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India's nuclear arsenal failed by 'dud' missiles


Jan 18, 2012
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The most authoritative non-governmental assessment of world nuclear forces has revealed that India's nuclear capabilities are seriously lagging behind those of its putative adversaries, Pakistan and China.
The evaluation by Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists called 'Indian nuclear forces, 2012', reveals that for New Delhi, the principal means of weapons delivery remains fixed-wing aircraft like the Mirage-2000 and the Jaguar.
Unlike Pakistan and China which have substantial deployed missile arsenals, India's missile force is lagging, despite the test-launch of the Agni V in 2012.


According to him, 'The Agni I is operational and tested, and Agni II and III are almost there and all three can be used if necessary.' According to him, the lack of authoritative information on India's capability 'is part of our posture of ambiguity' on matters nuclear. But Admiral Arun Prakash, former navy chief and chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee, has another view.
'We have to rely on the word of our DRDO/DAE scientists as far as performance, reliability, accuracy and yield of missiles and nuclear warheads are concerned. Unfortunately, hyperbolic claims coupled with dissonance within the ranks of our scientists have eroded their credibility,' he said.
As of now, according to the Bulletin, 'we estimate that India has produced 80-100 nuclear warheads'. In the case of Pakistan, whose evaluation was done in 2011, the Bulletin analysis has said that 'it has the world's fastest-growing nuclear stockpile', estimating that Pakistan 'has 90-110 nuclear weapons'.
The Pakistani arsenal, too, consists of mainly aircraft-dropped bombs, but with its Chinese-supplied missiles, it has a deployed arsenal of missiles like the Ghaznavi, Shaheen I and Ghauri and is developing longer-range missiles. Significantly, Pakistan's India specific arsenal comprises of the Nasr short-range (70 km) ballistic missile, which can use nuclear weapons to take out troop formations and Pakistan is in the advanced stage of developing two cruise missiles - the Babur and the Raad.


If this is dismaying for New Delhi, the comparison with China is positively alarming. Beijing has an arsenal of 240 or so warheads and it is adding to this number, though not at the pace Pakistan is.
Its nuclear weapons are primarily delivered through a mature missile arsenal with ranges from 2,000-11,000 km. A large number of Chinese missiles, including their cruise missiles, are primarily for use in nonnuclear conventional battle role. Raghavan acknowledges that 'China is a different kettle of fish', but he says even so, with the Agni V test, 'India's progress has been commendable'.
But the really big difference between India and China arises from the fact that India's thermonuclear weapon capability is suspect.
A Mail Today report (August 27, 2009) had cited K. Santhanam, the DRDO scientist who ran the country's nuclear programme at the time of the Pokhran tests, to say that the single thermonuclear test carried out at the time was a 'fizzle'. Responsibility for this state of affairs rests with the government.
According to Admiral Prakash, 'India's National Command Authority (NCA) not only meets infrequently, but is loath to take decisions when it does. This has an adverse impact on decision-making, financial approvals and production-rate of missiles/warheads'.
He says that the management of our deterrent 'by a sub-optimal troika consisting of scientists (in the driving seat), bureaucrats and soldiers' is also a debilitating factor.

India's nuclear arsenal failed by 'dud' missiles | Mail Online
Best thing about this lame article is that all Pak missiles which they proudly proclaim are self made are infact Chinese supplied.
The article may have called Indian missile dud but these guys have atleast not called them Russian supplied. ;)

It doesnt matter we have missiles from china or korea or iran or aliens the thing is they can hit u guys where it hurts the most with utter most accuracy.

So as far as we can achieve our objectives its good to go.

PS: All these articles are nothing but used ny the Army to by more weapon and getting more support from the public in buying news fansy toys (plus the commission they can make out of new deals) so its good for Indian officials but not for indian public.
80-100 MISSILES ?????
& if 4+4+4 are fired china gone simple

And it will take hundreds of nuclear missiles to extinguish the great Hindu nation :rolleyes:

Best thing about this lame article is that all Pak missiles which they proudly proclaim are self made are infact Chinese supplied.
The article may have called Indian missile dud but these guys have atleast not called them Russian supplied. ;)

Errm, no they arent... I guess youre right Russian dont supply to them to you, Russian make them and Indian painters go to Russia to paint em ;)
And can't they use the MKI for nuclear delivery? Plus even the Rafale when inducted might have the option.

I don't know why and how,but MKI isn't expected to be used for nuke delivery as of now. Since air launched brahmos is nearing a reality,in future we may expect an MKI to carry a nuke capable Brahmos ALCM. Also air launched prahar and nirbhay are in cards.

As of now Jags and M2ks can deliver nukes by toss bombing dumb bombs. The M2ks weren't designed to do it,but was modified for it during the kargil war(i think!)
The most authoritative non-governmental assessment of world nuclear forces has revealed that India's nuclear capabilities are seriously lagging behind those of its putative adversaries, Pakistan and China.
The evaluation by Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists called 'Indian nuclear forces, 2012', reveals that for New Delhi, the principal means of weapons delivery remains fixed-wing aircraft like the Mirage-2000 and the Jaguar.
Unlike Pakistan and China which have substantial deployed missile arsenals, India's missile force is lagging, despite the test-launch of the Agni V in 2012.


