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India’s defence experts and politicos condemn Pak Army Chief’s Kashmir statement


Jan 27, 2014
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United States
Adressing the main ceremony to mark the Martyrs’ Day at GHQ Rawalpindi on Wednesday, Gen Sharif said Kashmir was an internationally recognized dispute and termed it as jugular vein” of Pakistan. This stirred a controversy among Indian leaders amidst elections, and they retorted strongly to Pakistani army chief’s comment.

Journalist turned politician MJ Akbar, who has recently joined BJP said, “I request Raheel Sharif to first look into its own ISI activities, who are killing their journalists. Kashmir is a part of India and the future of Kashmir will be taken care by India, and they don’t need to comment on this issue.”
He asked them to stop those activities first and then talk about India.

In the same lines Tariq Anwar, NCP leader, said, “Pakistan should not involve into India’s personal matters. And who will become the PM of India, will be decided only by Indian citizens, and Pakistan should not involve in it. Pakistan is taking about Kashmir issue since our independence, but they should understand that it is high time to stop talking about the issue of Kashmir.

Rashid Alvi, Congress leader, reacted strongly on Pakistan Army chief comments and said “The chief of Pakistan Army, should not say such things. Kashmir is nowhere related to Pakistan, the people of Kashmir are actively participating in elections and are giving their opinion on it. And Pakistan knows it very well that the people of Kashmir are electing their own government, at their own will. And if Pakistani’s feel that Kashmir is their Jugular vein, then they should know that we are competent enough to cut that vein,” as reported by ANI

Defence expert Bharat Verma also condemned Pakistan’s Army Chief Gen Raheel Sharif’s statement and said that the issue should be resolved in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of Kashmiris and in line with United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions for lasting peace in the region.

“The statement of Raheel Sharif on Kashmir, saying Kashmir is an international dispute and is a jugular vein of Pakistan, and is a lifeline to it, clearly shows that their are contradictions within Pakistan. Different groups within Pakistan are attacking each other and are also attacking Pakistan Army and the government. So to unite them, and to give them an external focus, Raheel Sharif has brought this topic and has tried to consolidate the different fractions in Pakistan.”

India’s defence experts and politicos condemn Pak Army Chief’s Kashmir statement | idrw.org
Rashid Alvi, Congress leader, reacted strongly on Pakistan Army chief comments and said “The chief of Pakistan Army, should not say such things. Kashmir is nowhere related to Pakistan, the people of Kashmir are actively participating in elections and are giving their opinion on it. And Pakistan knows it very well that the people of Kashmir are electing their own government, at their own will. And if Pakistani’s feel that Kashmir is their Jugular vein, then they should know that we are competent enough to cut that vein,” as reported by ANI

well spoken.... i like the way he reply to Gen Sharif
Adressing the main ceremony to mark the Martyrs’ Day at GHQ Rawalpindi on Wednesday, Gen Sharif said Kashmir was an internationally recognized dispute and termed it as jugular vein” of Pakistan.

In that case Pakistan's jugular vein will always remain in our tight grip. :coffee:
Kashmir belongs to india
Plus Gilgit/Baltistan and the 5180 sq. km.of Kashmir territory (Shaksam valley) that rightly belongs to the Indian state of J&K that Pakistan has unilaterally gifted to China without the mandate of the people of Kashmir.

Raheel should also know that Pakistan has so far failed to comply with the SC Resolutions itself. A complete withdrawal of Pakistani troops and irregulars was mandated by the SC Resolutions BEFORE a plebiscite was to be held.

Can Raheel answer why the Pak Army has not complied with that as yet?

Secondly, the resolution was passed by the UNSC under Chapter VI of UN Charter which are considered non binding and have no mandatory enforceability as opposed to the resolutions passed under Chapter VII.

Raheel should ask as to why did Pakistan pass the resolution under Chapter VI which made it non-enforceable?

Thirdly, an independent Kashmir is out of the ambit of the resolutions. Why is Pakistan insisting on this by continually harping on their pet phrase, 'according to the wishes of the Kashmiri people'? The Resolutions are strictly between India and Pakistan. There is no third option for independence.

Can Raheel answer this?
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In that case Pakistan's jugular vein will always remain in our tight grip. :coffee:

Its not worth it for India, to much money is being wasted in IoK. People there want to merge with pure land. IoK don't have any resources or strategic location. If India had whole Kashmir then it would have been different.
Its not worth it for India, to much money is being wasted in IoK. People there want to merge with pure land. IoK don't have any resources or strategic location. If India had whole Kashmir then it would have been different.

Only a portion of the people from only the valley might want to merge with 'pure land', rest of J&K don't want it, and Hindus, Shiks, Buddhists, even Shia Muslims of J&K don't want to do anything with 'pure land', under such circumstances those who want to be with 'pure land' should move to the 'pure land'. Say, if I want to be in America, then I should go to America, I can't demand that my state to be ceded from India and to be handed over to America, can I? :)
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