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India's best & brightest students dominate the world ranking...

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Speeder 2

Mar 24, 2010
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United Kingdom
You may wonder wtf, but be patient my friends and finish reading this:

OECD PISA 2009 Global Ranking:


1 Shanghai China (556)
2 Korea (539)
3 Finland (536)
4 HongKong China (533)
5 Singapore (526)

6 Canada (524)
7 New Zealand (521)
8 Japan (520)
9 Australia (515)
10 Netherlands (508)

11 Belgium (506)
12 Norway (503)
13 Estonia (501)
14 Switzerland (501)
15 Poland (500)
16 Iceland (500)
17 US (500)
18 Liechtenstein (499)
19 Sweden (497)
20 Germany (497)

21 Ireland (496)
22 France (496)
23 Taipei, Chinese (495)
24 Denmark (495)
25 UK (494)
26 Hungary (494)
27 Portugal (489)
28 Macao, China (487)
29 Italy (486)
30 Latvia (484)


66 (Last) Kyrgyzstan ( 314)


1 Shanghai China (600)
2 Singapore (562)
3 HongKong China (555)
4 Korea (546)
5 Taipei Chinese (543)

6 Finland (541)
7 Liechtenstein (536)
8 Switzerland (534)
9 Japan (529)
10 Canada (527)

11 Netherlands (526)
12 Macao China (525)
13 New Zealand (519)
14 Belgium (515)
15 Australia (514)
16 Germany (513)
17 Estonia (512)
18 Iceland (507)
19 Denmark (503)
20 Slovenia (501)

21 Norway (498)
22 France (497)
23 Slovak Rep (497)
24 Austria (496)
25 Poland (495)
26 Sweden (494)
27 Czech Rep (493)
28 UK (492)
29 Hungary (490)
30 Luxembourg (489)


64 Peru ( 365)
65 Panama ( 360)

66 (last) Kyrgyzstan (331)


1 Shanghai China (575)
2 Finland (554)
3 HongKong China (549)
4 Singapore (542)
5 Japan (539)

6 Korea (538)
7 New Zealand (532)
8 Canada (529)
9 Estonia (528)
10 Australia (527)

11 Netherlands (522)
12 Taipei Chinese (520)
13 Germany (520)
14 Liechtenstein (520)
15 Switzerland (517)
16 UK (514)
17 Slovenia (512)
18 Macao China (511)
19 Poland (508)
20 Ireland (508)

21 Belgium (507)
22 Hungary (503)
23 US (502)
24 Czech Rep (500)
25 Norway (500)
26 Denmark (499)
27 France (498)
28 Iceland (496)
29 Sweden (495)
30 Austria (494)


66 (Last) Kyrgyzstan (330)

Above is the Global PISA ranking as per the last year (http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/54/12/46643496.pdf)

I was wondering what were India’s PISA scores a year ago when results of most countries were released… today WE HAVE THEM!!! Himachal Pradesh and Tamil Nadu of India.

Let me give my readers a brief intro of why these two regions of India :

OECD has tried very hard to showcase the best and the brightest of India therefore has chosen these 2 regions – the cradles of “global IT high tech” and “maths geniuese” Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh, representing India in PISA. Tamil Nadu is the most urbanised state of India’s 28 states and 4th largest contributor to India’s GDP, while Himachal Pradesh has the highest per capita income in India and ranks 2nd in terms of least corrupt states there.

Tamil Nadu scores

Reading: “significantly higher than those for Himachal Pradesh-India and Kyrgyzstan, but lower than all other participants in PISA 2009 and PISA 2009+.” - In other words: No 3. from the bottom of global ranking

Maths: “mean score on the PISA mathematical literacy scale as the same observed in Himachal Pradesh-India, Panama and Peru” – in other words, No 3. . from the bottom of global ranking

Science: 16% of students are proficient , compared with OECD average of 82 % - in other words, more or the same No 3. . from the bottom of global ranking

Himachal Pradesh scores

Reading: “ the lowest average reading score observed in PISA 2009, along with Kyrgyzstan”

Maths: “ statistically the same as observed in Tamil Nadu-India and Kyrgyzstan, only 12% 12of students are proficient" – global #1, from the bottom of ranking.

Science: “This was the lowest average science score observed in PISA 2009 and PISA 2009+, along with that of Kyrgyzstan” ... "only 11% of students are proficient compared with OECD mean of 82% "- Global top 3 then, from the bottom of ranking

In conclusion: India's best and brightest dominate Reading, Maths and Science global PISA ranking, well, if you count from the bottom of the list

Where are the "Indian Maths Geniues"? They must have been on hunger stike, eh?

Indians are really, I mean really , good at talking:

A short while ago in an event held at the World Bank, Mr. Kapil Sibal, Minister of Human Resource Development in India, boasted to the representatives of the whole world that he is striving to use education to transform India into a global center for research and development and technological innovation.

Well, just when you think one can’t get more @#$%@^%&, with this PISA release today India beats the mother of all odds and delivers you not only a “global knowledge superpower” and but also a world-class “Champion”! :tup:

( Source: ACER eNews )
What he doesn't show is there are more uneducated people in China than educated people. Intelligent people don't bring up threads like this to insult other cultures. Sure, the majority of people in China are smarter than most countries but posting this just make you look ignorant, insecure and lack of social skills.
1 Shanghai China (556)
2 Korea (539)
3 Finland (536)
4 HongKong China (533)
5 Singapore (526)

6 Canada (524)
7 New Zealand (521)
8 Japan (520)
9 Australia (515)
10 Netherlands (508)

11 Belgium (506)
12 Norway (503)
13 Estonia (501)
14 Switzerland (501)
15 Poland (500)
16 Iceland (500)
17 US (500)
18 Liechtenstein (499)
19 Sweden (497)
20 Germany (497)

Tamil Nadu scores[/B][/COLOR]

thanks, you tell the truth

support you :smitten:
Do you really believe in these rankings? If such was the case then why 35% of scientists in NASA are Indians? :wave:

Get a life loser and stop trolling :blah:
China:So much smart people, but so little(if any) Nobels. All you are proficient in is Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V
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OECD member countries:

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom (UK), United States (USA).
OECD Partner Economies:

Albania, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chinese taipei (Taiwan), Colombia, Croatia, Dubai (UAE), Hong Kong-China, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Macao-China, Montenegro, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Shanghai-China, Singapore, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uruguay.

UN reports about OECD countries:

The UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre publishes reports on the performance of member countries in meeting the needs of their children. You can download any report in the series from the UNICEF-IRC website: Innocenti Report Cards.

India is not a member/partner country of this crap, so this report is useless garbage for us.
I don't understand the IQ factor, then the patent factor and now the PISA factor... one only wonders.

BTW I thought the students of WB and Bihar were better mathematicians while the ones from South were good at Sciences.

---------- Post added at 12:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:08 AM ----------

I don't understand the IQ factor, then the patent factor and now the PISA factor... one only wonders.

BTW I thought the students of WB and Bihar were better mathematicians while the ones from South were good at Sciences.
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