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Indian navy successfully test-fires BrahMos supersonic cruise missile.

I don't think Brahmos can carry nuclear warhead right now because it can only carry 300 kg and we don't have miniture nuclear warhead may be in future .

Nobody knows whether we have mini nukes or not. India keeps its nuclear capability secret.

What I do know is, that in 2009 they tested a nuclear capable version. So there's a chance that it is nuclear capable.


Supposedly, in direct violation of the MTCR, with Russian help, we have raised the range to 500km. :bounce:

India has uprated its BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles by installing the advanced satellite navigation systems from Russia's Kh-555 and Kh-101 strategic long-range cruise missiles, adding GPS-GLONASS technology to the existing doppler-inertial platform, Izvestia reported on Tuesday quoting sources in the military-industrial complex.
The integration of the navigation systems from Kh-555 will turn BrahMos, a supersonic cruise missile, into a "super-rocket" with almost a sub-strategic capability above its normal tactical range, capable of hitting targets over 180-300 miles (300-500 km), from sea, land and air launchers, and capable of being armed with a nuclear warhead, the source said.
I just joined to say, just looking at threads related to this tech, it's obvious nobody here knows what this unit is designed to do, or anything about combat strategy..

Even with Aegis fully deployed someone could take out a target in Turkey and the sensors would all lose track in ms intervals.. Undocumented navigation systems and warheads can also easily be rolled out when in war and treaties are dropped..

The reality though is this is for targeted attacks, mesh attacks would use other systems, which would barely take hits from Aegis and confuse national defense systems when engaged, mostly strategic nuclear units with big payloads..

I like how Americans think they control their own systems.. Russia wouldn't even need firepower or missiles and shut the entire nation down inside minutes.. I probably could and I'm not even military.. CIA would be asking us what we did and please fix it, if we allowed them to exist.. FBI and NSA are also a joke and even more incompetent and uneducated.. I could get inside before even finishing visa as a employee..

We allow you to exist cause you owe money and running camps would cost us ours.. You're all uneducated and can barely handle division and geometry..

Latest BrahMos test picture :smitten:
may be specially for navy not sure though

How did you spot the Camo ? The picture is of dark side and and light condition in not good because of Flame.
BTW would you like to tell us what's the colour of camo.
which wings ?


I was talking about the wings just left of Indian flag which cannot be seen on the below one . Only tail fins are visible .


May be it pops out of the body after some time.

No wings


With wings

could anyone tell me the difference in efficacy of explosive force of warhead at 0.8 mach and 2.8 mach ? as kinetic energy is 9 times , it should add to forward explosive force ! :what:
something i found !

The BrahMos PJ-10 is a short-range, ramjet powered, single warhead, supersonic anti-ship cruise missile developed and manufactured by India and Russia. Ship-, air-, ground-, and submarine-launched versions exist. It is currently among the most formidable cruise missiles in development.

The BrahMos, which derives its name from the Brahmaputra and Moscow rivers in India and Russia, is based on the earlier Russian design for the SS-N-26 (3M55 Oniks) cruise missile.(1) In 1998, a joint venture was set up between the Indian Defense Ministry’s Defense Research and Development Organization and Russia’s Mashinostroyeniye Company. The two entities formed a company now known as Brahmos Aerospace, which would develop and manufacture the BrahMos PJ-10. Sources indicate that by 2006 India and Russia had already invested $300 million in the company.(2)

As an anti-ship missile, the BrahMos PJ-10 is distinguished by its reported supersonic speed of Mach 2.8, approximately one kilometer per second. In addition to making it difficult to intercept, this speed also imparts a greater strike power. In comparison, the U.S. RGM/UGM-109 “Tomahawk” cruise missile, which has been used successfully in both Iraq and Afghanistan, operates at a subsonic speed of less than Mach 1.0. Most other anti-ship missiles fly at subsonic speeds as well.

In addition, the BrahMos is equipped with stealth technology designed to make it less visible to radar and other detection methods. The missile also has a high level of accuracy, which has been established by recent test flights as close to 1 m CEP.(1) The missile operates on the “fire and forget” principle, meaning that once it has been launched, it will correctly strike its target without requiring any assistance. It has an inertial navigation system (INS) for use against ship targets, and an INS/Global Positioning System for use against land targets. Terminal guidance is achieved through an active/passive radar.

The BrahMos is designed to attack surface targets at altitudes as low as 10 m. The ship and ground-launched versions have a range of 300 km, while the air-launched version has a range of 500 km. The missile is powered by a solid propellant boost motor with a liquid-fuelled ramjet sustainer motor. The ship and ground-launched version is 8.2 m in length, has a body diameter of 0.67 m, carries a 300 kg payload, and has a launch weight of 3000 kg; the air-launched version is 8.0 m in length, has a diameter of 0.67 m, carries a 200 kg payload, and has a launch weight of 2200 kg. Both versions have four clipped tip delta wings at mid-body, with four small delta control fins at the rear. The BrahMos carries either a 200 or 300 kg high explosive semi-armor-piercing warhead or a 250 kg submunitions warhead.(1)

The first flight test of the BrahMos PJ-10 took place in June 2001. By April 2007, the missile had been tested at least fourteen times. The first eight tests were against ship targets and ended with the introduction of the missile into the Indian Navy in 2005. Several of the subsequent flights tested the missile against land-based targets and employed land-based launch platforms leading to the missile's introduction in the Indian Army in 2007. The missile is currently undergoing testing for air and submarine-launch systems. Flight tests aboard the Su-30 MKI aircraft probably began in 2009.(1)

The missile entered production in 2004. Initial production was probably fairly slow with about 10 to 15 missiles produced per year. It is believed that by 2008 production numbers had increased to around 40 missiles per year. About 360 missiles are expected to be produced for domestic use.(1) Some missiles will also probably be used by Russia. The BrahMos cooperation intends to export the missile rather widely. According to their webpage, exports can be expected to South Africa, Chile, Brazil, and a host of countries in the Middle East and Africa.(2)

A Brahmos II is currently in development. The Brahmos II promises to greatly exceed the speed of its predecessor and be available to the Indian Navy within several years.(2)


MissileThreat :: BrahMos PJ-10
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