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Indian schoolboy genius solves 350 year-old Particle dynamics theories.

Nutcase.........He came to Germany just four years ago .......... and before him your so called German Education System was no good for anyone in Germany to solve this ....... so piss off ............


Ecuse me, he came here to study and German universities are practically free paid with my tax money. At least that boy made good use of it.

We were not good to solve this problem but good enough to have a mega long list of Nobel Laureats.
the paranoia is strong with this one.

this topic doesn't pique my nationalism, because it has nothing to do with geopolitics. i have no desire to ridicule promising human talent, no matter their origin, because all of humanity can benefit. why do some indians hold such disbelief and suspicion when foreigners praise their achievements?

You can only lose. Praise them, they suspect you of ulterior motives, criticise them you are chini, ****, false flagger.
Ecuse me, he came here to study and German universities are practically free paid with my tax money. At least that boy made good use of it.

We were not good to solve this problem but good enough to have a mega long list of Nobel Laureats.

No he didn't go there to study. Apparently his family moved to Germany.
śūnya_0_Zero;2975099 said:
On a more intellectual side .... does anyone here now understand to compute ... how a bouncing ball will move, after rebounding from a wall ...

It was years ago ... I did "laws of conservation of momentum" ... and "law of conservation of energy in elastic collisions".

There used to be some "co-efficient of restitution" too... isn't all this related ... or am I too much of an MBA and too little an engineer now.

It will be complex non linear equation to solve it
German education....that means who ever study there could solve this ..... Pathetic

Did I say that? But without proper education his talent would have been wasted. For sure many talented and gifted young people are not as lucky as he is since they died of hunger and simple diseases.

No he didn't go there to study. Apparently his family moved to Germany.

OK, he is 16 right now that means he is still at school, free school paid with my tax money.
However, there are 7 mathematical problems that Clay Mathematics Institute claim are Millennium problems. Solution to each problem would fetch a million dollars. Only one that is Poincare conjecture has been solved until now by Grigoriy Perelman, arguably the greatest Mathematician alive today.

Shouryya should take up the challenge

Millennium Prize Problems
I wish he could take up P vs NP on priority. It is considered to be an Elixir's Gold in CS which would greatly benefit us CS Researchers in designing effective polytime algos. On another note, for the interested readers on Grigori Perelman and the struggle on who solved it first, this is an interesting article.
Manifold Destiny : A legendary problem and the battle over who solved it.
the paranoia is strong with this one.

this topic doesn't pique my nationalism, because it has nothing to do with geopolitics. i have no desire to ridicule promising human talent, no matter their origin, because all of humanity can benefit. why do some indians hold such disbelief and suspicion when foreigners praise their achievements?

Dont get irritated ..we accept your congratulation
I'm more interested to know what this kid did, can anyone with physics background explain.

Also waiting for a better source the news link is a tabloid one.
Götterdämmerung;2975166 said:
Did I say that? But without proper education his talent would have been wasted. For sure many talented and gifted young people are not as lucky as he is since they died of hunger and simple diseases.

OK, he is 16 right now that means he is still at school, free school paid with my tax money.

Do you think in India we dont have good school...he did not study in good school before coming to Germany. Germany is lucky that he is studying there
Not really an Indian schoolboy, he is german and obviously there is something about western system so that he could thrive there.
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