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Indian missile specifications at a glance

Agni III

Technical details
Vehicle (with WH): Length: 11.3 m Diameter: 2.0 m Launch mass: 37.6 tonnes

Stage 1 ~ Stage 2

Length/Dia. 8.8/2 m ~ 1.8/2.0m
Segm. /Nozz. 2/1 ~ 2/1
Thrust s.l. 920.3 ~ ***
Isp s.l. 2324 ~ ***
Thrust vac 1044.7(t) ~ 314.3(t)
Isp vac 2638 ~ 2883
Propellant Mass (t) 29.7(ton) ~ 6.0(t)
Burn time (s) 75 ~ 55 (sec.)
Flow rate (t/s) 0.3960 ~ 0.1090
Total Vac-Imp. 78.3 MNs ~ 17.3 MNs
Agni IIP (syn. Agni IIAT)

The Agni-IIP (AT) is the result of a CIP (Continuous Improvement Program) with Agni-II. Different reports indicate India developing a more advanced technology (AT) version of Agni-II putting into use, state-of-the-art technologies to significantly improve the Agni-II performance as well as to adapt it to the newer and lighter nuclear payload. The new propulsion system could greatly increase the missile's range to 4000 km (1500 kg payload) and potentially to ICBM range for lighter payload.
The Agni-IIP is likely to incorporate the following changes:
A larger diameter booster stage made of stronger 250-Marging steel, improving fuel loading and fuel mass-fraction.
Lightweight carbon composite motor casing for the second stage, instead of steel casing, improving its mass-fraction.
Lighter RV, with all carbon composite re-entry heat-shield, multi directional carbon re-entry nose tip and control surfaces.

First Stage:
A new 1.3 meter diameter booster case made of 250-Maraging steel with improved chamber pressure and fuel mass-fraction. Approximately 11 meter long and 20 tonne mass
Second Stage:
Lightweight filament wound carbon composite motor casing for Stage-II with improved fuel mass-fraction.

---------- Post added at 08:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:26 AM ----------

Engine Terminology

Propellants: The Oxidiser and Fuel (listed in that order) used by the rocket engine. For solid fuel motors only the word 'Solid' is shown. For nuclear or electric motors, the fluid used by the motor to form the exhaust is shown. For air-breathing motors, 'Air' is indicated as the oxidiser.

Thrust(vac - kgf): The thrust the motor generates in a vacuum, expressed in the terms of 'kilograms-thrust (kgf)'. This is not a term officially recognised by the scientifically proper establishment but was used by the Russians in their rocket engineering (the Americans used pounds thrust).

Thrust(sl - kgf):
The thrust the motor would develop at sea level in terms of 'kilograms-thrust'. This may be zero for motors designed for upper-stage operation in a vacuum (see Expansion Ratio, below).
Thrust(vac - kN):
For purists, the thrust of the motor in vacuum in officially-correct kiloNewtons (= (Thrust-kgf) * g / 1000) where g = acceleration of gravity on Earth at sea level = 9.80665 m/sec^2.

Thrust(sl - kN): For purists, the thrust of the motor at sea level in kiloNewtons.

The specific impulse of the motor in vacuum. The higher the number, the more efficient the motor. The units here are seconds - because specific impulse represents the kilograms-thrust the motor generates per kilogram of fuel per second of operation (kgf/(kg/sec)) = sec). Important relationships are : effective vacuum exhaust velocity of the motor = Isp * g (this is also the specific impulse in kN thrust terms); fuel consumption of the motor = (Thrust in vacuum) / Isp.

Isp (sea level)-sec:
The specific impulse of the motor at sea level. This is the same fraction of the vacuum specific impulse as the sea level thrust is to vacuum thrust. It can be zero (see Expansion Ratio, below)

Burn time:
The total operating time of the motor. For solid motors, this is the more-or-less unstoppable period of thrust until all of the propellant is consumed. For liquid motors, this is the rated thrust duration of the motor for a single operation. This is greater than the thrust time of the motor in actually use on a particular stage. The total tested or rated operating time of a liquid motor between overhauls (if it is reusable) is typically many times the total rated operating time per each use.

Mass Engine:
For liquid motors, the mass of the engine dry (without propellant in the lines).

For liquid motors, the maximum envelope diameter of the motor. This is usually the same as the diameter of the nozzle exit, but in some cases may be more than that due to pumps, pipes, or structural attach points. For solid motors, the diameter of the main motor body.

For liquid motors, the length of the motor and the pumps, pipes, etc. usually mounted above the thrust chamber. For solid motors, the total length of the motor.

