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Indian plot to deprive Dhaka of carbon compensation


Dec 14, 2008
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Indian plot to deprive Dhaka of carbon compensation

India inked Rampal deal to avert carbon compensation to Bangladesh, Rampal power plant to spell doom for Sundarbans, India to reap benefits of coal-based plant while Bangladesh to face devastation, loss of biodiversity and also carbon trade right as polluter.

Dhaka: The government has decided to set up coal-based Rampal Power Plant at the vicinity of the world’s largest mangrove forest and also home to the Bengal Tigers ignoring the national interest and ecological disaster the country would face only to keep warm ties with India intact.

Environmentalists and ecology experts topped their voice against the project as it would not just destroy the country’s Sundarbans but also project Bangladesh to the world as a polluting nation forcing it to sacrifice its right as a carbon trading nation having a huge sink of carbon reserve.

The government has already started the power plant project work there which would spell doom for the Sundarbans and its remaining critically endangered tiger population, said experts terming the power plant as suicidal for the country and its national interest.

Project to serve extreme Indian interest at the cost of Bangladesh’s destruction

The government has given go ahead to the joint venture power project only to serve the purpose of the neighbpouring India for the sake of relations and India is capitalizing on the close ties with the Awami League-led grand alliance government. India is maximizing the economic benefit from the power project as it always do with its small neighbours by forcing them to sacrifice their national interest for the big brother, experts said.

Being an extremely nationalist state, India has always been busy with its own national interest and put pressure on Bangladesh to serve its interest without considering the harmful effect of the power plant which is being set up at the vicinity of the Sundarbans, the great wonder of nature and also forest lifeline of Bangladesh, said environmentalists and experts on biodiversity who are extremely worried about the devastation Bangladesh would face due to the power plant.

India plots to avert climate compensation

But the plant would also help India in escaping the huge compensation it would have to pay as polluters to Last Developed counties like Bangladesh by showing it as polluters too sacrificing the right of carbon trading. It is part of a deep rooted conspiracies the so called ‘friend of Bangladesh’ has been hatching for long and finally persuaded the Awami League-led subservient government to commit suicide for serving the purpose of big brother India, said a leading environmentalist and ecology expert on condition of anonymity fearing reprisal of AL cadres who often go physical against dissents and dissidents.

The environmentalist said the Sundarbans is seventh greatest wonder as the globe’s largest mangrove forest, but instead of protecting the natural wonder the AL-led Bangladesh government is playing the role of predator instead of protector for destroying the forest only to make way for India to avert payment of the huge compensation as polluters while the regime is happy to serve the purpose of their masters in Delhi.

The extremely tactful India had already persuaded AL-led government to make the supreme sacrifice and Bangladesh would lose its righteous position to claim its due compensation from India as the most vulnerable nation in the global warming front.

Duffers in govt fail to assess the impacts in carbon trading

The ecology and biodiversity experts said, already Bangladesh as the frontier nation of global warming has started feeling the pinch of climate change only due to heavy industrialisation of India. So Bangladesh deserves the right to claim huge compensation from India for the damage it had already done to its small neighbor.

But if Bangladesh implements such a big carbon-emitting coal-based power plant then the nation would be treated as polluters too losing that right to claim compensation.

But the duffers in the AL-led government without taking into consideration the carbon trade and compensation issue had already signed three accord with India sacrificing the Sundarbans and its reserve carbon sink rights necessary for realizing compensation, said the experts voicing anguish at the government’s suicidal decision.

In all the three accords Bangladesh’s national interest was extremely compromised and India gained unilaterally preserving all its interests served at the cost of Bangladesh’s destruction it would face in near future if the project is implemented.

Country to face ecological imbalance and diversity

Not just financial loss, if the project is implemented the Sundarbans will face dooms and its unique flora and fauna and animal species will lose habitat and their living conditions while the whole region, including Khulna, Bagerhat and Satkhira districts would lose ecological balance and face disaster. Arable land in the region would lose fertility and will face the worst impact of global warming, said the experts preferring anonymity.

On ecological disaster Bangladesh would face due to construction of the Rampal power plant, chairman of Bangladesh Pribesh Andolan Abu Nser Khan told Daily Prime News, “The developed countries have set up a fund for mitigating the worst impact of global warming to compensate the victims of climate change. Bangladesh as the worst victims deserves the right to receive compensation from the climate fund. But if the government goes ahead with polluting project like Rampal then it would be suicidal and the coutry would lose the right to claim compensation from India and other developed countries responsible for huge carbon emission. And Bangladesh would not just suffer financial loss, but also face ecological disaster and destruction of the Sundarbans and its biodiversity.”

Looming Ecological Disaster

The Rampal Power Plant would burn around 47.20 lakh tonnes of coal a year and produce 7.50 lakh tones of flyask and two lakh tones of bottom ashes. The fly ash, bottom ash and liquefied ash produced by the power plant would spell doom for the environment and ecology. As all those ashes contains solid metals like arsenic, mercury, lead, nickel, vanadium, beryllium, barium, cadmium, chromium, selenium and radium. And all the ashes would get mixed up with the air and just turn the air toxic enough for annihilation of plants varieties and animal species of the Sundarbans and its adjoining areas.

