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Indo-US strategic pairing has failed: Chinese report


Sep 20, 2009
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Indo-US strategic pairing has failed: Chinese report

A lack of strategic vision in the military alignment between India and the US is likely to ensure that New Delhi fails to emerge as Washington's key security ally in the Indo-Pacific region, a former Chinese diplomat to India has said.

Mao Siwei, who served as the Consul General
of China in Kolkata in the late 2000s, quoting a report indicated that strategic military ties between the US and India failed to evolve as expected after they signed the civil nuclear deal.

According to a "report of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, US-India Military Engagement, authored by an insider at the US Department of Defence, the current situation of the US-India military relations is far from what the US side expects. The report said the US and India lacked a clearly defined strategic vision to focus their military engagement," Mao said at a recent conference.

The report said the US and India lacked a "clearly defined strategic vision to focus their military engagement."

"The concerns of the Indian side about jeopardising strategic autonomy, along with personnel and budgetary limitations, have led to a further stymieing of deeper military contact," Mao said.

As a result, he said India was not likely to emerge as a key provider of security within the Indo-Pacific region any time in the near to midterm future.

Indo-US strategic pairing has failed: Chinese report - Hindustan Times
We deterred India with our military build up in Tibet.
There is a thin line to walk for India, India has to balance the relationship between US and China when it comes to protecting its strategic interests.
There will be no alliance whether it is anti US or anti China, India will revoke Non alignment policy and work for its strategic interests. When the strategic interests of India coincide with any of the above powers India will certainly work for the stability and progress of S.Asia.

I my view Russia is a natural and strategic partner with which India have lot of common interests for a long time, Russia has Oil and other natural resources, good defense industry and India has work force,market and strong economy. So they both complement each other and true strategic partners.
The Chinese & most other countries in the region are used to alliances where one side holds more cards than the other.

India does not follow such rules , thats why it seems unusual to others.
Why would we want a strategic partnership with US? To contain China?

The day China tries to open any war against India, the world will have to choose sides and I'm pretty sure where US and Europe will go (All this to say if China starts a war, which I highly suspect.

Coming to US it is worried about China's influence but not about any war, both are too clever to go to war. That my friends is the only reason US wants us not to provide any security to anyone, it would be a joke on them to do that :lol:
India is big enough and can go alone.

India is not big enough to go alone, it's a very fractured country internally where religious, ethnic and caste systems make it a brittle union. Indian foreign policy is controlled from London and Washington, so they are already under western control.
India is not big enough to go alone, it's a very fractured country internally where religious, ethnic and caste systems make it a brittle union. Indian foreign policy is controlled from London and Washington, so they are already under western control.


Our religious and ethnic diversity is what's fun and makes India unique - compare it to China where there is a 92% probability that you will encounter a Hun Chinese everywhere every moment of your lifetime - it's like looking into a mirror all your life and everywhere.

"May you live in interesting times"
Chinese saying.
India is like the Soviet Union, forcefully made into a union. The Sikhs tried their best in 1984 for independence. Tamils are trying too. Now 200 million Muslims want independence as they hate the Hindu population.

It was a soviet Union before Partition now its more like the Russia but ahead by 40 years and last I hears China was still buying Engines from Russia :cheers:
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