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Indian minister points finger at hindu Terrorist for Mumbai attack


Aug 23, 2006
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India's government is under pressure to respond following a minister's controversial remarks over the killing of top officers in the Mumbai attacks.

Minority Affairs Minister AR Antulay suggested there could have been more to the deaths than just the militants.

Mumbai's anti-terrorism chief Hemant Karkare, who was among those killed, had been investigating suspected Hindu radical attacks in Maharashtra state.

Mr Antulay refused to confirm or deny he had submitted his resignation.

Mr Antulay's suggestion that the deaths could be linked to the investigation into the alleged Hindu radical attacks led to outrage among opposition politicians.

They said the minister's statement had embarrassed the country and they urged him to resign.


Mr Antulay on Friday said he "stood by the truth".

The Times of India quoted him as saying: "Whether Karkare was a victim of terrorism or terrorism plus something, I do not know."

He added: "Karkare and two other police officers were definitely killed by the Pakistani terrorists. Even a fool knows this. What I asked was who sent Karkare and the two officers there?"

When asked about the reports of his offer to resign, the minister told the Press Trust of India news agency: "I am neither confirming it nor denying it."

Mr Antulay's Congress party has distanced itself from his remarks, saying it did not accept the "inference and innuendo that underline" them.

Federal Parliamentary Affairs Minister Vyalar Ravi has said the government will "examine" Mr Antulay's statement and "respond accordingly" in parliament.

Santosh Gangwar, a leader of the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party, has said Mr Antulay's "irresponsible statement has created a problem for the country".

Mr Karkare, the head of Mumbai's Anti-Terrorist Squad, was one of several top officers who lost their lives in the attacks which began on 26 November.

Mr Antulay suggested a link to the investigation into the role of Hindu radicals in two bombings in Maharashtra state which killed at least eight people in September.

An army officer, Prasad Shrikant Purohit, and a female priest have been held in connection with the blasts and are accused of providing logistical support for Hindu militants to make bombs

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Minister in Mumbai police furore
I always stand by the truth: A R Antulay
NEW DELHI, Dec 19 APP: Indian Minority Affairs Minister Abdul Rahman Antulay while referring to his observation on the killing of incharge of Malegaon blast case Hemant Karkare said that he always stood by the truth.
He Indian Minister, who has reportedly sent his resignation to the Prime Minister, had said Hemant Karkare was killed because of his leading role in investigation against Hindu extremists who were responsible for blasts in Muslim areas of India.
His comments drew criticism from BJP and other parliamentarians including his cabinet colleagues. However, some parties and parliamentarians have supported his stand.
He refused to comment over his reported resignation when asked by newsmen. He said he stood by his remarks about the killing of Karkare.

“Whether Karkare was a victim of terrorism or terrorism plus something, I do not know...” “I said a man like Karkare is born among millions... Who pushed him in the trap of death, he questioned.
To another question, he said his Congress party had no reason to be embarrassed by his comments. The party and government should feel proud over his comments.

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When somebody speaks in a manner that defies evidences put in front of him, such people are never put in any position of power to form policy decisions of the country.

Mr. Antulay's statement are not supported by even one bit of evidence. Pakistan's desire to believe Mr. Antulay is an effort by Pakistan to live in denial of the ground realities of the country.
When somebody speaks in a manner that defies evidences put in front of him, such people are never put in any position of power to form policy decisions of the country..

Indian government officials are in habit to blame Pakistan within minutes of any blast without presenting evidence, such people should also not be put in any position of power to form policy decisions of the country but unfortunately it is other way round.

Mr. Antulay's statement are not supported by even one bit of evidence. .

Neither any of the statments by India is supported by even one bit of evidence.

Antulay demanded separate probe into target killing of Karkare who was probing involvement of extremist Hindus and Indian army officer in bomb blasts.
There should be no harm in probing killing of Karkare in that context after all investigators take all the possibilities in consideration while solving any such case.

Pakistan's desire to believe Mr. Antulay is an effort by Pakistan to live in denial of the ground realities of the country.

India's desire to believe Mr. Nawaz Sharif is also an effort by India to live in denial of the ground realities of the country.
Typical thread where Title poster changes the title to his views.

He does care to read Minister's statements

The Times of India quoted him as saying: "Whether Karkare was a victim of terrorism or terrorism plus something, I do not know."

He added: "Karkare and two other police officers were definitely killed by the Pakistani terrorists. Even a fool knows this. What I asked was who sent Karkare and the two officers there?

His statement created controversy he has finally resigned, Even Mulsim forums demanded his ouster.

