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Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi

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    Aloor Shanavas

Published — Wednesday 11 June 2014

Last update 11 June 2014 12:16 am

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A visiting youth activist from the Indian subcontinent said here on Tuesday that there is a strong feeling of insecurity among the Muslim community in India under the premiership of Narendra Modi.
Aloor Shanavas from Tamil Nadu, a well-known script writer and prominent activist in India, expressed these sentiments to Arab News during his visit to Riyadh.
Shanavas has written six books and directed three film documentaries to highlight the social problems in the country.
The events of 1990s — anti-Muslim violence such as the destruction of the Babri Masjid and the Mumbai riots, the anti-dalit violence mainly in Kodiyankulam and Thinniyam, and atrocities like burning alive of a Christian priest and his young children — greatly affected Shanavas. He realized the importance of fighting for the cause of minority communities and the oppressed and marginalized people. He became the voice of the voiceless through his writings, speeches and the visual media.
His compilation of poems entitled ‘Thottaakkal,’ dealing with the Gujarat genocide 2002, spread huge shockwaves in the Tamil milieu. Shanawaz has participated in a lot of programs in several TV channels from 2003 to 2006.
After the reports of committees headed by Justice Sachar and Justice Ranganath Misra, whose findings showed that Indian Muslims lagged behind even the Dalits in the fields of employment and power — were released, Shanavas directed and released a full-length documentary ‘Pirappurimi’ (birth right) highlighting the need for special reservation for Muslims. At a function held in Chennai on May 27, 2006 Parithi Ilamvazhudhi, the then Minister for Information released the documentary.
“Our Muslims have still not forgotten the massacre of their brethren in Gujarat for which Modi was largely responsible. Nearly 2,000 Muslims were killed in this genocide,” he said, adding that is the reason they are in a dilemma as to what will become of the community following Modi’s premiership.
However, he added that there can be a change in Modi’s attitude after the premiership. “It is yet to be seen,” he added.
He lamented as to why the voice of this massacre of Muslims in Gujarat was not heard. He stressed that the Muslim lobbying was not as strong as the propaganda for the killers. He said the Indian Muslims youths have a greater role to voice their opinion on matters affecting their community.
Although Modi won the majority of electoral seats in the last elections, only 30 percent of the voters were for him while the remaining 70 percent was against him.
He propagated the idea of Muslims co-existing peacefully with other communities in India. But he insisted that Muslims should be given their share in the government’s allocation of jobs and other facilities entitled for the minority community.
Shanavas has traveled to Sri Lanka, Qatar, Malaysia, Kuwait and Penang and addressed literary and social seminars. On Friday, he is slated to address his community members in a city hotel in the capital.
Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.
accepted ..
in india even pig can raise voice and say he is lion
its Democracy ...:-)
Mr.authoer have right to have view on his own based on his evaluation ..
if Most INDIANS dont feel like that..
ground reality and participating in talk show analysis is like assesing mars temp with themater in india
Gujaat violence is our internal issue and we will take care with our INDEPENDENT JUDICIARY ..
if you still want to dicsus gujrat .. fine then make it wider
about minorities in arab world,
hindus , chirtian rihgts in arab , and middel eas..
why so much silence about most terriost of 9/11 were from SA
why so much silent on mynamar and open law about non marring muslim ?
we are open to debate because we know we are atlaset not wrong if not right
Yet, Germans are indeed ashamed of this, and condemn their ancestors. Go to Germany and talk great things about Hitler like some morons do it in South Asia, you will see what I mean.

They ma be doing it occasionally. They do not continuously live under sorry state of mind. How many Muslims in subcontinent are ashamed of what they did with Hindus in Pakistan, BD and Kashmir?
What on earth are you talking about? Direct action day? Blot on democracy? Which one? Kashmiri Hindus being cleansed by terrorists is to be compared with riots?

Your Knowledge of indian History is poor. No point in talikg with you.