On the other hand the government is planning to fill a portion of 1414 acres of land out of the project on 1834 acres. These toxic ashes will get mixed up with rain water and finally intoxicate the soil, subsoil and also the underground water tables and the affect will not only be limited to the project area, but destroy the whole region.

Moreover, the coal for the power plant will have to carry from Mongla to Hiron Point through an area of 97 kilometres which will in fact pollute the waters which was acknowledged by even a government report. During coal carrying by ships, the wave of rivers would intensify erosion, and lights and movement of ship would greatly endanger the affect the invaluable life of rare species of animals.

Pointing to the disastrous effects of Rampal power plant, member secretary of the National Committee for Protection of Oil, Gas, Mineral Resources and Power Prof Anu Mohammad said, “If the Rampal power plant is installed its disastrous effect would destroy our environment and ecology. It would also destroy the world’s largest mangrove forest and the power plant in no way would be allowed to cause destruction of the Sundarbans.”

Anu Mohammad also said, “Khulna and Agriculture University environmental activists through a study showed the extent of disastrous effects of the project on the Sundarbas.”

He also said, “Experts said right now the Sundarbans’ air contains around 30 microgram of toxic sulphar and nitrogen per cubic meter. After construction of the plant it would shoot up to 53.4 microgram and threaten the vary existence of the Sundarbans. So the power plant would bring disaster than anything good or beneficial.

Bangladesh Poribesh Andolan secretary Architect Iqbal Habib told the Daily Prime News, “Before conducting the Environmental Impact Assessment, the government had forcibly acquired the land evicting their owners by police.”

“During winter the winds blow exactly the opposite direction, and then the toxic ashes and smoke would cover the Sundarbans and destroy it as the plant is just 10 kilometres away,” said Iqbal.

“There is a writ petition pending with the High Court over the power plant and by signing three accords with extreme nationalist India, the government has violated the law of the land,” he added.

Subservient, duffer govt just blows away all allegations

The subservient and duffer government high-ups have rejected the notion of environmental disaster and destruction of the Sundarbans and said the joint venture power project would not do any harm to the nation and its ecology. The Rampal power project site is 14 kilometres away from the Sundarbans and the power plant chimney would be as high as 275 metre and its mouth would be facing opposite to the Sundarbans. So ashes and smoke of the plant would not cause any harm to the Sundarbans, said the government high-ups defending the power plant.

More often at least three to four low or depressions are created in the Bay of Bengal so it would take the smoke and ashes towards the Himalayas. The plant would also use ‘super critical’ technology, which do not create smoke. So it would consume less coal for power generation and do less harm to environment and it would not have any disastrous effect on the Sundarbas. Moreover a high-level committee would monitor the plant’s effect on environment. But in reality during winter the wind blows exactly the opposite direction and it would fly away all the ashes and smoke towards the Sundarbans withering away the existence of the mangrove forest and its flora and fauna.

But former director of Power Cell BD Rahmatullah said, “Whatever technology might be used, Rampal power plant would do more harm and it could in no way lessen the environmental disasters the country and the Sundarbans would face. The government is out to implement the power plant project through its autocratic attitude. Only criminalized politics making it possible for the government to go for implement such a worst disastrous project for the country only to appease India. Not just the government, even the opposition BNP has not waged any protest against the harmful power project and did not say that if voted to power it would scrap the power plant project which would only serve Indian interest all the way.”

High price for power generation

Even production cost of electricity would be much higher than other power projects. Even the government did not make it clear about the coal import issue from India and also about the high power generation costs. Even the AL led government in its election manifesto said it would make best use of the locally produced coal, but it would not be reflected in Rampal Power plant case, said experts.

The power experts said, “The way the government is proceeding towards implementation of the project it would destroy the Sundarbans, and bring disaster to country’s environment and ecology along with financial loss.

India tactically keeping its ownership

The joint venture power plant is being implemented by National Thermal Power Company of India (NTPC) and Bangladesh Power Development Board (PDB) at a cost of Tk 13,200 crore. Of the total cost, PDB and NTPC would invest 30 percent (Tk 3,960 crore) and NTPC would arrange the rest 70 percent of the cost (Tk 9,240 crore) by securing loans from donor agencies and banks. So in reality the NTPC would hold 85 percent share of the power plant while PDB only 15 percent.

NTPC cold not secure power project in its own country

The NTPC has failed to secure Indian Green Panel’s approval for its 1320MW power plant project on environmental concern. The Hindu in its October 8, 2010 report said, “NTPC coal-based power project cancelled Madhya Pradesh.” The report says the proposed power plant was in arable land in populated area and it might cause harm to the people’s life and livelihood. So it cannot proceed and cancelled the 1320MW power plant project of NTPC.

Controversial Rampal power plant accord

Bangladesh and India inked three accords for setting up a 1320MW capacity Rampal Power Plant on April 20 this year. The accords are – Joint venture accord, implementation accord and power purchase accord.

