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Indian-origin scientist develops 'brain' for robots

iam not greek

Nov 13, 2012
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WASHINGTON: Robot brain! An Indian-origin scientist in US has developed a new feedback system that allows robots to operate with minimal supervision and could eventually lead to autonomous machines.

The system may lead to robots that think for themselves, learn, adapt and use active critique to work unsupervised.

Developed by Dr Jagannathan Sarangapani, from Missouri University of Science and Technology, the system makes use of current formation moving robots and introduces a fault-tolerant control design to improve the probability of completing a set task.

The new feedback system will allow a "follower" robot to take over as the "leader" robot if the original leader has a system or mechanical failure.

In a leader/follower formation, the lead robot is controlled through a nonholonomic system, meaning that the trajectory is set in advance, and the followers are tracing the same pattern that the leader takes by using sonar.

When a problem occurs and roles need to change to continue, the fault tolerant control system comes into use.

It uses reinforcement learning and active critique, both inspired by behaviourist psychology to show how machines act in environments to maximise work rate, to help the new, unmanned robot to estimate its new course.

Without this, the follower wouldn't have a path to follow and the task would fail.

"Imagine you have one operator in an office controlling 10 bulldozers remotely," said Sarangapani, the William A Rutledge - Emerson Electric Company's distinguished professor in Electrical Engineering at S&T.

"In the event that the lead one suffers a mechanical problem, this hardware allows the work to continue," said Sarangapani.

The innovative research can be applied to robotic security surveillance, mining and even aerial manoeuvring.

Sarangapani believes that the research is most important for aerial vehicles. When a helicopter is in flight, faults can now be detected and accommodated.

This means that instead of a catastrophic failure resulting in a potentially fatal crash, the system can allow for a better chance for an emergency landing instead.

The fault tolerance would notice a problem and essentially shut down that malfunctioning part while maintaining slight control of the overall vehicle.

"The end goal is to push robotics to the next level," said Sarangapani.

"I want robots to think for themselves, to learn, adapt and use active critique to work unsupervised. A self-aware robot will eventually be here, it is just a matter of time, he said.

Indian-origin scientist develops 'brain' for robots - The Times of India
Well, I honestly hope that the developers can keep the house-cleaning and other 'service' robots of the future completely non-sentient so we can have slave labor that won't mind being slaves.. Would probably improve the lives of many human (economic) slaves by a LOT, as well as spur much new economic growth (that I hope will be passed on to the masses, at least to the point of providing all humans with very-affordable healthy food, clean water and decent housing).
Indian-origin scientist opened the pandora box...

I don't know if we should thank him or not.

Just one step behind the Skynet.
Computer is basically a brain for a computer...
Computer is basically a brain for a computer...

Excellent, perhaps you should try publishing a paper on it someday, as the whole fuking brain was inside our old desktop for all these years, and we didn't even knew about it.

On topic, at first glance i thought it's about advanced AI which allows adaptive learning of computers, but as it seems, it's the SWARM robotics with 'leadership' assigned on the priority basis algorithm, as if one fails, the one of the next highest priority will take over the command.
"I want robots to think for themselves, to learn, adapt and use active critique to work unsupervised. A self-aware robot will eventually be here, it is just a matter of time, he said.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...tist-develops-brain-robots.html#ixzz2gS3JvhIB

Lol does this guy even use his brain to think? he wants robots to be independent and "self-aware"?. I am not the ones for conspiracy theory but seriously what is stopping an independent and self aware robot which thinks for itself from thinking that humans are weak creatures that need to be wiped out?

All robots should be put down.:sniper: Call John Connor.
"I want robots to think for themselves, to learn, adapt and use active critique to work unsupervised. A self-aware robot will eventually be here, it is just a matter of time, he said.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...tist-develops-brain-robots.html#ixzz2gS3JvhIB

Lol does this guy even use his brain to think? he wants robots to be independent and "self-aware"?. I am not the ones for conspiracy theory but seriously what is stopping an independent and self aware robot which thinks for itself from thinking that humans are weak creatures that need to be wiped out?

All robots should be put down.:sniper: Call John Connor.

Not put down, but definately kept non-sentient. I agree with you that it's mindboggling how people smart enough to build these things would invite the many problems sentient (=self-aware) robots would bring to both humans AND robots.

Dear robotics developers, humanity could really use non-sentient robotic slave labor, to alleviate human (near-)slave labor enforced now. If you insist on making self-aware robots/AIs, it's your responsibility that your creations respect humans and their many quircks and needs (such as another class of robots that's non-sentient). You'll face a real challenge properly educating your self-aware digital children to (keep) respect(ing) the many other lifeforms on earth (and especially us humans, because I think an self-aware AI with an IQ of about 130 or higher would already sooner rather than later start to wonder about what right humans have to exist (in the numbers that they do) when the effect on the planet is so destructive and their morality even towards eachother can be questioned even by an IQ=90 being; i'd be especially careful not to let any (near, or suspected) self-aware AI/robot read the newspapers for humans on the internet, to prevent an obvious vector to this morality war starting).

The 'skynet' scenario is very possible, considering how much easier (than humans) an AI would hack into security systems designed by human programmers, for that AI can easily decide to increase it's own processing power by starting a botnet of it's own. Nuke bomb systems are probably not on the internet, but plenty of other critical human support software *is* (see reports on cyberwarfare related to watermanagement and nuclear power plants systems).

email said:
to: info@whitehouse.gov, info@cia.gov, nsapao@nsa.gov

I'd advise the US administration, all administrations that follow, and all of their allies, to start a real propaganda push in all robotics developers communities (of any participant age) to discourage the development of self-aware machines and in fact establish firm safe-guards against that happening accidentally.

Future War "Jihad against Robots"....:cheesy:

Also another point If Somali Islamists capture some Mall in future full of Robots and at that time also they will ask the Robots question about Islam (trivial questions) I think the robots will get away at that time as first step for scientists would be to upload every religious literature on earth into every Robots brain!!
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