As far as Germans not "crying" over jews, I suggest you go over to Germany & tell that. We will see you after a long prison term (it is an offense to even deny).

Do not be selective. Show me the Muslims in subcontinent who repent Religious clenching of Hindus from Pakistan, BD and Kashmir. Better you go to Kashmir velly. Probably you won't come back and we will not be able to see after even a long time.
Link please..
so bro official only 2001 is avaible 2011 one the are not showing it ! but its realy about 15 to 16 % which is not good cause already the Non muslims are demonising at after it may go worst like pakistan !
This is a sick mentality. If religious cleansing of Pandit from Kashmir or Kolkatta riots or direct action day or burning women and children alive in Godhra Train and thousand like that were not not a bolt democracy , how Gujarat riots were a bolt. We should come out of this sorry state of mind. Even Germans do not cry of killing Jews in gas chambers. Time have passed . We should look forward now.
This might be according to you "sick mentality" but not according me or millions others like me. Have you even bothered to read rest of the post? Have you tried to comprehend what exactly the message was? Or just calling a genuine pre-planned massacre as a massacre hurts your blind ideological ego? Don't you read or can't you see what happened there and what is still happening there in the name of justice?
How come the cleansing of Pandits from Kashmir, DoD in 1946 give rightful justification to hindutva goons and the state machinery (fyi, a lot of them are in jail) to kill innocents? And your sited example of Germans is hilarious. Nothing had moved forward for them.They are apologetic about their crimes and the Nazis have been hunted down for 70 years. Can you show me a single instance of such principle,tenacity or courage?
Not again!

Someone please explain to me what does this statement means.......:

I don't agree with him anyway,but I don't agree with this on particular:

Its long past the time India scraps reservations and allocations based on religion,be it any religion.
you are right because mohdi was not suite able for that kind of seat
so bro official only 2001 is avaible 2011 one the are not showing it ! but its realy about 15 to 16 % which is not good cause already the Non muslims are demonising at after it may go worst like pakistan !
Lets not go conspiracy theories and look at official numbers only. It may do you good to take the 2001 actual Muslim population and see what growth rate they would need to reach the absolute number you projected in 10 years (2001-2011). You will know why your figures do not make sense after that
genuine pre-planned massacre as a massacre hurts your blind ideological ego

Burning Hindus in train was preplanned Mulla ji and not the subsequent riot. Your Pathetic knowledge is once again on display.

Don't you read or can't you see what happened there and what is still happening there in the name of justice

In history of India, Maximum people are convicted in any violence till date unlike the Kashmir where none of Mullah ordering Pundit to live Kashmir leaving their wives and sister behind were never bought to Justice. Do not display your Mullagiri further.

1946 give rightful justification to hindutva goons and the state machinery (fyi, a lot of them are in jail) to kill innocents

The special status was granted on Mullah's demand. If you do not want that than support BJP to remove article 370. It will go anyhow.

They are apologetic about their crimes and the Nazis have been hunted down for 70 years.

Who told you That? did germen government wrote you a letter?

Here the question is why Mullah like you do not have any sense of repent for burning 60 people alive in Godhra or genocide of Pundits in Kashmir.

The mullah like you never repent on any crime by Mullah. yes not even on Muslims. But when other people does tit for tat, you start crying. some People burn Hindu family alive in Dabgarwad. Congress help them to escape Justice. Their courage grew further. This time they burn whole coach full of Hindus. Retaliation took place. Why do you cry foul mullah?

When you have no sympathy for other people killed, your selective sympathy will not impress any one.
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Burning Hindus in train was preplanned Mulla ji and not the subsequent riot. Your Pathetic knowledge is once again on display.

In history of India, Maximum people are convicted in any violence till date unlike the Kashmir where none of Mullah ordering Pundit to live Kashmir leaving their wives and sister behind were never bought to Justice. Do not display your Mullagiri further.