For liquid motors, the pressure of the combustion chamber in bar or atmospheres sea level pressure. The proper definition for the chamber pressure is the throat stagnation pressure (total pressure in the critical cross section). A small loss exists between the injector end of the chamber and the throat. American engineers usually give the throat stagnation pressure, Russians usually gives the injector end pressure. This is usually not stated explicitly and thus may be unknown. For solid motors, the pressure in the motor casing during operation.

Expansion Ratio:
The ratio between the area of the combustion chamber exit and the area of the nozzle exit. A large area ratio improves the performance of a motor in a vacuum since the exhaust is expanded further, thus converting potential energy into kinetic energy. However, at sea level a high area ratio can result in flow separation, which can drastically reduce or eliminate the net thrust of the motor.

Oxidizer to Fuel Ratio:
The ratio between the mass of oxidiser burned per mass of fuel burned (liquid motors only).

Thrust to Weight Ratio:
The ratio between the vacuum thrust of the motor and the mass of the motor (liquid motors only).

Coefficient of Thrust vacuum:
A measure of the flow expansion of the motor in vacuum.

Coefficient of Thrust sea level:
A measure of the flow expansion of the motor at sea level.

Good info mate. Thanks for sharing.
Agni III

In the Agni tribe, Agni-III is a family of large diameter, solid fuel missiles. They are compact and small enough for easy mobility and can be easily packaged for deployment on variety of surface/sub-surface platforms. The 48 tonnes Agni-III uses solid fuel stages with an overall diameter of 2.0 meters. The Agni-III is a 2 stage 16 m long missile with a unary RV payload. The first stage is 7.7 meters long and the second stage 3.1 meters long with a 1.1 meter vented inter-stage.

The Agni-III has two solid fuelled stages of 2.0 meters diameter. This diameter is compatible with a recently tested Indian sub-surface launch system, that has a 2.4 meter diameter launch tube. Booster stage uses lightweight composite material case to achieve high fuel mass fraction that is necessary for a small but long range missile. the second stage case is made of maraging steel that will eventually use light weight composites. Thus initial Agni-3 version would see payload capability degraded by about 450 kg.

First Stage:
The first stage is approximately 31 tonnes mass and length of 7.7 meters. This stage's specific impulse (ISP) of 237/269 is believed to be better than Agni-II booster and closer to large solid motor currently in use on Indian space launchers. The stage has 28 tonnes (approx.) of high -energy solid fuel and 75 seconds burn time. Composite material case reduces the dead weight increasing its propulsion efficiency. It employs flex nozzle for yaw, pitch and roll thus dispenses with air fins, enabling container stowage & launch. This is the first Indian use of flex nozzle solid fuel stage for booster stage allowing greater flight control during the ascent through dense atmosphere including the maximum-Q point approximately 30 seconds into the flight.

Second Stage:
The 1.1 meter long vented interstage is light-weight and ensures better vehicle control and reliable second stage separation. The second stage mass is about 12 tonnes and length of 3.9 meters (including 0.8 m payload adapter). The stage currently employs maraging steel case that could be later upgraded to composites to maximize fuel mass fraction that is critical to realize long range, especially with lighter payload. The second stage also employs flex nozzles to provide necessary in-flight trajectory control. The high energy solid fuel of the stage burns slowly for about 105 seconds using high expansion ratio nozzle making it a very efficient engine.
Agni V

Technical details
Vehicle (with WH): Length: 17.6 m Diameter: 2.0 m Launch mass: 52 tonnes

Stage 1 ~ Stage 2 ~ Stage 3

Segm. /Nozz. 2/1 ~ 2/1 ~ ***
Thrust s.l. 920.3 ~ *** ~ ***
Isp s.l. 2324 ~ *** ~ ***
Thrust vac 1044.7(t) ~ 314.3(t) ~ ***
Isp vac 2638 ~ 2883 ~ ***
Propellant Mass (t) 29.7(ton) ~ 12.0(t)~ *
Burn time (s) 75 ~ 110 (sec.)
Flow rate (t/s) 0.3960 ~ 0.1090 ~ **
Total Vac-Imp. 78.3 MNs ~ 34.6 MNs ~ **

The two stage Agni-III would eventually evolve to a full range ICBM by addition of a third stage. The 15 meter tall Agni-V would weight about 52 tonnes. India may soon test Agni-V. The Agni-V will employ three solid fuel stages. The first stage same or similar to that of Agni-III. The second stage is a composite fiber case construction that is otherwise similar to second stage of Agni-III. The third stage is a new stage that is approximately 1 meter long, mass of about 3.3 tonnes and flex nozzle for trajectory control. Composite case construction to get high fuel mass Ratio.
It seems that Agni III is still not fully operational.Otherwise,SFC would have conducted 1st user trial by now.Don't know what's going on.

REGARDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prithvi-I (SS-150)

The Prithvi-I is a short-range, road-mobile, liquid-propellant ballistic missile. India developed the missile with assistance. The motor and the guidance system are based on the Soviet surface-to-air missile (SAM) product line. They were already components of the canceled Indian SAM "Devil"program.

India began developing the Prithvi-I in 1983. The missile is 8.5 m long, 1.1 m in diameter. Its body is made from aluminum alloy and its wings are made from magnesium. There are four clipped-tip delta wings at mid-body and four small aerodynamic control fins at the rear.

Prithvi is a single-stage missile with a liquid-propellant engine, made by the Soviet KB Isayev (derivative of S2.711V engine). It used two motors side-by-side that provide aerodynamic control as well as thrust vectoring. The thrust (app. 2x 35 kN) enabling a variable total impulse to be programmed for different payload and range requirements. The rocket-propellant is most likely TG-02/AK-20F, according to the origin of the engine. The missile has a maximum range of 150 km.
The Prithvi-I first test flight was in 1988 and it officially entered service in 1994.

---------- Post added at 11:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 AM ----------

Prithvi-II (SS-250)

The Prithvi-II is similar to the Prithvi-I in many ways, However, with extended tanks for more fuel.
India first tested the Prithvi-II in 1996. In its current configuration, the missile is 9.4 m long and 1.1 m in diameter, and weighs 4,500 kg. It uses the same two liquid-propellant engines as the Prithvi-I, however an improved liquid-propellant (TG-02/AK-27I ?) over its predecessor. The engine control allows the missile to stop climbing when it reaches an altitude of 30 km, travel horizontally at this altitude, and dive on its target at an 80° angle.
In 2002 management of the Prithvi-II was shifted from the Indian Air Force to the Indian Army and also to the Indian Navy. The naval variant is called "Dhanush". The missile has a maximum range of 250 km. Development tests on the Prithvi-II began in 1992. Regular production began around 2002.

Liqidfuel : The Prithvi (Earth) is a single stage, dual engine, liquid fuel (red fuming nitric acid as an oxidiser, with a 50/50 mix of xylidiene and triethylamine as fuel).
Prithvi Air Defense (PAD/PADM) interceptor

The Prithvi Air Defence (PAD) is an anti-ballistic missile developed to intercept incoming ballistic missiles outside of the atmosphere (exo-atmospheric). Based on the Prithvi missile, PAD is a two stage missile with a maximum interception altitude of 80 km. The missile is 10.0 m long, 1.1 m in diameter, and weighs 4,958 kg.
The first stage is a liquid fuelled motor while the second stage is solid fuelled. It has maneuver gas-thrusters which can generate a lateral acceleration. Guidance is provided by an intertial navigation system with mid-course updates from LRTR and active radar homing in the terminal phase. PAD has capability to engage the 300 to 2,000 km class of ballistic missiles at a speed of Mach 5.
The advanced interceptor PADM weighs 5,200 kg and is armed with a "kill vehicle" which is equipped with a innovative system to allow the missile to maneuver. The "kill vehicle" has additional a small solid fuelled motor.

---------- Post added at 11:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 AM ----------

Advanced Air Defense (AAD) interceptor

Advanced Air Defence (AAD) is an anti-ballistic missile designed to intercept incoming ballistic missiles in the endo-atmosphere at an altitude of 30 km. AAD is single stage, solid fuelled missile. Guidance is similar to that of PAD: It has an inertial navigation system, midcourse updates from ground based radar and active radar homing in the terminal phase. It is 7.5 m (25 ft) tall, weighs around 1.2 t and a diameter of less than 0.5 m (1 ft 8 in).

The original Agni-TD was an amalgam of the Prithvi-I and the SLV-3 booster. The Agni-TD is a two-stage missile with the first stage using the first-stage solid-fuel booster motor of the SLV-3 satellite launch vehicle. This marked the first time that India had used directly a component of its civilian space research program for military purposes. The Agni-TD was a cheap test vehicle to prove re-entry and guidance technology for use on a more advanced platform. The missile used a solid booster that was improved but similar to S-1 stage. Instead of developing a new solid motor for the second stage, which would have involved significant delays, it used a shortened version of the liquid fuelled Prithvi-I motor.

The first Agni launch on 22 May 1989 used a shortened Prithvi-I stage as the second stage. The second Agni test used a second stage with more fuel and longer burn that was ignited before separation thus obviating the need of six-ullage motors used in the earlier launch. The RV used multi-directionally reinforced carbon-fiber preform (MRCP) technology. The last test of the basic Agni-TD on 19 February 1994 was a major technical breakthrough.

