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Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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MiG 29 UPG, See the IFR, TV guided Bombs and Tank behind the Cockpit

The Indian Air force First Modern fourth Generation Air superiority fighter is the MiG 29. It was produced in mind of Fighting against new American rivals F 15 and the F 16. and The Indian Airforce is the first foreign customer of MiG 29. IAF ordered a Batch of MiG 29 even before it certified the FOC. the Mig formally inducted into the IAF during the 1985 two years later in the Soviet Air force.

MiG 29 is the combat proven fighter in the Indian standards, they flew missions during Kargil, they did close escort for other IAF Bombers they did CAP near to Indian Borders, even more a Indian MiG 29 Locks a Bakistani F 16 through it's deadly BVR missile. due to the orders the F 16 survived, actually the Mig 29 is the best fighter in comparison with Bakistani F 16, since ages the MiG need an excessive upgrade to keep fighting in the Modern Battlefield.

The Indian Airforce Planned to upgrade it's MiG 29 Fleet into modern standard that is the UPG version which will makes the UPG better in all variant of other MiG 29. as of Now the Indian Navy alone operates world's best MiG 29 version the Mig 29 K and KUB version, even after only the Russian Navy placed an order to acquire a squad of Mig 29K to it's Navy, Mostly The Mig 29 operates from the Carrier the Vikramaditya. but can also used from Shore based Naval Runways. IAF planned it's MiG 29 fleet should be more equal to the Navy's MiG 29.The Indian Air force Operates more than 70 MiG 29 B fighters.

Actually the Initial Mig 29 B which is perform only Air superiority Mission, which can intercept Dog fight and Flew CAP, but the new UPG standard allows the Fighter to Attack moving ground Targets, Air to sea warfare and decent Day night and all weather capabilities.

India signed an agreement to the Russia to upgrade the total IAF MiG 29 B fighters into latest UPG Standards the deal signed at $900 million. the deal also covers the first six of the Mig 29 will be Upgraded in Russia while remaining migs will be Upgraded in India, and the Contract Signed in 2009. the Upgrade plans to make the Mig 29 more service life and improved performance.the Major Modernization aspects are the Radar, Sensor Suite, modern Airframe, Modern Cock pit, improved Avionics,

Radar Zuhk ME

The Phazatron Zhuk ME Radar
The N010M Zhuk-M radaer is the Passive Radar which is most suitable for advanced Air to surface mode to fly and Attack at very low due to the Radar's Terrain Mapping and Following who guide the Pilot to fly at very low altitudes. the radar can pick upto sixty Airborne Targets and able to detect targets beyond 200 kilometers. the Radar also allows the Pilot to attack multiple Targets in same time.also a good option of Monitoring a single unit or Building for long time. which is a Very useful option in non conventional and hybrid warfares

The Radar also incorporates the IRST. A infrared search and Track optics which can launch heat seeking missiles without using the Radars also used for launching TV guided Missiles.

Avionics and Sensors

Here again the Indian Master piece mind think that adding Indo Israeli French Avionics and EW suites into the System, A variety of sensors being installed produced by the French firms and Indian Mission computers and Communication links produced by BEL and HAL, also the Avionics suites Software and Data links are came from Israeli's . same like what the Su 30 MKI version having.


Top Sight 1 HMD, Tejas, Mirage 2000 and MiG 29 K Uses the same
the Pilots Helmet Mounted Display Manufactured by the Thales Samtel named Top Sight. which is a modern multi mission capable HUD. which can improve the Missile Launching and Flying performance, the Same HUD also used by Indian Mirage 2000 and Naval Mig 29 K fleet.


The upgrade also include changing the Main Engine into more Powerful series 3 Kilmov RD 33 engines each can produce 50 kN in normal and 81 kN in full afterburner mode. those series 3 engines will be fitted in the MiG 29 K, UPG and Russian Air force MiG 29 SMT versions


MiG 29 K cockpit similar cockpit is in UPG versions too

The Upgrade also include change the entire analog Cockpit into Multifunctional Digital Display. which can help the pilot took decisions faster, able to collect Target information, Surveliiance mission and can able to perform more in Combat Air Patrol Missions.


Deal also include structural change of Airframe earlier Models doesn't have wet points to carry more External fuel Tanks and Internal fuel tank is also smaller, but newer version include added upto five We points also large modification behind the Cockpit to carry more internal fuel to Saty in the Air more time, also earlier Mig 29 doesn't have IFR (Inflight Refueling Probe ) but the Upgraded versions include the Refueling Probe.