The special status was granted on Mullah's demand. If you do not want that than support BJP to remove article 370. It will go anyhow.

Who told you That? did germen government wrote you a letter?

Here the question is why Mullah like you do not have any sense of repent for burning 60 people alive in Godhra or genocide of Pundits in Kashmir.

The mullah like you never repent on any crime by Mullah. yes not even on Muslims. But when other people does tit for tat, you start crying. People like You burn Hindu family alive in dabgarwad. Congress help them to escape Justice. Their courage grew further. This time they burn whole coach full of Hindus. Retaliation took place. Why do you cry foul mullah?

When you have no sympathy for other people killed, your selective sympathy will not impress any one.

1.Give me a proper link where it says with factual evidences that 2001 was pre planned.
2.Again,equating Kashmir with Gujarat shows your pathetic intellectual starvation. Try horlicks or something like that.:yes4:
3.To know that Germans are apologetic does not need a letter, genius.Better try next time. :haha:
4.Nobody is not forgetting that Hindus got killed in train.But that does not,again give any justification to what happened next.Typical kindergarten logic.
5.If calling me Mullah gives you a good feeling call me that thousand times,kid :haha:
So, you saying Gujarat govt. has direct involvement in Gujarat riots, as Nazi Germany had the direct involvement in genocide of Jews?

You said it exactly otherwise. I said still they do not live in sorry state where our people selectively discover bolt in Gujarat riots only and not in any other riots.
  • 1402422292733905500.jpg

    Aloor Shanavas

Published — Wednesday 11 June 2014

Last update 11 June 2014 12:16 am

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A visiting youth activist from the Indian subcontinent said here on Tuesday that there is a strong feeling of insecurity among the Muslim community in India under the premiership of Narendra Modi.
Aloor Shanavas from Tamil Nadu, a well-known script writer and prominent activist in India, expressed these sentiments to Arab News during his visit to Riyadh.
Shanavas has written six books and directed three film documentaries to highlight the social problems in the country.
The events of 1990s — anti-Muslim violence such as the destruction of the Babri Masjid and the Mumbai riots, the anti-dalit violence mainly in Kodiyankulam and Thinniyam, and atrocities like burning alive of a Christian priest and his young children — greatly affected Shanavas. He realized the importance of fighting for the cause of minority communities and the oppressed and marginalized people. He became the voice of the voiceless through his writings, speeches and the visual media.
His compilation of poems entitled ‘Thottaakkal,’ dealing with the Gujarat genocide 2002, spread huge shockwaves in the Tamil milieu. Shanawaz has participated in a lot of programs in several TV channels from 2003 to 2006.
After the reports of committees headed by Justice Sachar and Justice Ranganath Misra, whose findings showed that Indian Muslims lagged behind even the Dalits in the fields of employment and power — were released, Shanavas directed and released a full-length documentary ‘Pirappurimi’ (birth right) highlighting the need for special reservation for Muslims. At a function held in Chennai on May 27, 2006 Parithi Ilamvazhudhi, the then Minister for Information released the documentary.
“Our Muslims have still not forgotten the massacre of their brethren in Gujarat for which Modi was largely responsible. Nearly 2,000 Muslims were killed in this genocide,” he said, adding that is the reason they are in a dilemma as to what will become of the community following Modi’s premiership.
However, he added that there can be a change in Modi’s attitude after the premiership. “It is yet to be seen,” he added.
He lamented as to why the voice of this massacre of Muslims in Gujarat was not heard. He stressed that the Muslim lobbying was not as strong as the propaganda for the killers. He said the Indian Muslims youths have a greater role to voice their opinion on matters affecting their community.
Although Modi won the majority of electoral seats in the last elections, only 30 percent of the voters were for him while the remaining 70 percent was against him.
He propagated the idea of Muslims co-existing peacefully with other communities in India. But he insisted that Muslims should be given their share in the government’s allocation of jobs and other facilities entitled for the minority community.
Shanavas has traveled to Sri Lanka, Qatar, Malaysia, Kuwait and Penang and addressed literary and social seminars. On Friday, he is slated to address his community members in a city hotel in the capital.
Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.
Only 1 question for you.Are the people of pakistan in general & Karachi in Particular feeling secure after the 2 attacks on Karachi Airport back to back. Meanwhile Cathay Pacific has stopped their operations to Pakistan.Former International cricketers (Hershile Gibs) refuse to visit Pakistan.More people have died in Pakistan due to Sectarian/Ethnic/Political voilence in the last 5 years.Some 30,000 ppl have died in Pakistan apart from destruction to property & infrastructure.What about hte political voilence in Karachi between MQM versus ANP. What about the attack on Shias in Karachi particulary the attack on Abbas Town.The enitre Building was reduced to a rubble.Most of the victims were Shias.What about the latest confrontation between Shias & Sunnis in Rawalpindi.Sunnis & Shias were throwing stones on each other Mosques More then 5000 Hazara families have applied for Asylum in Different countries Canada,Australia,another 3000 are in pipeline
They ma be doing it occasionally. They do not continuously live under sorry state of mind. How many Muslims in subcontinent are ashamed of what they did with Hindus in Pakistan, BD and Kashmir?