Muslim forum demands Antulay's resignation
Indian government officials are in habit to blame Pakistan within minutes of any blast without presenting evidence
You seem to conviniently forget the fact that Amar Singh:rofl: of Faridkot was apprehended at the CST station the very night this terrorist act started. His interrogation began after that and only then did India accuse Pakistan of being complicit in this terrosist strike.
The news of Pakistan being involved this terrorist strike appeared in the News at around 0300 on 27th November. Ajmal Kasab was apprehended at around 2300 on 26th November [a littel before that actually].
Assuming the news channels took 1 hour to put the News on air [a conservative estimate], this still gave the interrogators 3 full hours of interrogation to obtain the fact of Pakistani involvement.

It is not "minutes" after the attack as you so eloquently put it. :).
Your statement do not stand the test of an objective scrutiny buddy

Neither any of the statments by India is supported by even one bit of evidence.
Statements made by India
Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani
Pakistan's intial response: Heeralal and Amar Singh of India :rofl:
Final proof:
Geo TV interviewing villager's who claimed that the apprehended terrorist is indeed from their village

Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Nawaz Sharif announcing on television that Ajmal Kasab is indeed from Pakistan.
Now it is up to you - the citizen of Pakistan, who you want to believe - the former PM and a leading Pakistani News channel or an individual who claims to be an analyst and a patriot but did not to joint the Pakistani Armed Forces.

Jamat-ud-Dawa is a front for terroist organistaion
UN has banned the organisation. China - Pakaistan's best-est buddy did not use its veto power to prevent the banning of the Jamaat-ud-Dawa.
You are insulting China and your friendship with China if you say that China did not use its veto power, even though India did not give conclusive proof of JuD involvement. Pakistani's abhor the UN - but at least respect China's decision to uphold the ban on JuD

A true patriotic Pakistani will claim that the UN is a multi-national Zionist organistation out to destroy the prosperous nation of Pakistan.

Every statement that India is making about Pakistani involvement in the 26/11 terror attack is being proven by proof as time is passing. As for not handing over evidence to Pakistan, the golden rule of investigation,
Thou shalt not hand over evidence to thy suspect
Pakistan may not have been shown the evidences, but countries denouncing terrorist oragniastions operating from Pakistan are being shown the evidences. Why else do you think they are "asking" you to take action against these terrorist organisation, that you so eloquently call chariatable organistation
]Antulay demanded separate probe into target killing of Karkare who was probing involvement of extremist Hindus and Indian army officer in bomb blasts.
There should be no harm in probing killing of Karkare in that context after all investigators take all the possibilities in consideration while solving any such case.
The Mumbai Crime branch is investigating the 26/11 terror attack in India. ATS chief Hemant Karkare's death would be investigated as part of the investigation currently undeway. Any leads that the investigators come across would be pursued to its logical conclusion wherever it may lead.
If during the course of this investigation it is revealed that the death of Mr. Hemant Karkare was a result of reasons not connected to the other incidences, they will be probed with a seperate team set up to investigate it.

Why do you want us to start a seperate investigation when there are no evidences demanding such a thing.

India's desire to believe Mr. Nawaz Sharif is also an effort by India to live in denial of the ground realities of the country.
Mr. Nawaz Sharif was the two-time Prime Prime minister of your beloved country. I don't know about Pakistan, but in most civilized countries the word of the ex-PM holds immense value and weightage. As for his credibilty - you yourself respect him more than the incumbent PM
Goodperson;248663]Typical thread where Title poster changes the title to his views

LOL title stands as thats what he is saying

He does care to read Minister's statements

Mumbai's anti-terrorism chief Hemant Karkare, who was among those killed, had been investigating suspected Hindu radical attacks in Maharashtra state.

wanna deny that that didnt happen conveniently he was killed and so called terrorist knew where to shoot him was there autyospy done on him and if it was why not share with the world which kind of bullet came out of his head ak47 or armysnipers my money is on indian army sniper.
But we will never no as indians desire to blame pakistan isnt new and they will go to any lenght to blame pakistan.you no just like train bombing was being blamed on muslims turns out it was indian army and hindu terrorist them self but to keep the guy quite he is been silenced for good from so called muslim extremist.:rofl:

His statement created controversy he has finally resigned, Even Mulsim forums demanded his ouster.

His statement created contoversy as he is pointing towards the truth which points fingers at indian army and hindu terrorist off course he will be made to resign.But the cat is out of bag your friends Americans will never see that but good news is lot more intelligent people out there will give it a though and will realise there is more to it then the eye can see.:what:
When somebody speaks in a manner that defies evidences put in front of him, such people are never put in any position of power to form policy decisions of the country.

