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The name Akula ("shark") is the Soviet designation of the ballistic missile submarine class.

SSN Akula Class (Bars Type 971) Attack Submarine, Russia


The Akula Class carry up to 12 Granit submarine-launched cruise missiles. The missiles are fired from the 533mm torpedo launch tubes. Granit (Nato designation: SS-N-21 Sampson) has a range of about 3,000km and delivers a 200kt warhead.

The CEP (the circle of equal probability) is 150m. The CEP value is a measure of the accuracy of strike on the target and is the radius of the circle within which half the strikes will impact. The land attack Granit missile uses inertial and terrain following guidance.

The submarine's anti-ship missiles are the Novator SS-N-15 Starfish and the Novator SS-N-16 Stallion. The Starfish, fired from the 533mm tubes, has a target range of 45km. The Stallion, fired from the 650mm tubes, has a longer range of up to 100km. The Stallion and the Starfish can be armed with a 200kt warhead or a type 40 torpedo.

An air defence capability is provided by a Strela SA-N-5/8 portable missile launcher with 18 missiles.
SSN Akula Class (Bars Type 971) Attack Submarine - Naval Technology

no ballistic missiles
Which Akula are you talking about - the Russian named Akula or the NATO named Akula. In any case there are news that the sub that you are talking about is being modified by the Russians to carry ballistic missiles.

Akula, Russian "Акула" ("Shark") class submarine (NATO reporting name: Typhoon) is a type of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine deployed by the Soviet Navy in the 1980s. With a maximum displacement of 33,800 tons, the Typhoons are the largest class of submarine ever built, large enough to accommodate decent living facilities for the crew when submerged for months on end. The source of the NATO reporting name remains unclear, although it is often claimed to be related to the use of the word "Typhoon" ("Тайфун") by Leonid Brezhnev in a 1974 speech while describing a new type of nuclear ballistic missile submarine. Soviet doctrine for these vessels was to have them launch SLBMs while submerged under the arctic ice, avoiding the traversal of the GIUK gap to remain safe from the enemy attack submarines and anti-submarine forces. Technically Typhoons were also able to successfully deploy their long-range nuclear missiles while moored at their docks.

Typhoon-class submarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Which Akula are you talking about - the Russian named Akula or the NATO named Akula. In any case there are news that the sub that you are talking about is being modified by the Russians to carry ballistic missiles.

Akula, Russian "Акула" ("Shark") class submarine (NATO reporting name: Typhoon) is a type of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine deployed by the Soviet Navy in the 1980s. With a maximum displacement of 33,800 tons, the Typhoons are the largest class of submarine ever built, large enough to accommodate decent living facilities for the crew when submerged for months on end. The source of the NATO reporting name remains unclear, although it is often claimed to be related to the use of the word "Typhoon" ("Тайфун") by Leonid Brezhnev in a 1974 speech while describing a new type of nuclear ballistic missile submarine. Soviet doctrine for these vessels was to have them launch SLBMs while submerged under the arctic ice, avoiding the traversal of the GIUK gap to remain safe from the enemy attack submarines and anti-submarine forces. Technically Typhoons were also able to successfully deploy their long-range nuclear missiles while moored at their docks.

Typhoon-class submarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

duh the akula whcih India is getting,why would i talk abt the typhoon.
wow ... we agree to disagree. The question is which Akula is India getting?
wow ... we agree to disagree. The question is which Akula is India getting?

India is getting this one
SSN Akula Class (Bars Type 971) Attack Submarine - Naval Technology
The Indian Navy signed an agreement with Russia to lease a new Akula II submarine, the SSN Nerpa, for ten years. The vessel was completed at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur shipyard and commissioned in to Russian Navy in December 2009. The submarine, to be renamed INS Chakra, is scheduled to be recommissioned by the Indian Navy between October and November 2010.

Care to read the articles in the given links. :disagree:
How do you know India is getting this one. Very few would indeed know in any case. And even if india is getting this one, it is nuclear proliferation at its worst. I think Pakistan should also get more than a few, both attack and ballistic ones.
My question still remain, which Akula - Russian named Akula or NATO named Akula. One is attack and the other is ballistic missile carrier. As I said earlier, the net is full of news items that say that modifications are being carried out so that YOUR Akula could launch ballistic missiles. :)
Pasting good comments from another forum about this article .....

Indians are raising the stakes which is likely to be followed by enhanced defense spending by other nations in the region. The arms race in an already volatile region from the Middle East to South Asia to South East Asia is indeed a high stake game. Imagine an Indian Ocean patrolled by nuclear subs from USA, France, UK, China and India who will be given nuclear subs by the Russians. US and West propagate against Pakistan for nuclear proliferation giving clean chit to the Indians and look who is giving nuclear subs to Indians – Russia. Isn’t it a blatant proliferation and why aren’t the US and Western nations not talking against it and sanctioning the Russians.
WOW … we are heading towards a very dangerous world and God only help us.
Obviously India and Pakistan belong to different leagues. India will try to stand shoulder to shoulder with the big boys. Nothing prevents Pakistan following the Indian example it is just that with Pakistans current nuclear deterrent in place there is no significant benefit in matching India bullet for bullet. Pakistan must have it's own well defined defence paradigm based on it's needs and not follow what another country is doing in it's neighbourhood.
The name Akula ("shark") is the Soviet designation of the ballistic missile submarine class.

We are not getting the Akula we are getting the Schuka-B. In NATO terms.....we are not getting the typhoon class but we are getting the Akula II class, which is an attack submarine.
Interesting comments posted at another forum ......
At the end of it all, it is the interest of big powers to hand out favors to different nations. The most interesting thing is that when it didn’t suit the bigpowers they sanctioned both India and Pakistan when they tested their nuclear capability. Now, all those who were sanctioning these two countries have taken sides and are openly proliferating in Indian favor – what an irony.
Therefore, it is not that the Indians have grown big and are standing in the big league - as Nehru said in the 1930s, this is primarily because the big powers are using India for their interests. And the Indians are happily dancing to Rising India. What a crap :)

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