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Indo-Pak Tactical Missiles risk dangerous miscalculation, U.S Intel Officer

All Indians are Going insane Hatf is the way to counter Indian cold start doctrine, If India start massive invasion with its Forces Pakistan will not Just Yuse 1 or 2 Hatf They gone use all available Missiles instead of watching and waiting for indian reply and in 1st sweep there goes your 1 billion population and left wont be a much of uses because of emps =)) and fallout Keep dreaming Its not Cricket match where you will get the 2nd chance In Nuclear attack theoretically 1st user of atomic bomb has higher chances of Winning Example Us with Japan
All Indians are Going insane Hatf is the way to counter Indian cold start doctrine, If India start massive invasion with its Forces Pakistan will not Just Yuse 1 or 2 Hatf They gone use all available Missiles instead of watching and waiting for indian reply and in 1st sweep there goes your 1 billion population and left wont be a much of uses because of emps =)) and fallout Keep dreaming Its not Cricket match where you will get the 2nd chance In Nuclear attack theoretically 1st user of atomic bomb has higher chances of Winning Example Us with Japan

Yeah like you'll nuke whole india in 30 seconds :lol large chunk of our forces are deployed in the north eastern border and that is out of range of your missiles. India is very much capable of second strike. Have you ever thought why we have "no first use policy"? Because we know we're capable of effective second strike. ;)
Nuclear strike must be the last option or rather it should never be the option. India can retaliate and can retaliate hard. Also as a matter of fact 2 nuclear countries have never been in a face to face war.
What, reflection too gruesome to comprehend.....it's fine for you to blabber all nonsense about terrorism and Jiahadis but a little taste of your own medicine is hard to swallow.....well, shouldn't digress if you can't digest.

well the mirror always has two faces you know...it is hard to comprehend for me is that...those blokes who stay in glass houses never throw stones at others....well you are the one who is always digressing not me..you are always departing from the main topic of discussion...I have seen it on every thread where you have posted...you simply drag your bull **** and dirty that thread....
so,by this Hatf-9,Pakistan will nuke itself(where IA's spearhead will be)???and in response,India will nuke Pakistan again???good development I must say.. :cheers:

All Indians are Going insane Hatf is the way to counter Indian cold start doctrine, If India start massive invasion with its Forces Pakistan will not Just Yuse 1 or 2 Hatf They gone use all available Missiles instead of watching and waiting for indian reply and in 1st sweep there goes your 1 billion population and left wont be a much of uses because of emps =)) and fallout Keep dreaming Its not Cricket match where you will get the 2nd chance In Nuclear attack theoretically 1st user of atomic bomb has higher chances of Winning Example Us with Japan

so,they(Pakistan) will first massively use nukes on itself,and then on India???well...thats not a pratical approach I must say.Nuke is for protecting itself against getting nuked by others,not to nuke itself.
Pakistani military will not gamble it's choke hold on pakistan by zero sum game. History stands testament to the fact that every war Pakistan looses to india, Pakistani military's stranglehold on pakistan becomes stronger. So even if India does end up on the winning side of a limited conflict, ultimate winner would be Pakistani military as it will consolidate it's power for another couple of decades.
India might take 3-4 bombs but when India replies Pakistan will be guaranteed annihilated. India has enough arsenal. Please do not talk about such scenario. They do not know what war is. It kills people on both the sides. not good.
India might take 3-4 bombs but when India replies Pakistan will be guaranteed annihilated. India has enough arsenal. Please do not talk about such scenario. They do not know what war is. It kills people on both the sides. not good.

Why would pakistnai Army , airforce and navy people would care about it.

This is what happens to them.

Today they live a 5 * life style . Only people at the bottom of the of PAF, PA and PN will suffer.

Once they retire; they will immigrate to Canda or US and live happly peacefully.
No more hide outs for Osama likes

well jokes apart .. this whole issue is very thrilling ...can't imagine Nukes falling on India


first photo good, second no. why? Pakistan has a quick response units that wont allow that :lol:

There is no cold start doctrine,IA trolled pak.Limited budget further strained by imaginery doctrine.Lol.

is that so.. care to tell why your military establishment are purchasing specific instruments to carry out a cold start?
tactical missiles are a waste ! seriously ! Imagine a situation.. PA launching tacticals against advancing IA troops, all India needs is a couple of quick reaction K15 SLBMs to take out the nuclear installations in pakistan ! Why i mentioned K15 is beacuse when in deterrent patrols it will be ever ready ! But land based ballistic missiles will need quite sometime for preparation !
You cant cover the whole of India...we will have more than half the country safe from nuclear explosions and radiation..
Even our leaders will survive and complete command and control will survive....and Pakistan will cease to exist though

Negative and wishful thinking on your part.
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