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Indian Intel Agencies Go After IS Cheerleaders


Aug 5, 2012
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Indian Intel Agencies Go After IS Cheerleaders
PublishedNovember 20, 2015



Ayisha Begum is based in London and is one of the thousands of IS cheergirls active on social media looking for vulnerable boys and girls to radicalise, recruit and spread terror propaganda. Investigators say she appears to be either Indian or Bangladeshi. Her account was taken down in the biggest-ever anti-IS operation in the cyber space launched by Anonymous Hackers.

The hacker group claims to have taken down over 7,000 accounts post the Paris attack but within hours, many of them were back in the virtual world with new identities.

Ayisha was one among them. She reappeared within hours with a new handle and also reposted some of the new accounts of IS sympathisers, who were targeted by Anonymous Hackers. Her main task is to retweet from old IS accounts with new identities. Ayisha promotes Jihad. She posts messages such as “He Who Loves To Meet Allah, Allah Loves To Meet Him”, inciting vulnerable individuals.

Indian intelligence agencies, which have been monitoring the terror outfit’s virtual penetration, have mounted an operation against IS recruiters and propagandists like Ayisha.

Sources said they are sharing real-time information with social media platforms and US and UK agencies to track down suspected Indian propagandists and recruiters. Besides Ayisha, they have also shared information on Abu Ali Al Hindi and Abu hurayra Al-hindi – both suspected IS recruiters and part of Ayisha’s network.

Ayisha too, like Nicky Joseph arrested by Indian agencies, has a sizeable list of followers.

The officials who have been monitoring activities of an Australian recruiter Neil Prakash aka Abu Khaled al-Cambodi said the IS has weaponised social media and all the operatives are working as close-knit groups.“As soon as one account is neutralised, two more would appear in its place and that is why we have noticed mass appeal on several handles giving details of accounts taken down by Anonymous Hackers and their new identity,” an official said adding that most of these accounts and websites are based in the UK, Turkey, Egypt, US, Germany and France.
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