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Indigenous aero engine stays on radar, says DRDO official


Feb 20, 2012
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Indigenous aero engine stays on radar, says DRDO official

Madhumathi D.S.

The last word may not have been said about an indigenous aero engine although the first effort, the Kaveri engine, didn't make it to powering the LCA light fighter plane.

New efforts, tweaks and hopefully a Rs. 2,600-crore grant are being explored to salvage 25 years of work and resources of over Rs. 2,000 crore spent on the Kaveri and use the engine’s derivatives in unmanned strategic projects of the future - probably with a different name.


Already its spinoff version has been identified as the engine for ‘Ghatak’, a tentatively named future unmanned combat aircraft on which early studies have been taken up at two aeronautical labs based in Bengaluru.

“There is potential for derivatives of the Kaveri engine to be used for strategic purposes and other programmes. For anything in future that requires a 50-kilo-Newton engine [& its multiples,] here is a readily available one. Only a few engineering adaptations are required,” said K.Tamilmani, Director-General of DRDO’s Aeronautical Systems, who demits office on May 31 after about three years in the post.

The military research establishment has not given up the quest for a potential Indian powerplant for future military systems, he indicated.

‘A critical need’

Asked if a ‘flying’ Indian engine cannot be ruled out in the future, Dr. Tamilmani told The Hindu the development of aero engine technology and product was long identified as a critical need in defence research.

“The engine should be ours one day. It will, should happen, it may take time. Its technology development needs focus. The engine is also top priority for defining the shape of any aeroplane design and must be frozen first.”

Of the 10 DRDO labs in Bengaluru, the aeronautics cluster of four is predominant.

It includes the Gas Turbine Research Establishment that has worked on the Kaveri since the mid-1980s; and the Aeronautical Development Establishment that is into drones.

New efforts to build on 25 years of work on Kaveri, for UCAVs, etc.

DRDO need to get over Kaveri as final product. You can use it for other purpose.

An Engine for fighter jets need a new project right from scratch. They can use the experience gain form Kaveri to do and not to do things.

Engine development isn't that easy. Even front runners need 8/10 years for new engine. Get on board experienced firms as consultancy or partner. And start fresh
DRDO need to get over Kaveri as final product. You can use it for other purpose.

An Engine for fighter jets need a new project right from scratch. They can use the experience gain form Kaveri to do and not to do things.

Engine development isn't that easy. Even front runners need 8/10 years for new engine. Get on board experienced firms as consultancy or partner. And start fresh

No-one will give the secrets of jet engines for any price.

India needs to use the Kaveri base to try again and see if it can get to where China is now in 15-20 years from now.
I thought it had turned from being an aero engine to a Marine turbine?
I thought it had turned from being an aero engine to a Marine turbine?
Yes it did and will also go for new rail engine

No-one will give the secrets of jet engines for any price.

India needs to use the Kaveri base to try again and see if it can get to where China is now in 15-20 years from now.
Then you don't know anything

The main cause of disagreement was and still is " using Kaveri as base "
@sancho would have been help here. But I don't think he is around
No-one will give the secrets of jet engines for any price.

India needs to use the Kaveri base to try again and see if it can get to where China is now in 15-20 years from now.

:lol: These kind of responses always crack me up.

On topic, Kaveri is "relatively" a failure because of lack of experience on what not to do. Hopefully they will be lucky this time.
Then you don't know anything

The main cause of disagreement was and still is " using Kaveri as base "
@snacho would have been help here. But I don't think he is around


Aero-engine tech is the "crown jewel" of all military technology and NO-ONE will share it for any price. There is no gain for any country to gain a competitor for the price of a few or even tens of billions of dollars - I am not even getting into the geopolitical changes that will come about if India was to master engine techology.

Please use logical thinking here - only way that India can develop engine tech is by itself.

Aero-engine tech is the "crown jewel" of all military technology and NO-ONE will share it for any price. There is no gain for any country to gain a competitor for the price of a few or even tens of billions of dollars - I am not even getting into the geopolitical changes that will come about if India was to master engine techology.

Please use logical thinking here - only way that India can develop engine tech is by itself.
Ok. But just curious do you Google " engine JV India-France" ???

If you really need info you can do that. I don't have a point to prove. I'm ok with your logic
GTRE Kaveri might not have made to LCA, but the fact also is, that over the years significant advances have been made by India in field of metallurgy (Single Crystal Blade), machining and profiling along with better understanding of gas turbine system from reliability point of view. So the money spent hasn't gone waste.

Kaveri Turbofan-1.jpg

Now what is required is perhaps better project management and some help from an established overseas manufacturer. In longer run, this effort will surely pay for itself.
Ok. But just curious do you Google " engine JV India-France" ???

If you really need info you can do that. I don't have a point to prove. I'm ok with your logic

France will NOT share any engine tech will India. All it will do is input it's own technology into the joint engine - no know-how will be given to the Indians.

Below is wiki about CFM engine but it is reliable:


"Contemporary reports state that the agreement was based on assurances that the core of the engine, the part that GE was developing from the military F101, would be built in the U.S. and then transported to France in order to protect the sensitive technologies"
only way that India can develop engine tech is by itself.
Right assessment, but point is we are not asking for engine as a whole. As you mentioned not very many would agree to provide it. In technical terms, understanding the design, conceptualization, having metallurgy and then manufacturing is required to have an engine core that can be matured over a period of time.
In this regard, we have walked some distance (albeit with little success) but with this experience in fold, a new engine can be developed in a decade or so with limited and focused help.
@Oscar : why I am blocked on 2nd line for sub thread ????
Healthy crisism is banned or what ???
I can prove my comment if you want
@Oscar : why I am blocked on 2nd line for sub thread ????
Healthy crisism is banned or what ???
I can prove my comment if you want
Low quality posts are. Take cheap shots at our forum, and you wont be posting around at all.
Low quality posts are. Take cheap shots at our forum, and you wont be posting around at all.
Guilty without trial ??? You just proved me right. Fine by me. No problem.

I could have proved what I said but it's likely you are too busy to get in that. No problemo. If you see my time on forum m not that active so won't be a issue. Do what you think is right
:lol: These kind of responses always crack me up.

On topic, Kaveri is "relatively" a failure because of lack of experience on what not to do. Hopefully they will be lucky this time.

Technically Kaveri was to be tested in a Mig-29 and was never provided by the IAF and we didn't have the proper know how to test it in platform like the Mig. We could have easily brought in Russian engineers to guide us through this last process and flew Kaveri in Mig-29 for a few 100 hours but this last hurdle of acquiring a MiG apparently sounded the Kaveri's death knell, only because our bureaucrats and IAF would not give a MiG-29 testbed. Before that however it was passing all tests with flying colours like the Il-76 test back in Russia.
But we shouldn't be disheartened, Kaveri actually did succeed and the bulk of the work has been finished. The next engine will reflect this very thing and our scientists and engineers should handle our politicians and IAF in a fashion necessary to get the support to finish the project.
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