According to him, 'The Agni I is operational and tested, and Agni II and III are almost there and all three can be used if necessary.' According to him, the lack of authoritative information on India's capability 'is part of our posture of ambiguity' on matters nuclear. But Admiral Arun Prakash, former navy chief and chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee, has another view.
'We have to rely on the word of our DRDO/DAE scientists as far as performance, reliability, accuracy and yield of missiles and nuclear warheads are concerned. Unfortunately, hyperbolic claims coupled with dissonance within the ranks of our scientists have eroded their credibility,' he said.
As of now, according to the Bulletin, 'we estimate that India has produced 80-100 nuclear warheads'. In the case of Pakistan, whose evaluation was done in 2011, the Bulletin analysis has said that 'it has the world's fastest-growing nuclear stockpile', estimating that Pakistan 'has 90-110 nuclear weapons'.
The Pakistani arsenal, too, consists of mainly aircraft-dropped bombs, but with its Chinese-supplied missiles, it has a deployed arsenal of missiles like the Ghaznavi, Shaheen I and Ghauri and is developing longer-range missiles. Significantly, Pakistan's India specific arsenal comprises of the Nasr short-range (70 km) ballistic missile, which can use nuclear weapons to take out troop formations and Pakistan is in the advanced stage of developing two cruise missiles - the Babur and the Raad.


If this is dismaying for New Delhi, the comparison with China is positively alarming. Beijing has an arsenal of 240 or so warheads and it is adding to this number, though not at the pace Pakistan is.
Its nuclear weapons are primarily delivered through a mature missile arsenal with ranges from 2,000-11,000 km. A large number of Chinese missiles, including their cruise missiles, are primarily for use in nonnuclear conventional battle role. Raghavan acknowledges that 'China is a different kettle of fish', but he says even so, with the Agni V test, 'India's progress has been commendable'.
But the really big difference between India and China arises from the fact that India's thermonuclear weapon capability is suspect.
A Mail Today report (August 27, 2009) had cited K. Santhanam, the DRDO scientist who ran the country's nuclear programme at the time of the Pokhran tests, to say that the single thermonuclear test carried out at the time was a 'fizzle'. Responsibility for this state of affairs rests with the government.
According to Admiral Prakash, 'India's National Command Authority (NCA) not only meets infrequently, but is loath to take decisions when it does. This has an adverse impact on decision-making, financial approvals and production-rate of missiles/warheads'.
He says that the management of our deterrent 'by a sub-optimal troika consisting of scientists (in the driving seat), bureaucrats and soldiers' is also a debilitating factor.

India's nuclear arsenal failed by 'dud' missiles | Mail Online

Daily fails strikes again this time Manoj Joshi ji there CIC :

1st of all India got Agni 1 ,2 and 3 all operational and deployed . All are tested before user trails and then again tested by user.

Sagarika and Shaurya are now started mas production last year no reports of Induction till now as they are part of India Black projects .

Prithvi got 3 series Prithvi 1 ,2 and 3 and Dhanush the naval variant of Prithvi 3. What more is these are Pakistan Specific and they are tested more than 60 times before induction with more than 95% success rate , if this proved to be DUD then I must say Manoj Joshi is DUD too who writes what he's been paid for that. :disagree:

the issue here is that Indian thermonuclear bomb is a dud as proven by the '98 test

Who said that please don't provide me the ex nuclear scientist link as he was as frustrated as you right now :P
Daily fails strikes again this time Manoj Joshi ji there CIC :

1st of all India got Agni 1 ,2 and 3 all operational and deployed . All are tested before user trails and then again tested by user.

Sagarika and Shaurya are now started mas production last year no reports of Induction till now as they are part of India Black projects .

Prithvi got 3 series Prithvi 1 ,2 and 3 and Dhanush the naval variant of Prithvi 3. What more is these are Pakistan Specific and they are tested more than 60 times before induction with more than 95% success rate , if this proved to be DUD then I must say Manoj Joshi is DUD too who writes what he's been paid for that. :disagree:

I think the Dhanush(naval varient of prithvi) has been in limited deployment in two warships due to logistical deficiencies
The article should at least have state it source for the retarded claim that Pakistan's missiles are Chinese supplied.

Best thing about this lame article is that all Pak missiles which they proudly proclaim are self made are infact Chinese supplied.
The article may have called Indian missile dud but these guys have at least not called them Russian supplied. ;)

So basically the whole article is lame because it doesn't suite your wet dreams, except for the part where it states Pakistani missiles are Chinese supplied? So you want to pick and choose what you want to believe? Very hypocritical on your part.

BTW, lets for a second believe that Pakistani missiles are "supplied by China" as the ridiculous article claims (that too without credible evidence to support its claim), when one of these "Chinese supplied" missiles is going to land on your house would you be pondering over the fact if its "made in Pakistan" or not?

The article may have called Indian missile dud but these guys have atleast not called them Russian supplied. ;)

"Brahmos" is a Russian missiles, its a exact copy of previous Russian missiles. The only thing indian about "brahmos" is its name, not even the paint is india.
the issue here is that Indian thermonuclear bomb is a dud as proven by the '98 test

why not sir 45 kt yield was less but enough to roast pak and your country without any
FRYING PAN so please don't burn ur **** because they gonna be roasted by us:rofl::lol:
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