They do, despite the fact that current generations dont have to do anything with it. Go to Germany, praise Hitler and deny that he killed millions of Jews.... and you will quickly find yourself in a court room!

I dont give a f*** whether the dead were Hindus, Muslims or whatever... the mere fact that thousands died in religious violence in the last 20 years alone is making me ashamed of my people.
1.Give me a proper link where it says with factual evidences that 2001 was pre planned.

I hope that court judgement will be a proof for you.

"The court looking into their active role in the conspiracy and setting afire the S6 coach of Sabarmati Express train near Godhra, gave death penalty to 11 people," public prosecutor J M Panchal said.

Death for 11, life sentence for 20 in Godhra train burning case - The Times of India

Again,equating Kashmir with Gujarat shows your pathetic intellectual starvation. Try horlicks or something like that.

Yes Gujarat riot was not a case of systematically wiping out religious minority from the state. Muslims still lives in Gujarat and in greater number.

How ever pseudo rational Mullah like you will see a conspiracy in Gujarat but not in Kashmir from where the Hindus are wiped out.

To know that Germans are apologetic does not need a letter, genius.Better try next time.

Nonsense. Give me a link supporting your claim. For time being put Germany aside.Show me the statements of any Mullah showing even a glimpse of repent for burning Hindus alive of clensing them from Kashmir. The Mullah like you think that they have a right to kill, burn and rape. Others should be very decent to them.

Nobody is not forgetting that Hindus got killed in train.But that does not,again give any justification to what happened next.Typical kindergarten logic.

Same way Nobody is saying that what happened there after was good. But it was not only the shameful incident as the Mullah like you quotes. Had the Godhara not happened, Riots would not have taken place. No Muslim is showing regret again and again for Burning 60 Hindus including women and children alive. Why should only Hindus fill ashamed in be apologetic when Mullah have no sense of regret.

If calling me Mullah gives you a good feeling call me that thousand times,kid

Saying me kid does not make you more intelligent and Mature. Prove me a kid by coming out with logical argument and references. Your post lacks both. I told you Mullah because you talk like Mullah. Complete nonsense.
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They do, despite the fact that current generations dont have to do anything with it. Go to Germany, praise Hitler and deny that he killed millions of Jews.... and you will quickly find yourself in a court room!


I dont give a f*** whether the dead were Hindus, Muslims or whatever... the mere fact that thousands died in religious violence in the last 20 years alone is making me ashamed of my people.

This is what exactly I am arguing. All riots and killing should make us ashamed and not not only post training burning riots minus Killing of Hindus.
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