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Indian Media will never cease to be low life...on PM IK.

MBs nay bhi IK keh liye gari drive ki thi bhungi log hain!
The interviewer is currently busy calling Saudi arabia sponsor of terro and financer of terror.
...and this is a supposedly reputable channel.

The ugly lady and her guest were making bakwas and telling lies. Not a single world power has called this spectacular attack (on occupying terrorist Indian soldiers in Pulwama) a terrorist attack. Most of the countries have called it a grave violence and asked Indians to calm down. Now no government give an impression of happiness of the loss of life (of Hindu terrorists) but the fact is that not a single country in world accepts occupied J&K as a legitimate part of India. That implies those countries don't consider the armed struggle by the people of occupied J&K as terrorism as the Indians call it day and night, awake or sleeping, live or dead. Leave alone other countries, even visiting Saudi delegation didn't condemn Pulwama attack as a terrorist attack. Rather their FM flatly refused to blame Pakistan despite Indian requests and persuasions. Indian channels however are busy spreading lies to satisfy their badly hurt ego.
The interviewer is currently busy calling Saudi arabia sponsor of terro and financer of terror.
oh, what a slap on the face of this filthy Indian! "Do you see Kashmir through Pakistani lens or Indian lens..." And the response is: There are UN resolutions on Kashmir issue and we want India and Pakistan sit down and talk to solve it in the interest of people of Kashmir... Where did the 'atoot ang' thingy go? What is flying kick on the *** of this Indian. No one in world really believes in Indian lies of 'atoot ang'?
These kanjars don't know that when IK went to Saudi Arabia, MBS drove him around in Riyad. Bloody idiots. :D
Indian is a "terrorist state". Their media is completely garbage with circus of dumb and stupid anchors and commentators.

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