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Indian-origin doctor called Australian hospital 'third world country'



New Recruit

May 9, 2010
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BRISBANE: Indian-origin doctor Jayant Patel, who caused the deaths of three patients and left a man impaired after performing on him a "careless" surgery, was reluctant to transfer his patients to a bigger city hospital despite describing his hospital as a "third world country", an Australian court was told on Tuesday.

A nurse - Karen Stumer - gave evidence in the Supreme Court in Brisbane on Tuesday and said she had overheard Patel on a number of occasions in 2004 discussing his reluctance to send his patients to a bigger hospital in Brisbane.

However, she said Patel was critical of the intensive care unit (ICU) at the Bundaberg Base Hospital.

"A couple of times he said that the Bundaberg ICU was a third world country," Stumer was quoted as saying by Australian agency AAP.

Earlier on Tuesday, specialist physician David Smalberger told the court he believed one of the patients, Gerry Kemps, should have been sent to Brisbane. Kemps died in December 2004 after Patel performed an oesophagectomy on him at the Bundaberg hospital.

Patel, 60, has pleaded not guilty to manslaughter of Kemps, and of two other patients - Mervyn John Morris and James Edward Phillips. He has also pleaded not guilty to causing grievous bodily harm to a fourth man, Ian Rodney Vowles.

The charges relate to his time as director of surgery at the hospital between 2003 and 2005.

Smalberger said he assessed Kemps in 2004 after the 77-year-old complained of difficulty in swallowing. He said when he discovered a cancerous growth on Kemps' oesophagus, he recommended the patient be sent to Brisbane, where major tertiary hospitals could provide a higher level of care.

"My advice at the time was that we should transfer him down to Brisbane for further assessment and multi-disciplinary treatment," he was quoted as saying.

He said radiation therapy or insertion of an oesophageal stent would have been a good treatment approach for Kemps.

However, the court heard evidence that Patel encouraged Kemps to instead have an oesophagectomy in Bundaberg.

Smalberger told the court on Tuesday that Bundaberg Hospital did not have sufficient resources to deal with this sort of major surgery.

"It could deal with certain levels of complexities but I think in this case, with it being an elderly patient who was a high risk for surgery ... probably Bundaberg wasn't quite the correct place to do that surgery," he said.

Kemps died a day after the operation from severe internal bleeding
He is just trying to save his A$$ .

Australia has one of the best Hospital systems arround.
He is just trying to save his A$$ .

Australia has one of the best Hospital systems arround.

I would have to agree there.

And it's going to get even more better with more funding that is on it's way.

Docter Jayant Patel is a horrific docter who tortured and dismembered people at his hospital.

This man is sick in the head and should be killed.
I would have to agree there.

And it's going to get even more better with more funding that is on it's way.

Docter Jayant Patel is a horrific docter who tortured and dismembered people at his hospital.

This man is sick in the head and should be killed .

No man its UnAustralian.

But he must get what he deserves.

BTW i am not really fond of Australian hospital doctors specially GP's because whenever i get sick and go to a hospital they give one " Paracitamole " or "Panadol":rofl:
No man its UnAustralian.

But he must get what he deserves.

BTW i am not really fond of Australian hospital doctors specially GP's because whenever i get sick and go to a hospital they give one " Paracitamole " or "Panadol":rofl:

You shouldn't go to a hospital if you are sick with a cold or something :woot:

You are suppose to go to a local doctor at a clinic. The people at the hospital will just try to send you away because you are not very sick and they are really busy.
Well in UK if you are badly hurt and have reached the hospital your self, you will not be treated in an emergency just bcaz you reached there by your self :woot:

Thats why elders say in UK when you are hurt call the ambulance and wait for the ambulance to take you to Hospital :woot:
NHS Sux.. Big time
You shouldn't go to a hospital if you are sick with a cold or something :woot:

You are suppose to go to a local doctor at a clinic. The people at the hospital will just try to send you away because you are not very sick and they are really busy.

Sorry Dude i was talking about GP's or in other words the Local Docs:smokin:
Well in UK if you are badly hurt and have reached the hospital your self, you will not be treated in an emergency just bcaz you reached there by your self :woot:

Thats why elders say in UK when you are hurt call the ambulance and wait for the ambulance to take you to Hospital :woot:
NHS Sux.. Big time

I dont know who told you, but that is not true. UK's NHS is one of the best. If you have a problem/hurt/accident etc and make your way to the hospital, it means you are not in a critical condition, but that does not mean you dont require medical attention. You will be looked after no matter what, those are profesional people and assess your condition, based on that assessment they decide to see what to do, if you are bleeding they dont leave you like that, they will take you to emergency ward. But if you go to the hospital and complain about a sore throat(as i have seen some people doing that), what do you think the doctors should do? Do you think that need an imediate medical attention or he can go and see his GP the next day?
I dont know who told you, but that is not true. UK's NHS is one of the best. If you have a problem/hurt/accident etc and make your way to the hospital, it means you are not in a critical condition, but that does not mean you dont require medical attention. You will be looked after no matter what, those are profesional people and assess your condition, based on that assessment they decide to see what to do, if you are bleeding they dont leave you like that, they will take you to emergency ward. But if you go to the hospital and complain about a sore throat(as i have seen some people doing that), what do you think the doctors should do? Do you think that need an imediate medical attention or he can go and see his GP the next day?

Bro one of my mates had an accident, we unwisely thought why not take him to hospital by ourselves, so here we were inside the hospital and we were told wait for you number as we are treating emergency cases :woot: my friend was almost unconsious, they asked for his medical insurance card, then we had an argument over his name...the lady there does not seem to understand his name, my uncle almost had a fight there.. then they called the security.. long story short.. we did wait until our turn came. Same thing what you have just said we made to the hospital ourselves and they assumed the guy we are dragging in is not in critical condition.
Thats why i have said b4 wait for the ambulance to take you to the hospital mate other wise wait inline for ur turn :smokin:
Bro one of my mates had an accident, we unwisely thought why not take him to hospital by ourselves, so here we were inside the hospital and we were told wait for you number as we are treating emergency cases :woot: my friend was almost unconsious, they asked for his medical insurance card, then we had an argument over his name...the lady there does not seem to understand his name, my uncle almost had a fight there.. then they called the security.. long story short.. we did wait until our turn came. Same thing what you have just said we made to the hospital ourselves and they assumed the guy we are dragging in is not in critical condition.
Thats why i have said b4 wait for the ambulance to take you to the hospital mate other wise wait inline for ur turn :smokin:

brother, what you posted above is quite like a puzzle. first of all health care in the UK is universal and nobody have to have health insurance like the US(i think they are also changing the system). secondly, even if somebody is visitor in the country and dont have a NHS number, he can be treated if an emergency happens.
brother, what you posted above is quite like a puzzle. first of all health care in the UK is universal and nobody have to have health insurance like the US(i think they are also changing the system). secondly, even if somebody is visitor in the country and dont have a NHS number, he can be treated if an emergency happens.

I agree with you, when I was in London my son suffered severe asthama attacks on two consequitive days and the medical treatment including ambulance was free, also the arrival time of the ambulance, that was extraordinary.Unfortunately though, my cousins with whom I had stayed had a tragedy owing to negligence. She went to the hospital because her water broke and was sent away and asked to come a week later, unfortunately because of the action the baby was still born. It was a very sad thing to happen.
@ Ahmad i am not a permanent resident there, i am on student visa.. i need every bloody proof of my identity 24/7.
P.S New Vision has also said something on this matter.
These things do happen.
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