First Stage:
The booster motor is one meter in diameter and ten meters in length. It has approximately 9 tons solid propellant. The stage features three segments of propellant grain, with an internal star configuration for increased thrust during the initial boost phase. The motor case is made of a high-strength 15CDV6 steel and is fabricated by conventional rolling and welding techniques. The propellant used in Agni-TD consists of the AP-Al-PBAN composite propellant. All later Agni variants use HTPB (hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene). The propellant is of star configuration with a loading density of 78%. It is case bonded with a liner system between propellant and insulation. The motor's nozzle is built from 15CDV6 steel; a carbon-phenolic thermal protection system is used for the convergent throat, high-density graphite is used for the throat, and carbon and silica-phenolic lining is used in the fore end and aft end of the divergent.
Second Stage:
Agni-TD used a shortened Prithvi-I as its second stage, which has two small engines. The initial test flight used a Prithvi-I with lesser fuel of TG-02/AK-20 (Xylidiene + Triethylamine/IRFNA+ NTO), later flights used full fuel configuration. The case material of the second stage is aluminium alloy.
Agni TD

Technical details
Vehicle (with WH): Length: 21.2 m Diameter: 1.1 m Launch mass: 16.0 tonnes

Stage 1 ~ Stage 2

Length/Dia. 10.3/1.0m ~ 6.0/1.1m
Segm. /Nozz. 3/1 ~ ***
Thrust s.l. 421.7 ~ ***
Isp s.l. 2275 ~ ***
Thrust vac 515.8(t) ~ ***
Isp vac 2540 ~ ***
Propellant Mass (t) 8.64(ton) [Solid PBAM]~ 3.60(t)[Liquid]
Burn time (s) 46 ~ *** (sec.)
Flow rate (t/s) 0.1878 ~ ***
Total Vac-Imp. 21.5 MNs ~ ***

Pulse Rocket Motor

A pulsed rocket motor is typically defined as a multiple pulse solid propellant rocket motor. This design overcomes the limitation of solid propellant motors that they cannot be easily stopped and reignited. The pulse rocket motor allows the motor to be burned in segments (or pulses) that burn until completion of that segment. The next segment (or pulse) can be ignited on command by either an onboard algorithm or in pre-planned phase. All of the segments are contained in a single rocket motor case as opposed to staged rocket motors.

The pulsed rocket motor is made by pouring each segment of propellant separately. Between each segment is a barrier that prevents the other segments from burning until ignited. At ignition of a second pulse the burning of the propellant generally destroys the barrier.

The benefit of the pulse rocket motor is that by the command ignition of the subsequent pulses, near optimal energy management of the propellant burn can be accomplished. Each pulse can have different thrust level, burn time, and achieved specific impulse depending on the type of propellant used, its burn rate, its grain design, and the current nozzle throat diameter.

It seems that Agni III is still not fully operational.Otherwise,SFC would have conducted 1st user trial by now.Don't know what's going on.

REGARDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

SFC already conducted first user trial of Agni-3.


The Indian long range missile AGNI3 with a range capability of 3500km is flight tested successfully by DRDO at 10:50 am from the Wheeler Island, in the Bay of Bengal off the coast of Odisha. The AGNI-3 Missile tested for the full range, hit the target with pinpoint accuracy and met all the mission objectives. Two down range ships located near the target have tracked and witnessed the Missile reaching the target accurately.

The Marker Pen like AGNI-3 Missile is 17 meters long with 2 metres in diameter. The Missile is a two stage solid propellant system with a pay load capability of 1.5 tons. During the course of flight the Missile reached a peak height of 350 kms and re-entered into the atmosphere successfully tolerating the skin temperatures of nearly 3000 degree Celsius.

The missile is equipped with a state of the art computer system, navigated with a most advanced Navigation system and guided with an innovative guidance scheme. The Navigation system used for guidance is first of its kind. Number of Radars and electro optical tracking systems along the coast of Odisha have monitored the path of the Missile and evaluated all the parameters in realtime.

The launch is part of the pre-induction trial. Indian Army (the user) has carried out the total launch operations guided by the DRDO scientists. Now the Missile system will be fully inducted into the armed forces.

Mission Director Sri Avinash Chander and Project Director Dr V.G. Sekaran have guided and controlled the complete Missile integration and launch activities. Scientific Advisor to Raksha Mantri and Director General, DRDO Dr V.K. Saraswat has over seen the total launch operations.

Dr V.K. Saraswat and Sri Avinash Chander congratulated all the Scientists and employees of DRDO and the industry partners
Kinetic or any member plz add photographs of prithvi missiles engine and tvc nozzle. plz follow link for more information.

India's Prithvi missile

India;s solid-fuel missiles "Agni"

As per your request;

Engine of Prithvi SRBM.



Warheads of prithvi SRBM.


A cross section of the missile with the engine in the background.

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