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Indians: A lost cause? | Malaysia Today


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Indians: A lost cause?


Ali Cordoba
| March 21, 2013

The third largest community in Peninsular Malaysia is the Indian community, but it is one of the least protected and is the community that suffered the worst forms of ostracism and racism in the country. Will this change with Pakatan Rakyat in power?

Grouped under the MIC, the Indians have seen very little light at the end of the tunnel so much so that they were forced to pursue their own quest for recognition and assimilation as Malaysians. Many of the stories we hear about the Indians in Malaysia are as heart-breaking as the Tamil and Hindi movies on the silver screens in local cinemas.

While these Bollywood movies almost always end with a hero rising and establishing justice and equality, in Malaysia the stories end with jail terms, deaths in custody or in joblessness. Do Malaysian Indians need a national hero who would brave the vagaries of life and politics to represent and fight for them?

The Hindraf promoters would tell you they are, like other Indians, ostracised and bullied due to their brave attempts at representing Indians on the political scene.

A typical conversation between a new “Malaysian” from a western African nation and an Indian staff in a bank, ends with the Indian woman asserting that her rights and freedom are not guaranteed in Malaysia. She would politely inform the African man that her fate was even worse than the migrants who flood the country every year.

Migrants better off

Indonesian migrants will be granted ICs (red or blue) in the long run while Nigerians and Western Africans are now being granted long-term visas and/or Permanent Residence status – which is the red IC – while Indians are still struggling to get ICs.

While the West African man protested that he was jobless despite having a long-term “spouse” visa, the Indian woman retorted that she managed to get a job only after lobbying some politicians.

She added that she was not working in a sane or fair environment, where some of her colleagues would at times behave like bullies or show disdain for her colour and creed.

It was never safe for an Indian, man or woman, she added, to hold a job in Malaysia because of the ostracism against Indians and people of her pigmentation, which she would insist included the Africans and even other Muslims who are not Malays.

Excerpt: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/opinion/2013/03/21/indians-a-lost-cause/
Indians coming to Muslim countries demanding more rights, demanding the culture be changed, and pushing their Hinduism in Malaysia; Malaysians are fed up with illegal Indians and the Hinduism they are peddling into Malaysia. Malaysia does not give citizenship to many of them either. They should be deported back to their country.

Malaysia is a progressive developing Muslim country, it does not need to be turned into India.
Indians coming to Muslim countries demanding more rights, demanding the culture be changed, and pushing their Hinduism in Malaysia; Malaysians are fed up with illegal Indians and the Hinduism they are peddling into Malaysia. Malaysia does not give citizenship to many of them either. They should be deported back to their country.

But they do not like anyone. Muslims from other countries do face similar problems. All should be deported to their countries.

Well Malaysians might think to deport indians if they find indians killing people on the streets and yelling their religious slogans which at the moment they are not.
I know some Malaysian Chinese, here is the ethnic situation in Malaysia:

Malays - Form around 60% of the population, are disliked by the other two groups because they receive extra help from the state as "children of the soil" and therefore dominate the government bureaucracy and leadership.

Chinese - Form around 25% of the population, are disliked by the other two groups because they are seen as greedy, and they dominate the vast majority of the Malaysian economy. (Chinese are called the Jews of Southeast Asia).

Indians - Form about 7% of the population, and are disliked by the other two groups because they are seen to be untrustworthy, and generally immigrated to Malaysia later than the Malays or the Chinese.

From a Malaysian source:

Session 3: Race and race relations in Malaysia - TehTarik

With regards to Malaysian stereotypes: 60% of Chinese and Malay participants agreed that Malays are lazy, compared to 42% Indians. 60% and 70% of Chinese and Malays participants agreed that Chinese are greedy. 60% of Malays and Chinese agreed that Indians cannot be trusted compared to 20% of Indians.

That's from their own surveys.
Indians coming to Muslim countries demanding more rights, demanding the culture be changed, and pushing their Hinduism in Malaysia; Malaysians are fed up with illegal Indians and the Hinduism they are peddling into Malaysia. Malaysia does not give citizenship to many of them either. They should be deported back to their country.

Malaysia is a progressive developing Muslim country, it does not need to be turned into India.

No more analogies with your fundamentalists please, this is a normal problem and Indians where ever they go they will help the host countries.
The UNMO Government referred to the Indian community in Malaysia as a "pariah".
Indians coming to Muslim countries demanding more rights, demanding the culture be changed, and pushing their Hinduism in Malaysia; Malaysians are fed up with illegal Indians and the Hinduism they are peddling into Malaysia. Malaysia does not give citizenship to many of them either. They should be deported back to their country.

Malaysia is a progressive developing Muslim country, it does not need to be turned into India.

Spewing all that while sitting in United States.Just shows how much of a hypocrite you are!!!:angry:

I know some Malaysian Chinese, here is the ethnic situation in Malaysia:

Malays - Form around 60% of the population, are disliked by the other two groups because they receive extra help from the state as "children of the soil" and therefore dominate the government bureaucracy and leadership.

Chinese - Form around 25% of the population, are disliked by the other two groups because they are seen as greedy, and they dominate the vast majority of the Malaysian economy. (Chinese are called the Jews of Southeast Asia).

Indians - Form about 7% of the population, and are disliked by the other two groups because they are seen to be untrustworthy, and generally immigrated to Malaysia later than the Malays or the Chinese.

From a Malaysian source:

Session 3: Race and race relations in Malaysia - TehTarik

That's from their own surveys.

In short,Every body hates each other.As the westerners say it Multiculturalism at it its best.:D
It's better that India should recall them back and get them settled
I know some Malaysian Chinese, here is the ethnic situation in Malaysia:

Malays - Form around 60% of the population, are disliked by the other two groups because they receive extra help from the state as "children of the soil" and therefore dominate the government bureaucracy and leadership.

Chinese - Form around 25% of the population, are disliked by the other two groups because they are seen as greedy, and they dominate the vast majority of the Malaysian economy. (Chinese are called the Jews of Southeast Asia).

Indians - Form about 7% of the population, and are disliked by the other two groups because they are seen to be untrustworthy, and generally immigrated to Malaysia later than the Malays or the Chinese.

From a Malaysian source:

Session 3: Race and race relations in Malaysia - TehTarik

That's from their own surveys.

Budhist/Hindu/Animist/Ancestral worship cultural invasion in midst of Islam..highly uncouth of us all. :omghaha:
Indians need to stop bringing themselves to Muslim countries, the Muslims simply don't like them.
Well i am agreed here with most of its part.

Indians: Well in English, Majority Literate But alwayz behave as Mafia wearing ear rings , bangles, abusing others. usually they do low level jobs and own indian restaurant chains.

Chinese: Well in Chinese but majority can understand Bit English. they owned almost 70% business of Malaysia. majority shopping malls, companies and industries are owned by Chinese. they are well off people even more richer than Malays.

Malays: Not good in English, Shy people, hold almost all Administrative sectors of Malaysia from police to Secretariat and Govt. job and public holding companies, lazy but diplomatic people. Now well off as Chinese.

Note: I wrote about Races in Malaysia. and thats what i observe here in few years.
Indians need to stop bringing themselves to Muslim countries, the Muslims simply don't like them.

good. Give this advice to ur fellow ummah brothers who cry islamophobia at the drop of hat. How funny citizens of darul islam to darul harbs and then crying why over it.
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