The deal also include array of Air to Air, Air to Surface and Air to Sea Missiles, the Upgrade standard is same equal as the Russian Upgrade standard of SMT, also The Russians already completed and returned all six MiG 29 UPG to India, and India also successfully upgrade a MiG 29 in home to the Standard of UPG, and It's successfully flown and meets all Mission requirements
The first modernized in India MiG-29UPG began scheduled flights

Indian specialists have successfully mastered the technology modernization of MiG-29 variant of the MiG-29UPG
This was reported by Interfax-AVN Director General of the Russian Aircraft Corporation "MiG" Sergey Korotkov.


"The first MiG-29UPG, modernized hands of Indian professionals already soared into the sky. His flight took place in February of this year, "- said S.Korotkov. It is reported that the first batch of MiG-29 fighters, which are upgrading in India, consists of four machines. S.Korotkov recalled that, according to the signed contract, the first six MiG-29 were modernized in Russia, and the rest will be upgraded in India.

"We supply technology kits for upgrading, modernization itself is carried out on the territory of India", - said S.Korotkov. According to him, experts Corporation "MiG" provided with the necessary advice and technical assistance to Indian partners.

Earlier it was reported that the MiG-29 equipped with a modern complex avionics, unified with the same set of naval MiG-29K fighters to the Indian Navy. According to experts, the proposed modernization of the Indian Air Force MiG-29 variant of the MiG-29UPG is optimal in terms of "cost-effectiveness". On the upgraded aircraft is established, in particular, new avionics, radar modern family "Beetle" development "Fazotron-NIIR".

Modernization significantly expands the range of problems solved MiG-29. Currently, they are intended primarily to intercept aerial targets and air superiority. The upgraded aircraft, along with the expansion of opportunities for combating air targets, acquire the ability to attack ground (surface) movable and fixed targets with precision weapons at any time and any weather conditions.

The contract provides for repairs and tuning of aircraft in order to extend the service life of up to 3500 flight hours and service life of 40 years. Development of RAC "MiG", a proven track record of modernization in a number of countries, can significantly extend the life of the MiG-29.

Contract to upgrade 62 MiG-29 fighters of the Indian Air Force, including eight combat-capable MiG-29UB was signed in March 2008. Its value, according to unofficial data, about $ 1 billion. The first flight of the upgraded MiG-29UPG held on 4 February 2011 at the airfield Gromov Flight Research Institute named.

Первый модернизированный в Индии МиГ-29UPG начал плановые полеты | Еженедельник «Военно-промышленный курьер»
The Mig-29 always gets over shadowed by the SU-30 especially in the IAF but it is exceptional. The Mig-29 has evolved a lot since its inception and has a lot more room to improve in the future.

Tovarish, MiG-29 has to evolve. The MiG design bureau hasn't gone beyond the Fulcrum series at all. Unlike them, Sukhoi which evolved beyond Su-27 series into a PAKFA next generation jet.

Another thing MiG could do is to try and make a single engine 5th generation jet. Russia's weakness in exports is having single engine jets which have thrived due to their cost effectiveness compared to the double fuel expenditure some developing nations have. This is what the F-16s fully exploited, outselling anything close in terms of international sales.

While Russia is fuel rich and therefore has no issues, importing countries have to factor the cost and then design a training schedule for flights.

While F-35 is having a lot of trouble, you can successfully provide a competing single engine, new generation jet that can take the JSF and the Gripen-E series head on and boost the prospect of sales abroad.
The Mig-29 always gets over shadowed by the SU-30 especially in the IAF but it is exceptional. The Mig-29 has evolved a lot since its inception and has a lot more room to improve in the future.

MIG needs to up it's game if it has to survive in the future it cannot rely on the Mig-29 Platform forever
Because of the delay in acquisition of new fighters, its a good idea to extend the life of capable legacy fighters.

with these upgrades, MIG 29 along with mirage 2000 will serve till 2030,
what i dont get it why dint IAF opt for Zuhk AE AESA for the upg or they want kick backs in a sepratte contract
I think that IAF didn't go AESA for Fulcrums for the same reason they didn't for Flankers.
Tovarish, MiG-29 has to evolve. The MiG design bureau hasn't gone beyond the Fulcrum series at all. Unlike them, Sukhoi which evolved beyond Su-27 series into a PAKFA next generation jet.

Last time i heard Mig was working a medium size stealth aircraft called LMFS, they also have a stealth drone that they are working on. Back in the 1990s they constructed the Mig 1.44 which Mig hoped would get them a contract.
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