Mr. Antulay's statement are not supported by even one bit of evidence. Pakistan's desire to believe Mr. Antulay is an effort by Pakistan to live in denial of the ground realities of the country.

Indias statement terrosit being from pakistan is supported by what evidence.

Indian army providing ammo to fire bomb train to kill hindus to start fightning was supported by evidence we all no person incharge of that investigation is quite for good now who stands to benefit from that INDIAN army hindu terrosit thats who.

he was a minister so yes he was in position to make decisions unless you are claiming that your democracy is flawed and only few in india can make decisions like oh say higher class hindus only.:undecided:
Both govt and Cong should feel proud of my comments: Antulay
19 Dec 2008, 1431 hrs IST, PTI

NEW DELHI: Unfazed by the controversy triggered by his remarks on the killing of former ATS chief Hemant Karkare, Minority Affairs Minister AR Antulay today said that he stuck to his stand and that both government and Congress should feel "proud" of his comments.

"I always stand by the truth," said Antulay, who has sent his resignation to the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, in the wake of the uproar after he raised questions on Karkare's killing.

Asked whether he stood by what he had said two days back, he replied in the affirmative. He had said, "Whether Karkare was a victim of terrorism or terrorism plus something, I do not know..."

"I said a man like Karkare is born among millions... Who pushed him in the trap of death? Who sent him there to be killed by the Pakistanis?" was Antulay's refrain.

Arguing that Congress had no reason to be embarrassed by whatever he had said, Antulay said, "Both the government and the party should feel proud."

He refused to confirm nor deny whether he sent his resignation to the Prime Minister.

Asked whether he had been asked to resign, he said, "Does a person like Antulay need to be told to resign?"

On being pestered to confirm his resignation, Antulay said, "... I am a self respected person...Forget the resignation. That is a very simple thing. I had resigned from Chief Ministership of Maharashtra...when 100% Congress MLAs were with me."

To another query whether the party has sought any clarification from him, he said, "Clarification is sought when anything is hidden."

Justifying his earlier demand for including riots under the purview of the National Investigation Agency (NIA), Antulay said, "On the issue of federal agency, I said what was in the hearts of millions of Indians... I have told the truth."

"Nobody spoke. But I did. I said so because it has been found that a number of things are pushed under the carpet in the name of state subject. Federal agency is being made... I said it at an opportune moment as a reminder of duty," he argued.

He also refused to accept the opposition's charge that Pakistan can use his remarks on the circumstances surrounding Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare's killing and questioned, "How do you say that Pakistan can use this thing?"

Further clarifying his earlier remarks, Antulay said, "Karkare and two other police officers were definitely killed by the Pakistani terrorists. Even a fool knows this. What I asked was who sent Karkare and the two officers there?" He said print and electronic media twisted his comments.

Both govt and Cong should feel proud of my comments: Antulay-India-The Times of India
Antulay immediately forced to resign.

What democracy
What nationalism
What diversity
This is what he said

Minister Doubts Who Killed Ats Chief Karkare

New Delhi: Union Minorities Affairs Minister A R Antulay suspects the
truth behind Maharashtra Anti-Terror Squad chief Hemant Karkare's
murder is being suppressed.

Karkare was leading the investigation into the Malegaon blast and was
shot dead during the Mumbai terror attacks on November 26. Antulay
told CNN-IBN he was not sure whether Karkare was a victim of terrorism
"or something else".

"Karkare was a very bold officer. I know his acumen was great. He had
vision and was prepare to lay down life for country at any time. Now
how come instead of going to the Taj (Hotel) or the Oberoi (Hotel) he
went to such a place where there was nothing?" said Antulay.

"He was also making an independent investigation. (in which) he found
that there were non-Muslims who were terrorists. Whether he was just a
victim of terror or something (else), I don't know. I knew him
personally; I salute him."

Karkare, Additional Commissioner of Police Ashok Kamte and Inspector
Vijay Salaskar were shot dead by the terrorists who had hijacked a
police vehicle and were speeding away toward the Cama Hospital.

Karkare had come under attack from Hindu groups for arresting Hindus
for the Malegaon blast and was accused of working under political
pressure. At least two Hindu seers and a serving officer have been
arrested for the blast, which killed five persons in the communally
sensitive Maharashtra town on September 29 last year.

Minister doubts who killed ATS chief Karkare
Well Hon. Ex-Minister should present his evidence to the police/agencies.
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