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Indian missile specifications at a glance

All those missiles mentioned above.............How many of them are really tested and adopted by military in real time and how many are just on paper work.........and how manys are tested by third observers that those are really functional and accurate.??????

all are good and improved over the year. the prithvi missile in your faint memory acted as mainstay for army and testbed for drdo. all the new guidance system and propulsion are tested on them. they made a prithvi missile with 1.5 km CEP ( not even a rocket) into a missile with less than 10 m CEP.
regarding third observer. who does that by the way.
SFC already conducted first user trial of Agni-3.


The Indian long range missile AGNI3 with a range capability of 3500km is flight tested successfully by DRDO at 10:50 am from the Wheeler Island, in the Bay of Bengal off the coast of Odisha. The AGNI-3 Missile tested for the full range, hit the target with pinpoint accuracy and met all the mission objectives. Two down range ships located near the target have tracked and witnessed the Missile reaching the target accurately.

The Marker Pen like AGNI-3 Missile is 17 meters long with 2 metres in diameter. The Missile is a two stage solid propellant system with a pay load capability of 1.5 tons. During the course of flight the Missile reached a peak height of 350 kms and re-entered into the atmosphere successfully tolerating the skin temperatures of nearly 3000 degree Celsius.

The missile is equipped with a state of the art computer system, navigated with a most advanced Navigation system and guided with an innovative guidance scheme. The Navigation system used for guidance is first of its kind. Number of Radars and electro optical tracking systems along the coast of Odisha have monitored the path of the Missile and evaluated all the parameters in realtime.

The launch is part of the pre-induction trial. Indian Army (the user) has carried out the total launch operations guided by the DRDO scientists. Now the Missile system will be fully inducted into the armed forces.

Mission Director Sri Avinash Chander and Project Director Dr V.G. Sekaran have guided and controlled the complete Missile integration and launch activities. Scientific Advisor to Raksha Mantri and Director General, DRDO Dr V.K. Saraswat has over seen the total launch operations.

Dr V.K. Saraswat and Sri Avinash Chander congratulated all the Scientists and employees of DRDO and the industry partners

If Agni III has a peak height of 350 kms, shouldn't Agni IV with a peak height of 900 kms (or was it a typo?) have a larger range launched at a different angle?
If Agni III has a peak height of 350 kms, shouldn't Agni IV with a peak height of 900 kms (or was it a typo?) have a larger range launched at a different angle?

because ICBMS generally have a higher altitude than mrbms...minuteman has a altitude of 1000 and odd kms...

agni IV is a precursor to agni V...our first true icbm...
Further Developments

In May 2008 Indian scientists announced they had developed and patented a path-breaking technology that increases the range of missiles and satellite launch vehicles by at least 40%. The enhanced range is made possible by adding a special-purpose coating of chromium based material to a rocket's blunt nose cone. The material acts as a reactive-ablative coating that forms a thin low density gaseous layer at the tip of the rocket as it approaches hypersonic speeds; this super-heated gas layer reduces drag by 47% (at mach 7-8), thereby allowing range enhancements at least 40%. It has been announced that this technology will be incorporated in future Agni deployments after having undergone ranging and calibration tests.

wikipedia agni missiles

Great updates ptltejas. Sorry for not updating the info. Will try next week.
Hope sir on new test of nirbhay those details will be got. I love Rafale even typhoon is better.
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