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India's Most-Advanced Warship to Get the Missiles That Were Missing

So what is the production capability coze already 4 ship waiting for this missile and more coming
3 kolkata + viki
64 is quite alot,almost cruiser armament.Only 2 destroyers classes have greater than that -american aegis and japanese atago aegis.Even state of the art british daring has 48 aam cells.Kolkata has enough space for 64 barak-8s and CIWS can be replaced by barak-1s if necessary.However this will only be doen after mid life upgrades/refits etc.
where you see 64 VLS ? its only 48 VLS ==== 32x MRSAM(16 each on front and back) and 16 AShM thats it ....

its totally under armed for a fu(king 7500 tonne ship .........What about LACM ? what about LRSAM? for short range SAM barak 1 will be used its ok for time being....but is it not old ......what about having barak 8 mini in placed of barak 1? as i said it need another 32 VLS>>>16x LACM and 16x LRSAM

just look at atago aegis 96 VLS(some of them are qudra-pack) plus RIM......for 7700 tonne...........it should atleast have 48+32= 80 VLS.....(+some RIM type or barak 1 type SRSAM :partay:)

edit: hey ....how kolkata can use barak 1.......cause B1 need stgr ...........where it is in kolkata? no ullu banawing :mad:
P-15B bangalore class is sure to have much heavier load.Infact i suspcet follow on ships of P-15A kolkata class chennai and kochi might have bigger loads.
lets see what happens in future.......kolkata DDG armament should be improved

PS: bangali ki....?
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As an american analyst had said " India deploys Poison (Brahmos) and antidot (MRSAM) on same platform. " Poison already installed and tested on Kolkatta class(Brahmos tested From INS LKolkatta), It is the time to deploy antidot (MRSAM/BARAK 8).

I can only say " Har har mahadev and Jay mataji"

Another good news is that INS Kochi and Chenni are in advance stage of completion. They will get these systems right from begining.
where you see 64 VLS ? its only 48 VLS ==== 32x MRSAM(16 each on front and back) and 16 AShM thats it ....

its totally under armed for a fu(king 7500 tonne ship .........What about LACM ? what about LRSAM? for short range SAM barak 1 will be used its ok for time being....but is it not old ......what about having barak 8 mini in placed of barak 1? as i said it need another 32 VLS>>>16x LACM and 16x LRSAM

just look at atago aegis 96 VLS(some of them are qudra-pack) plus RIM......for 7700 tonne...........it should atleast have 48+32= 80 VLS.....(+some RIM type or barak 1 type SRSAM :partay:)

edit: hey ....how kolkata can use barak 1.......cause B1 need stgr ...........where it is in kolkata? no ullu banawing :mad:

lets see what happens in future.......kolkata DDG armament should be improved

PS: bangali ki....?

B1 needs stgr?

What is stgr?

Since it's the longest India has, it's regarded as LRSAM. Indian press do not want its public that India only has point defense AAM.

AAM? Its a ship not a plane
Since it's the longest India has, it's regarded as LRSAM. Indian press do not want its public that India only has point defense AAM.

It is not LRSAM but M(medium)RSAM For navy. A version of 120 KM with booster is also planned and ready.
This missile is simply not for range. It is for its ability to track and pursue incoming missile and its ability to kill. It can kill the missile like Yakhont and Brahmos which no other missile can do.
It is not LRSAM but M(medium)RSAM For navy. A version of 120 KM with booster is also planned and ready.
This missile is simply not for range. It is for its ability to track and pursue incoming missile and its ability to kill. It can kill the missile like Yakhont and Brahmos which no other missile can do.

I agree that no other Indian missiles can.
where you see 64 VLS ? its only 48 VLS ==== 32x MRSAM(16 each on front and back) and 16 AShM thats it ....

its totally under armed for a fu(king 7500 tonne ship .........What about LACM ? what about LRSAM? for short range SAM barak 1 will be used its ok for time being....but is it not old ......what about having barak 8 mini in placed of barak 1? as i said it need another 32 VLS>>>16x LACM and 16x LRSAM

just look at atago aegis 96 VLS(some of them are qudra-pack) plus RIM......for 7700 tonne...........it should atleast have 48+32= 80 VLS.....(+some RIM type or barak 1 type SRSAM :partay:)

edit: hey ....how kolkata can use barak 1.......cause B1 need stgr ...........where it is in kolkata? no ullu banawing :mad:

lets see what happens in future.......kolkata DDG armament should be improved

PS: bangali ki....?

I said there is enough space for 64 barak-8 cells if IN wants it can put them,not that there are so many cells right now.So next ships may well have heavier load.
Barak-1 is tiny missile that can be added whenever needed,like it was on all older IN ships like viraat,delhi class,brahmaputra class.Its a small package.A couple of ak-630 CIWS can be removed and barak-1s put in their place.
Bangali theek.
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