In 2011 a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between India and Bangladesh during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s New Delhi trip in which power generation cooperation issue was there in it. And PDB inked an accord with NTPC in 2012 following that MoU.

At the accord signing ceremony, Power secretary Monowar Islam said, “The Rampal power project has been taken up considering the environment pollution and damage issue critically. As per the power generation roadmap the government has a plan to generate at least 20,000MW of electricity by the year 2030. The Rampal power project is part of that plan.”

Chairman of NTPC Arup Roy Chowdhury said, “This project is the biggest one by his company outside India. So it is very important for NTPC to implement it with care.”

The project would be implemented by the year 2018 and a company styled “Bangladesh-India Friendship Power Company’ has already been formed with representatives of both the nations for implementing the project.

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Indian plot to deprive Dhaka of carbon compensation
We are here to eat you up alive, beware BD, beware.
This is a sinister plan of evil India to convince BD Govt. that they need 20000MW of extra power by 2030, just to plant a WMD in disguise of a power plant in BD to cause global warming and sink BD in Bay of Bengal. By the way, India must have forced the BD Govt. to built the plant near Sundarban only and no where else, right? Clearly an act of aggression by India against poor Bangladeshi tigers of Sundarban. :D
Clearly an un-educated journalist and ill informed commentators:

a)***** Ownership is defined by shareholding, not who helps a company being in loans. Lenders do not get any equity on a project, not do they get board seats. All this talk about 85% ownership is bunkum. The report does not talk about the respective shareholding of NTPC and PDB, but I* would guess that one party will hold atleast* 1 share than the other to prevent deadlock in decision making. Chances are, since NTPC has also taken on the obligation of arranging the loan funds, it has a larger shareholding.

b)***** Emissions trading has collapsed world-over. The reason is that the supply of carbon credits is far more than the demand. Under the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, the largest market for trading carbon credits, the prices of Certified Emissions Reductions have fallen to 55 cents per tonne compared to as much as EUR 20 per tonne in mid 2008. At this level, no one is interested in trading Carbon Emissions. But the biggest error of the article is that polluters have to pay for the pollution. Not unless the polluter happens in Europe. No Chinese or Indian polluter has to buy CERs to pay for their pollution. I guess, neither does a polluter from Bangladesh, unless Bangladesh has become a part of the European Union while I was sleeping!

Thus I am compelled to comment that this article is all hogwash.
When all hogwash is set aside, the point is this. Does Bangladesh wants a 1300MW powerplant and if it does, at what cost?

Wiki says the total installed capacity of Bangladesh is 8500MW. So the project will single-handedly add 15% capacity. The project site is a matter of internal debate in Bangladesh. And what does India get by making Bangladesh looses money(loose carbon credit)? Bangladesh right wing is suffering the same disease that many Islamic countries do. They always cry that the world is controlled by that country or this country, one place where they forget Allah. When will they take charge?
Not a particularly well written article but nevertheless possesses a great deal of logic in its argument.
I have a few questions. No offence is meant. :)
1. Is this plant being built by India(i.e. funded) in Bangladesh for Bangladesh's use?
2. Bangladesh must have an environmental body. Are they not looking into the matter for ecological concerns?
3. A plant is coming up in uninhabited Sundarban - So how does it affect people's lives and livelihood?
4. What conspiracy does the Jamaati stooges find in this?
5. In case this really pisses them off why don't they just go and bomb the place while it is being constructed instead of doing 'civilized politics' over it?
I have a few questions. No offence is meant. :)
1. Is this plant being built by India(i.e. funded) in Bangladesh for Bangladesh's use?
2. Bangladesh must have an environmental body. Are they not looking into the matter for ecological concerns?
3. A plant is coming up in uninhabited Sundarban - So how does it affect people's lives and livelihood?
4. What conspiracy does the Jamaati stooges find in this?
5. In case this really pisses them off why don't they just go and bomb the place while it is being constructed instead of doing 'civilized politics' over it?

Civilized politics like engaging in abductions and extra-judicial killings like the Awami League.
The article does seem to be a little logical, but the major part of it seems to be paranoid rhetoric, in my opinion.
the major part of it seems to be paranoid rhetoric, in my opinion.

If taken in isolation from everything that has happened during the last 4 years it may seem paranoid but when taken in the context of all the deals seeking to favour Indian interests there is more than an element of truth in the article.
SO this plant would mean:

-Import of low quality Indian coals.
- Polluting our rivers.
- Destruction of wildlife and the ecological balance of the sunderbans, something that our experts are primarily voicing concern for.
- Stripping us the right to demand compensation.
- It would be owned by India ultimately.
- The price would be high.
- It would be chanakyan engineering quality.

Amazingly chanakyans didn't allow their NTPC to build similar plants in their own country but awami ruled BD would fine naturally. Why don't these scums build one such plant in their part of sunderban or the Gir Forest National Park in Gujrat.

After all the treacherous deals these awami maggots have done with their Indian masters Rampal plant is just a drop in the ocean of awami treachery. Bunch of low life parasites.

We are here to eat you up alive, beware BD, beware.

Indeed U are.
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