where you see 64 VLS ? its only 48 VLS ==== 32x MRSAM(16 each on front and back) and 16 AShM thats it ....
its totally under armed for a fu(king 7500 tonne ship .........What about LACM ? what about LRSAM? for short range SAM barak 1 will be used its ok for time being....but is it not old ......what about having barak 8 mini in placed of barak 1? as i said it need another 32 VLS>>>16x LACM and 16x LRSAM
just look at atago aegis 96 VLS(some of them are qudra-pack) plus RIM......for 7700 tonne...........it should atleast have 48+32= 80 VLS.....(+some RIM type or barak 1 type SRSAM

edit: hey ....how kolkata can use barak 1.......cause B1 need stgr ...........where it is in kolkata? no
ullu banawing
lets see what happens in future.......kolkata DDG armament should be improved
PS: bangali ki....?