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India's Olympic Achievement: Indifference


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India's Olympic Achievement: Indifference - WSJ.com

Updated Aug. 18, 2012 12:01 a.m. ET

India's Vikas Gowda in the men's discus qualification during the Olympics. He finished eighth in the finals.Associated Press

Interviewed last week for a British radio program on childhood obesity—British children are on track for the gold medal for fatness—I happened to hear a Nigerian sports journalist who said that his fellow countrymen were furious that no Nigerian competitor won a medal at the Olympic Games. After all, he continued, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa, with the largest financial resources; the government ought to spend more on sports facilities.

The interviewer very properly asked him whether the government might not have other priorities. It is certainly true that the first thought of any visitor to Nigeria wouldn't be: "This country desperately needs more world-class discus throwers."

The Nigerian journalist replied that there are always other priorities, for any activity at all. It depended on the importance you accorded to sports.

Precisely. And in this matter there is one shining beacon in the world: India. Its low tally of medals in the Olympic Games puts practically all other countries to shame. With a sixth of the world's population, it won only six medals, none of them gold—that is to say, it won fewer, pro rata, than half a percent of the medals won by Britain and 1.25% of those won by the U.S.

It is not that India tried and failed. It did not try, and therein lies its peculiar wisdom and glory. Almost alone of the nations of the world, it more or less ignored the Games. But it is India, whose government does nothing to encourage (or deter) its athletes, that is right, not the rest of the world.

There is a bimodal distribution of countries that are enthusiastic about winning Olympic medals: They are either populist or ideological. Britain, for example, falls into the former category. Woe betide the British person who dares to suggest that his country's excellent performance at the Games wasn't a sign of national regeneration but of national frivolity and meretriciousness, to which its population and its leaders now turn as naturally as some flowers turn to the sun.

There are no prizes for guessing into which category falls North Korea, which did about a hundred times better at the Games than India. There is nothing a totalitarian regime likes more than devoting its citizens to pointless activities, such as throwing the javelin, and then claiming, when one of them does it better than anyone else in the world, that it proves the brilliance of the dictator and the beneficent efficiency of his rule. How else could such excellence result?

No typology of complex social realities can be perfect, though, and so it must be admitted that there are intermediate forms between the two types of countries. The U.S. and Britain could be said to be intermediate, insofar as some politicians used the Games as a photo opportunity. Other public figures pointed to the prowess of their country's athletes as evidence that success comes with effort and determination. But was there ever a time when we did not know that?

India alone values the Games at their true worth—which is to say, approaching nil. It is not that Indians are completely indifferent to sports. They are crazy about cricket, a game whose considerable subtleties are lost on all who did not grow up with it but which teaches mental flexibility as well as specific skills.

But no official encouragement is necessary to promote this enthusiasm. On every field of every Indian city, ragged children can be seen playing with improvised equipment, as richer children play with the latest kits. It is no coincidence that, economically, India now dominates this most English of games. India has taken over cricket as its companies have taken over British companies.

For reasons that I am unable to fathom, for no person is less interested in sports than I, the United Nations Development Program regularly sends me updates on its efforts to promote economic and social progress through athletics. India, I am glad to say, does not believe in this nonsense.

Last Wednesday, India celebrated the 65th anniversary of its independence, and officials announced that it would send a space probe to Mars. This is something quite beyond the technical powers or prowess of its former colonial masters—though they, of course, did far better at the Olympics. I hope India will maintain its ability to discriminate between the worthwhile and the worthless.

—Theodore Dalrymple is the pen name of the physician Anthony Daniels. He is a contributing editor of the Manhattan Institute's City Journal.
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Indians are generally not Athletically inclined people physically or mentally.. Per capita they are the worst Athletic nation in the world.. All this other excuses about priority on education is just sticking the head in sand

Lol, no.

