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India's Debt increases over 50% in 3 years

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Jun 13, 2012
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India external debt increases over 50% in 3 years

2008 = 224 billion Debt
2011 = 345 billion Debt

Crazy~~ :eek::eek:


External economic situation showing stress: Finance Ministry
Crazy...nobody bothered to realize that it is still 20% of the GDP :eek::eek:
And someone with basic knowledge of macroeconomics can further analyze that India is still at 137 rank compared to other countries in debt. :lol:


Debt is one of the fastest ways to spur growth, just ask the Chinese or Americans!!!!

Just for some academic fun, here is a little comparison that our in-house economists commenting on debt position may find enlightening!!


source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_external_debt
LOL, your math is a failure. :lol:

It says China's external debt is $697 billion. How exactly does that equal 87% of GDP?

Do you know our GDP is $7.3 trillion?

Its common sense man. Its supposed to be 8.7, Just look at the link he provided. He didnt do the math, he just copy pasted the table.
Its common sense man. Its supposed to be 8.7, Just look at the link he provided. He didnt do the math, he just copy pasted the table.

And then he went on to sort the table by "Debt as a percentage of GDP", and made it look as if we were near the top. :rofl:

I think there is quite a bit of difference between 87% and 8.7%. The first is near the top, the second is near the bottom.
On topic: Nothing abnormal about India's debt figures. Its actually really low compared to other nations in the world.
:lol: you are a funny little chinaman.

Where did I do any math?....or are maybe your chinese education failed to teach you to differentiate between maths and analysis. :lol:

Read again: There is a source, there is a table, you can sort the table....and Voila you have the results!!!

OK now let's have a more honest discussion, without making up fake tables this time. :lol:

According to your own link, India's external debt as a percentage of GDP is 22%.

Whereas China's external debt as a percentage of GDP is 8.7%.

Now where is your argument, Indian?
On topic: Nothing abnormal about India's debt figures. Its actually really low compared to other nations in the world.

At the end of 2011, China’s external debt to GDP ratio was around 8.3% while it was 19.8% for Brazil, 28% for South Africa and 39% for Russia.

India’s external debt increased to $345.8 billion at end March 2012 compared with $305.9 billion last year and $260.9 billion at the end of 2010-11. The debt servicing ratio also rose to 6% from 4.3% last year, the ministry said in a report.

“India’s external vulnerability indicators have witnessed some signs of stress in the recent period, reflecting the impact of a deepening euro-zone sovereign debt crisis and the global slowdown,” it said.

“Global economic risks could rise further with a weakening recovery, sluggish growth prospects and continuing high debt and gross financing needs in several advanced economies,” it said.

External debt to GDP ratio rises to 20% in FY12 - Indian Express

Ok lets just pretend you aren't being deliberately slow and try to explain to you.

1. What was my argument Chinaman? You are just copy pasting :-)lol:) my source.

2. What is your argument?

You know "Chinaman" is a racial slur, since you have been told that before on this very forum. :lol: No surprise though from an Indian, considering the Caste System.

Chinaman (term) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And you were the idiot who made a fake table and then sorted the table by the fake numbers (which in this case was external debt as a percentage of GDP). Just look at your own table and see that you have multiplied China's external debt to GDP ratio by 10 times. :rofl:
gdp is only one way of measuring the status of a nation's ability to meet its debt obligations. How much is China's forex reserve to india's? go figure!

:lol: you are a funny little chinaman.

Where did I do any math?....or are maybe your chinese education failed to teach you to differentiate between maths and analysis. :lol:

Read again: There is a source, there is a table, you can sort the table....and Voila you have the results!!!

it a lot more likely indian cheerleaders fail their fundamental education than the educational leaders in China and HK China!
BTW, why consume all your elctricity trolling on PDF while you have only 2-3 hours in a day to power your lights and electric fans!
gdp is only one way of measuring the status of a nation's ability to meet its debt obligations. How much is China's forex reserve to india's? go figure!

China's currency reserves are about $3.2 trillion.

Our Forex reserves alone are worth around TWICE as much as the entire Indian GDP. :P
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