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Indian Navy to have 200 warships in next 10 years

wow 200 warships.....is India really planning on fighting a war at two fronts ?
Pretty much.

As has been said- hope for the best, plan for the worst. 
Haha but I hope it won't endup being ghazal e indian economy. One going aspect might be that Indiannavy accept indian product. But there need to be good balance. Because 3 a/c might be too expensive to maintain and protect.
India is spending less than 2% of its GDP on defence- far less than the global average so there is no need for you to worry about the Indian economy! By 2020 India will be spending $100-120 billion a year on defence so it's all good :D
Pretty much.

As has been said- hope for the best, plan for the worst. 

India is spending less than 2% of its GDP on defence- far less than the global average so there is no need for you to worry about the Indian economy! By 2020 India will be spending $100-120 billion a year on defence so it's all good :D
Agree boss and worst part is we don't finish the funds it's returned almost every year. But still it's always better I hope navy won't go IAF way to let own stuff passby for fancy imported weapons.
But still it's always better I hope navy won't go IAF way to let own stuff passby for fancy imported weapons.
Silly statement really. The forces will go for the products that best fill their exacting standards. Tell me, could any Indian product have filled the IAF's requirement for an "Air Dominance" fighter? Or MMRCA?

Luckily Indian shipyards are able to build some nice hulls but even still much of the weapons and sensors are bought from abroad as the IN, just like the other arms, demands the best.

In an ideal world the IAF/IN/IA would be buying all Indian equipment if Indian firms/agencies built the beat. But to ask the military to compromise on their standards and requirements so as to bolster indigenous orders is a slippery path to the bottom. The military is for fighting not for propping up industry that is operating below-par.
But I thought MOD capped surface fleet to 143 or something like that????I'll try to find out the source though...

as for IN,we need 2 more ACs,atleast 15-20 conventional subs,5-6 SSBNs and around 4-5 SSNs along with 5-6 LPD(RFP was placed around a year back) and new generations of Frigates and Guided Missiles Destroyers and a whole new Aegis type system,a must for us.

it'll be icing on cake if we could launch our own UCAV from ACs by then...

They always said that they are planning to have a 160 ship navy. I wonder if this could be a misquote. 
Haha but I hope it won't endup being ghazal e indian economy. One going aspect might be that Indiannavy accept indian product. But there need to be good balance. Because 3 a/c might be too expensive to maintain and protect.

Ever since the IN decided to be a carrier oriented one, the ideal doctrine laid out for the IN (with the help of a certain admiral gorshkov) called for the IN to operate three light/medium sized carriers. But until now we have not had the moolah to make that happen. The hope in the navy when we purchased the vikrant was that two more would follow, so that each fleet would have one carrier active at all times.
Indian Navy should have a fleet of a fleet of more than 250 ships by 2030 including more than 70 surface combatants and more than 30 Submarines (including 14 Nuclear & more than 16 diesel electric), besides Indian Coast Guard will have more than 270 independent ships by 2030, together India's Maritime Forces will have more than 520 ships if Indian Navy will reach 250 ships mark.......it is very needed to fight a big Chinese PLA-Navy fleet in future of more than 750 ships including 450 Navy vessels and more than 300 Coast Guard vessels....!!!!

Chinese PLA-Navy & Indian Navy will have the largest & 2nd Largest Maritime fleet including both their Navy & Coast Guard numbers, so from now India should be prepared to take on China in future at anywhere near Asia-Pacific region. PLA-Navy's growing ambition will have a bad implications over south-east & South Asian region. China must have to face a containment or a major conflict if they will try any type of mascular aggression over this region & if they will try to surround India in its own backyard, then India will also retaliate in a same way at South-China Sea as Indian Navy has increased its presence there at several ports in Vietnam, Singapore, Malayasia & Indonesia, and Indian Navy may send its future Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarines to target China if Beijing will use their Nuke Subs at Indian Ocean. If India want, Indian Navy will easily impose blockade on Strait of Malacca with the help of its own base at the mouth of Malacca Strait & by the help of friendly nations near Malacca Strait.
To those that may be shocked or don't understand how india can have 200 warships in 10 years let me clarify

in 10 years Indian GDP will griw to nearly 5 trillion dollars.
From 10th largest to the fifth largest ie overtaking the following GDP nations

Itlay by 2016
France 2020
Russia & UK 2022
Germany by 2025

This is based on current & predicted near future growth rates of 6 -8 %

Also the 200 SHIPS can be broken down into

3 Carriers
6- Nuclear subs
14 Deisel Subs
12 destroyers
24 Frigates

20+ Corvettes
30+ smaller missles boats

60 OTHER support ships of all sizes

for those who do not know india Navy even today has over 130 ships
To those that may be shocked or don't understand how india can have 200 warships in 10 years let me clarify

in 10 years Indian GDP will griw to nearly 5 trillion dollars.
From 10th largest to the fifth largest ie overtaking the following GDP nations

Itlay by 2016
France 2020
Russia & UK 2022
Germany by 2025

This is based on current & predicted near future growth rates of 6 -8 %

Also the 200 SHIPS can be broken down into

3 Carriers
6- Nuclear subs
14 Deisel Subs
12 destroyers
24 Frigates

20+ Corvettes
30+ smaller missles boats

60 OTHER support ships of all sizes

for those who do not know india Navy even today has over 130 ships
You said the truth but the present ships strength is 184 ships, not 130+.....go to wikipedia and GlobalFirePower sites, you can get the information.....in future By 2030, Indian Navy is projected to have 250+ ships and 30+ submarines and Indian Coast Guard will have 300 independent vessels.
In my opinion :

What we need ever :

1a. 5 CBGs. two for each of our coasts, and 2 more for operation in the seas, 1 more for the other side, if 2 for operation in the east, then 1 in the west, keeping India in the middle, and vice versa. not counting the 2 for the coasts. need not mention we need these CBGs to operate big heavy planes and stealth attack aircrafts with brahmos mini kinda cruise missiles in internal bays. far away dream considering what i'm talking about here.

1b. a base in the gulf, a base in the SCS. for our CBGs, listening posts.

1c. 6 nuclear subs with atleast 24 SLBMs each with a range upto 6000 kms and MIRVs. 12 attack subs with atleast 36 cruise missiles (land attack 24, 12 for ship attack or 18-18) each. far dream.

1d. ANC as our main operating base outside of Delhi. Leave coastal defence to coast Guard. atleast in the eastern command.

I think we will be good for anybody.
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