But this article is idiotic, trivialising the problem is the first step of ignoring it.
Indians are generally not Athletically inclined people physically or mentally.. Per capita they are the worst Athletic nation in the world.. All this other excuses about priority on education is just sticking the head in sand

That is not true at all. Yet to come across a family which places much importance on Sports rather than Academics. Our priorities are different.
Change is coming soon. India will host a spectacular Olympics in 2020.
But this article is idiotic, trivialising the problem is the first step of ignoring it.

It is not trivializing the "problem." How is not being able to become the fastest runner in the world a problem? This article places things in proper perspective.
And let the troll fest begin. :devil:

Indians are generally not Athletically inclined people physically or mentally.. Per capita they are the worst Athletic nation in the world.. All this other excuses about priority on education is just sticking the head in sand
My i know from where you got this?.
I am of the opinion that India will double it's medal tally each time for the next 2 olympics.
Indians have a low IQ so I wouldn't expect them to be good at sports either.
Although Africans have a low IQ too, they are pretty good at sports.

India didn't win a single gold medal at the London Olympics.
And let the troll fest begin. :devil:

My i know from where you got this?.

It's general knowledge .. Look at your sporting record and history.. Second largest talent pool in the world (If you can call it that) but next to nothing to show in achievement in sport, Forget Olympics.. It's a one sport nation (Cricket) even that without domination

And i reiterate what ever excuses about colonialism, priorities for education,Poverty etc are mere petty excuses

This is not a troll effort.. The OP yet again posted a humorous article just like the Mexican one.. So its inevitable somebody needs tom keep things in perspective
It's general knowledge .. Look at your sporting record and history.. Second largest talent pool in the world (If you can call it that) but next to nothing to show in achievement in sport, Forget Olympics.. It's a one sport nation (Cricket) even that without domination

And i reiterate what ever excuses about colonialism, priorities for education,Poverty etc are mere petty excuses

This is not a troll effort.. The OP yet again posted a humorous article just like the Mexican one.. So its inevitable somebody needs tom keep things in perspective

Yet again you display your dumbness and herd mentality. The fact is Indians do not give a hoot about sports. The stuff Indians do give a damn about like education and science, we have excelled in it. These are stuff that matters and determinant of where a country's destiny lies. Not being about to outrun a gazelle or become a sumo wrestler is of no consequence.

Meanwhile entire countries have degenerated to the point where their identity hinges on a victory in a football match or being a sharp shooter. They have nothing else to show for themselves.
It's general knowledge .. Look at your sporting record and history.. Second largest talent pool in the world (If you can call it that) but next to nothing to show in achievement in sport, Forget Olympics.. It's a one sport nation (Cricket) even that without domination

And i reiterate what ever excuses about colonialism, priorities for education,Poverty etc are mere petty excuses

This is not a troll effort.. The OP yet again posted a humorous article just like the Mexican one.. So its inevitable somebody needs tom keep things in perspective
So in short you want to say want to say that we will perform like this always because its genetic.
So in short you want to say want to say that we will perform like this always because its genetic.

Like i said both physically and mentally.. Indians do not seem to excel in competitive sports, Especially body contact, Thats why they have displayed certain success in Chess, Shooting, Snooker or Archery.. But that too at mediocre level given world standards

Prime example is field Hockey.. Use to dominate when it was much slower and less nations played now India is struggling to compete the physicality bought in by the introduction of Astro turf
Like i said both physically and mentally.. Indians do not seem to excel in competitive sports, Especially body contact, Thats why they have displayed certain success in Chess, Shooting, Snooker or Archery.. But that too at mediocre level given world standards

Prime example is field Hockey.. Use to dominate when it was much slower and less nations played now India is struggling to compete the physicality bought in by the introduction of Astro turf
What about Kabaddi, Boxing and Kushti?
What about Kabaddi, Boxing and Kushti?

Talking about global sports.. How many countries do you think play Kabbadi or what ever competitively ?? .. Boxing comes down to individuals.. Rare success's of individuals one in a blue moon does not make India a country that is several hundred times larger and populated better than Cuba in boxing for example

Mate you need to counter facts in perspective
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