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Indian Muslims must exercise restraint, shun needless passion

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I am waiting for him to explain what he means by ' Breed well".

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To ' breed" is a term used for animals - in animal husbandry. Humans for gods sake do not breed or at least civilized ones do not.

I was surprised to hear this term being used for humans. If a non Muslim had used this term for Muslims hell would have broken loose - at least by those who would have known the difference .

It is an alien language but our style of its use is even more ' alien'.

No need to club Indian Muslims due to the act of few pigs.

Those rioted in Mumbai were from Barelvies.

Bhai Zakir can u throw some light on who instigates the youth for this kind of acts ??is it some local head or the moulvi or some other?
Bangladeshis had been very idiotic first separating from India complaining discrimination and Hindu-hatred, now risking everything to pole vault into India and work as construction workers and domestic helps for evil Yindoos.

Can you tell me why it is that all over the world today and for the past 20+ years, be it Bosnia or Burma, wherever we hear of communal or ethnic strife, one side is depressingly always Muslim?

Why is it that Muslims, regardless of their race or language or ethnicity or nationality, find it difficult to integrate?

What is it that causes this friction?

Are Muslims being targeted across the world because of their faith like the Jews?

If so, where is this pan-global conflict headed?
There is a simpler solution.

Do not back down when the violence starts.

Take it to its natural conclusion.

And it needs to be organised between states.

This is not a state problem. This is a India problem.

All Indians need to pitch in from time to time.

How many of us do actually realise that, even illegal they are providing a fairly large share of youth workforce to India. Request Indian members to understand how CII and NHRD sees India as the 'Skills capital of the world' by 20-20. As a tolerant society we must understand the Pain of our BD brothers and accept them in the society as no one crosses the fence for just the sake of it. Solution is, better bordering by both the countries and rather than wasting time and deportation focus on Industries and utilize the available manpower.
Who are Barelvis? Not Indian?

How many of us do actually realise that, even illegal they are providing a fairly large share of youth workforce to India. Request Indian members to understand how CII and NHRD sees India as the 'Skills capital of the world' by 20-20. As a tolerant society we must understand the Pain of our BD brothers and accept them in the society as no one crosses the fence for just the sake of it. Solution is, better bordering by both the countries and rather than wasting time and deportation focus on Industries and utilize the available manpower.

Please wake up.
How many of us do actually realise that, even illegal they are providing a fairly large share of youth workforce to India. Request Indian members to understand how CII and NHRD sees India as the 'Skills capital of the world' by 20-20. As a tolerant society we must understand the Pain of our BD brothers and accept them in the society as no one crosses the fence for just the sake of it. Solution is, better bordering by both the countries and rather than wasting time and deportation focus on Industries and utilize the available manpower.

While your intentions are noble, what about the local populace of this country? these illegal immigrants are not only settling down here but are also getting voting rights now. The disturbances in Assam show how the locals will feel when threatened by such outsiders. Our "noble congress" is busy distributing voter cards for them as it is the only saviour of Minorities in India.

Amazing post, guys let's make it very clear to all our neighbor friends, even if Muslims are in Majority in India in a few years, we will not become Pakistan or BD (with all due respect to both the countries for their own amazing uniqueness), we will still be India. I know a lot of Muslims from India and I am very confident about it. We are Indian's first and then we are Children of our parents and religion comes next which encourages for us (any faith) to love and live for all.
How many of us do actually realise that, even illegal they are providing a fairly large share of youth workforce to India. Request Indian members to understand how CII and NHRD sees India as the 'Skills capital of the world' by 20-20. As a tolerant society we must understand the Pain of our BD brothers and accept them in the society as no one crosses the fence for just the sake of it. Solution is, better bordering by both the countries and rather than wasting time and deportation focus on Industries and utilize the available manpower.

..another new word usage !!
Amazing post, guys let's make it very clear to all our neighbor friends, even if Muslims are in Majority in India in a few years, we will not become Pakistan or BD (with all due respect to both the countries for their own amazing uniqueness), we will still be India. I know a lot of Muslims from India and I am very confident about it. We are Indian's first and then we are Children of our parents and religion comes next which encourages for us (any faith) to love and live for all.

Please wake up.
Who are Barelvis? Not Indian?

Please wake up.

Sir, it's my way of seeing a peaceful India and what I have been taught by my elders. Restraint, harmony and acceptance are 3 critical elements towards Internal peace and road towards attaining Nibbana (Nirvana)

While your intentions are noble, what about the local populace of this country? these illegal immigrants are not only settling down here but are also getting voting rights now. The disturbances in Assam show how the locals will feel when threatened by such outsiders. Our "noble congress" is busy distributing voter cards for them as it is the only saviour of Minorities in India.

Yes, they do become turbulent, however if the larger society understands and tries to respond to it rather than react, in the longer run same turbulence can actually benefit.

These are my personal PoV and open for criticism.
How many of us do actually realise that, even illegal they are providing a fairly large share of youth workforce to India. Request Indian members to understand how CII and NHRD sees India as the 'Skills capital of the world' by 20-20. As a tolerant society we must understand the Pain of our BD brothers and accept them in the society as no one crosses the fence for just the sake of it. Solution is, better bordering by both the countries and rather than wasting time and deportation focus on Industries and utilize the available manpower.

People in India don't have enough jobs. Do you know the unemployment rate right now. These illegal immigrants are not Indians should stay back in their own country.
People in India don't have enough jobs. Do you know the unemployment rate right now. These illegal immigrants are not Indians should stay back in their own country.

Sir, people in India do have jobs, they don't want to do it. Unemployment rate does not suggest the true picture of voluntary unemployment, which is a scarier topic, because it goes into caste, societies and human preferences.

Please wake up.

Sir, if this is what my fellow brother call sleeping, then I prefer to be in coma for the rest of my life.
Sir, people in India do have jobs, they don't want to do it. Unemployment rate does not suggest the true picture of voluntary unemployment, which is a scarier topic, because it goes into caste, societies and human preferences..

I can't comprehend your words.
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