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Indians block, transit of Pakistani traders, inside Pakistan!


Mar 31, 2007
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Pakistan losing Kabul poultry products market | The Nation

LAHORE - The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has been providing transit route to India, Brazil and the USA for the shipment of food, eggs and poultry products to Afghanistan but denying the export from its own country. Resultantly, the local industry is rapidly closing down, as Afghanistan is the consumer market of Pakistan, which is now being captured quickly by other countries including India due to bad policies, poultry industry experts said on Sunday.They said that Pakistan Poultry Association requested the KP government to at least allow export of breeder stock instead of broiler stock, if it feels that export to Afghanistan is creating shortage of poultry products in the country. The poultry industry experts added that 10 per cent of the parent stock was used in Pakistan while 90 per cent was consumed by Afghanistan. Hence, the ban on export of poultry products will force the farmers to dispose of their stock in market at below the cost, leading to significant loss and ultimately closure of the whole chain of poultry industry, they said.By imposing ban on poultry products export to Afghanistan the chicken rate has been crashed, and authorities are considering it a success but actually it is plan of industry disaster. They claimed that poultry products are available at most economic rate in Pakistan as compared to the world and even cheaper than regional countries including India. In spite of the fact that Pakistan imports soybean from India- the basic raw material of poultry industry, they added. The industry has also suggested the government to withdraw subsidies from other utilities but focus to provide maximum benefit in oil to public by fixing the rate of diesel at Rs35 per liter for one year, as it would result into automatic reduction of power tariff rates, transport fairs and input cost of agriculture and industry, observed PPA ex-chairman Abdul Basit.The LCCI former SVP stated that decision to cease the prices of diesel will yield results within very short span, as prices of every product and commodity will start easing, they observed. Poultry farmers say that presently, live bird is costing farmers around Rs140 per kg on average while ex-farm rate is below Rs80 per kg. Hence, poultry farmers are presently suffering loss of over Rs120 per live bird of 2kg and loss of Rs60 per kg. On average, country produces around 3 million broiler birds daily, translating into loss of about Rs360 million just in broiler farms, he said, adding that breeders are also suffering loss of the same amount of Rs360 million on daily basis, totaling loss of Rs720 million to poultry industry daily. Poultry at present contributes 40 per cent of the total meat consumption and generates employment and income for about 1.8 million people.

There is lot of pressure on Pakistan regime to double the current subsidy to Indian traders, in pretext of MOST FAVOURED NATION.

This subsidy is in addition to what Pakistan spend on processing Indian goods without duty.

The practice of transit by corrupt regime has been to allow 1000 trucks and record 1, truck.. there is no accountability and transparency on aid to India.
Thank you Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

You shall thank all Pakistan.. because the source of funds is the tax paid by whole Pakistan.

Mind it the MFN is given by fedral traitors not the ANP traitors.
why bashing the MFN status, this is the world of WTO & fair trade, India has also given MFN status to Pakistan since many years now.

Where do you see fairness?

Indians trucks had been landing in Pakistan even before MFN grant.

On the contrary Indian trained NA militants are bombing villagers of Pakistan, while the govt. of KPK is killing the rest by annihilating their economics.

It is called murder and terrorism!
sad for the Pakistani poultry farmers....I would say OP should start eating more eggs now and encourage other Pakistanis to eat more eggs..that will surely help the poultry business of Pakistan...and then they dont need to depend on poultry export.
Where do you see fairness?

Indians trucks had been landing in Pakistan even before MFN grant.

On the contrary Indian trained NA militants are bombing villagers of Pakistan, while the govt. of KPK is killing the rest by annihilating their economics.

It is called murder and terrorism!

mate, i am asking u about MFN & trade & u are giving me reply of terrorism etc. What i am saying is pretty clear if India is giving MFN status to Pakistan (since many years) than why should Pakistan have problem with the same, if u want peace & prosperity, there should be equal efforts by both nations.
This is called poultry terrorism, India decided to invent a new way for acceptable terrorism..


It's not limited to poultry... every sector of Pakistani industry has been a victim.

It is also injustice to friendly nations...

sad for the Pakistani poultry farmers....I would say OP should start eating more eggs now and encourage other Pakistanis to eat more eggs..that will surely help the poultry business of Pakistan...and then they dont need to depend on poultry export.

You can also start using your soap instead of smuggling those to Pakistan.

Using soap may take away your unpleasant smell and help your soap industry, at the same time.

Next time, discuss about the aid which Pakistani govt. is granting to Indians in many different ways.

Aid recipients shall only appreciate not troll.
All these prostitute politicians and corrupt security guards who let this happen should be hanged in public!
How is it fault of India if KP gov is not allowing exports to bring down the cost of poultry products??
good i hope afghans will never buy a single needle from us. now bring down poultry prices damn looter traders . :victory: :yahoo:
It's not limited to poultry... every sector of Pakistani industry has been a victim.

It is also injustice to friendly nations...

Victim of what? Indian economy?

I thought that was one thing Pakistan could never blame us for, but *sigh* there is really no limit for Pakistanis like you.

Injustice being done by your people, nowhere in the report it is either evident or implicit that India is at fault.. Chicken khana band karo, Evil Yindoos will not let you eat, be afraid :lol:
How can Indian poultry products be cheaper in Afghanistan than Pak poultry products?

Secondly Pakistan haven't given MFN status to India neither is allowing transit of Indian goods to Afghanistan through Pakistan, only AF goods are allowed to reach India.

Thirdly how is India stopping transit of Pakistan goods to Afghanistan.

Also Afghanistan is free to buy from Anyone they deem fit, how can Pakistan enforce unilateral purchase from Pak.

This whole article is a propaganda peice and full of lies. Indian trucks are only allowed upto Pakistan, if Pak poultry industry is not competennt enough then its no one else's fault.
They create false shortages in local market and demand higher prices by sending every thing to Afghanistan and other states provincial Government is doing absolutely the right thing this has nothing to do with India.

Its acceptable practice in pakistan if your family jewels are small in size blame it on India, if u cant compete because u wanna make a billion/month blame it on India for God sake if the Americans can send stuff from North America and Brazil from south and still make money u no where the problem is and that aint India its called Massive greed.
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