they have chosen what they want to believe, why bother asking them back with tons of threat?

Yeah, "asking"...

Dude if they're realy want to be killed police will get those people who want to kill them
Are you realy thinking that our police is realy that Powerless?

Read it again, they said in their own will
Dude if they're realy want to be killed police will get those people who want to kill them
Are you realy thinking that our police is realy that Powerless?

Read it again, they said in their own will

i don't actually know your level in English, but this clearly shows that you suck in it.

Mbok ya sini saya translate "Mereka (yang maksa) menginginkan kami menanda tangani sebuah surat yang menyatakan bahwa kami ingin kembali ke dalam ajaran Islam yang "benar" (perhatiin noh tanda kutip), ATAU terima orang-orang yang akan membakar rumah saya dan membunuh saya."

They are forced to say "yes this is my will", if that's really their will, why would those people burn their houses and kill them?
Your logic,,,,is 404
I doubt that source,
Try to look at "Inside Sourse" or National Media Instead of International one

They are asked, not forced
Try to contact someone in Indonesia if you still don't believe me

Even Ministry of Internal Affairs already told it was not true in others word Fake News
There is no forced convertion
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