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Indian Woman claims being mother of Ajmal Kasab

Woman claims being mother of Ajmal Kasab

Updated at: 2103 PST, Friday, April 10, 2009
MUMBAI: Ahead of the trial of Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone
surviving 26/11 terrorist, a woman claiming to be his mother came to the Mumbai Police headquarters last week seeking a meeting with him, a police officer said on Friday

The woman, who appeared to be in her forties, went to the Citizen Facilitation Centre of the police headquarters in south Mumbai and demanded to meet Kasab, who is presently lodged in Mumbai’s Arthur Road jail.

The woman spoke with a Punjabi accent and was dressed in traditional attire. She wanted to meet the head of the Crime Branch and said she had come to meet him since she was Kasab's mother, the officer said.
The lady claimed that Kasab had been kidnapped from her custody when he was a child and asked for a DNA test to be done on her to verify her claim. However, officials sent her off without allowing her to enter the complex but did not record her antecedents, "doubting her mental stability".

Woman claims being mother of Ajmal Kasab - GEO.tv

As usual my Indian chummies, I was right.

Did her second name happen to be Gupta btw? ;)
Sir, there was a mentally unstable woman in our mohalla in mumbai who claimed to be Shahrukh Khan's mother. In our societies mentally unstable people are not well taken care of and end up being on streets many times. its actually sad. why they chose film personalities is because they are in the news all the time, same as Ajmal i guess.

How are things in Pakistan? Do you occassionally find an unstable person on the streets?

The difference between Shahrukh Khan and this case is that one is a multi millionaire star, this is a useless, short, Indian looking, murderer.

The same situation anyhow applied to the Pakistani claims, yet you believed them.

You can understand why someone claims to be Rukhs mother, but noone, but the real mother would claim to be this person's mother.

My opinion is this. She should be sent to China, along with Gupta, both their DNA's tested, and we can await the results :smokin:
Thats how indian get menatally ill- too much education and too much knowladge. You can find these type in central delhi standing on top of a garbage truck and shouting slogan for their own communist party, askign for votes.
which dont ezist in reality
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I was right, only a mentally unstable person makes such claims!!!

It was Z Hamid first , then this woman and now some others here :crazy:
dude the indian government didnt give the pakistanis information FOR 2 MONTHS
infact they still didnt release the evidence into the media what does that say?
And the indians are always blaming pak/isi for their problems even though external agencies like the CIA been stated that the isi had nothing to do with the mumbai attacks. Its been a month and we already found evidence against india on the lahore attacks and released some into the public and its been 5 months and all the indian agency has given us and it's own public is pakistani branded toothpaste and matches. ur nation's government is all talk and no walk, even with our corrupt leadership we STILL get sh!t done.


So many factual mistakes in one post. nice. now go to UN and get indian orgs banned mr all action :wave:
Thats how indian get menatally ill- too much education and too much knowladge. You can find these type in central delhi standing on top of a garbage truck and shouting slogan for their own communist party, askign for votes.

ha ha ha

i wonder the police people were more sick than her. The easiest way was to probe the lady why she was claiming so. How does she had enough mental stability to reach the police station ? How does she despite being "insane" was knowing the DNA thing?

Was she trying to get speedy publicity by claming so ? may be some media attention
By just saying that she was mentally ill doesn't mean that she really was.

It's easy for me to say that all of the indian members who have participated in this thread has also shown a similar tendency-so can i claim that they are also mentally ill.

The best this should have been that she should have been investigated, checked up both medically and from intelligence point of view and then after verifying the facts she should have been busted (may be by jailing her) for false claims.

And above all, she claims that her DNA test can be done for verification. Why can't she be verified via this process. Like this all doubts should have been cleared.

BTW, a retarded lady talking about DNA testing..wow!...indian sure do have high IQ. Even their retards can talk medical science!!
go ahead point out the mistakes
i'd like to know what they are
give it ur best shot :tsk:

Only one - rest u find urself

Mumbai attack over - 29th Nov 2008
India hands over evidence dossier to pakistan - 5 th jan 2009. the dossier contains telephone records, circumstantial body of evidence, names, photos and hometowns of 9 attackers, name, address of one attacker, the captured attackers statement etc. (in the mean time JUD is declared a gloal terrorist group by UNSC on 11th Dec, within two weeks of attacks, NOT TWO MONTHS)

India hands ove dossier - 40 days. NOT TWO MONTHS.

SL cricketers attack - over on the 3rd March
10th April - Lahore police chief talks to the press without presenting any 'real proof' - except the guess work that the 'weapons look different'.

37 days... today 38, ur govt has not even made a statement. sure they get things done :hitwall:
Shame on you. You are mocking motherhood. Ajmal may have been terrorist, but his mother is innocent poor woman. Do not compare motherhood with cheap ******....

Ajmal might have been misguided by some Hindu Hindutva forces, but his mother is an Indian woman, and respect an Indian woman...

Congrats. You are just getting better and better. It took 14th post for you to blame Hindutva.

Talking of "motherhood", there was a woman claiming to be mother of SRK :lol:

(SRK means Shah Rukh Khan, a leading Bollywood star, for those who hate Hindi films because they are Indian.)
Sorry if it offended you but my point was, youve got fake wives of shoaib malik and abhisek bachpan as mentioned by one of the other member and now this?? Never heard of anything like this in pakistan before.:what:

Come on yar..

these things are for fun. Don't take them seriously. There is some other thread talking of a fellow who admitted a rape in a Pakistani TV show.

Now this never happened in India. What will you call this? It takes all the kinds to make a community. That's it.
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